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Plant Biotechnology Journal:适合小麦的基因编辑体系开发

已有 2525 次阅读 2021-7-19 08:48 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Expanding the range of editable targets in the wheat genome using the variants of the Cas12a and Cas9 nucleases

第一作者Wei Wang


通讯作者Eduard Akhunov


背景回顾The development of CRISPR-based editors recognizing distinct protospacer adjacent motifs (PAMs), or having different spacer length/structure requirements broadens the range of possible genomic applications. 

主要研究:We evaluated the natural and engineered variants of Cas12a (FnCas12a and LbCas12a) and Cas9 for their ability to induce mutations in endogenous genes controlling important agronomic traits in wheat. 

结果1-天然:Unlike FnCas12a, LbCas12a induced mutations in the wheat genome, even though with a lower rate than that reported for SpCas9.

结果2-变体:The eight-fold improvement in the gene editing efficiency was achieved for LbCas12a by using the guides flanked by ribozymes and driven by the RNA polymerase II promoter from switchgrassThe efficiency of multiplexed genome editing (MGE) using LbCas12a was mostly similar to that obtained using the simplex RNA guides, and showed substantial increase after subjecting transgenic plants to high-temperature treatment. 

结果3-成功案例:We successfully applied LbCas12a-MGE for generating heritable mutations in a gene controlling grain size and weight in wheat.

结果4-编辑范围拓展:We showed that the range of editable loci in the wheat genome could be further expanded by using the engineered variants of Cas12a (LbCas12a-RVR) and Cas9 (Cas9-NG and xCas9) that recognize the TATV and NG PAMs, respectively, with the Cas9-NG showing higher editing efficiency on the targets with atypical PAMs compared to xCas9. 

结论:In conclusion, our study reports a set of validated natural and engineered variants of Cas12a and Cas9 editors for targeting loci in the wheat genome not amenable to modification using the original SpCas9 nuclease.

 摘 要 



** Eduard Akhunov **





1. 植物抗病基因及植物与病原的互作机制;

2. 小麦改良的遗传和基因组工具及资源;

3. 小麦适应当地环境的遗传基础;

4. 小麦基因组多样性与演化。

doi:  https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13669

Journal: Plant Biotechnology Journal

Published date: July 16, 2021


上一篇:Nature Genetics:茶树单倍型级别基因组揭示茶树的演化历史
下一篇:Current Biology:大豆两个FT同源基因作用于其适应低维度地区和产量提升
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