First author: Maritza van Dop; Affiliations: Wageningen University (瓦赫宁根大学): Wageningen, the Netherlands
Corresponding author: Dolf Weijers
Cell polarity is fundamental for tissue morphogenesis in multicellular organisms. Plants and animals evolved multicellularity independently, and it is unknown whether their polarity systems are derived from a single-celled ancestor. Planar polarity in animals is conferred by Wnt signaling, an ancient signaling pathway transduced by Dishevelled, which assembles signalosomes by dynamic head-to-tail DIX domain polymerization. In contrast, polarity-determining pathways in plants are elusive. We recently discovered Arabidopsis SOSEKI proteins, which exhibit polar localization throughout development. Here, we identify SOSEKI as ancient polar proteins across land plants. Concentration-dependent polymerization via a bona fide DIX domain allows these to recruit ANGUSTIFOLIA to polar sites, similar to the polymerization-dependent recruitment of signaling effectors by Dishevelled. Cross-kingdom domain swaps reveal functional equivalence of animal and plant DIX domains. We trace DIX domains to unicellular eukaryotes and thus show that DIX-dependent polymerization is an ancient mechanism conserved between kingdoms and central to polarity proteins.
通讯:Dolf Weijers (https://f1000.com/prime/thefaculty/member/1058938112246895)
个人简介:1997年,荷兰恩斯赫德,生物化学学士;2002年,荷兰莱顿大学,发育遗传学博士;2002-2006年,德国图宾根大学,Gerd Jürgens实验室博士后。
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.011
Journal: Cell
Published date: January 30, 2020
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