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Horticulture Research:芹菜基因组

已有 4746 次阅读 2020-1-12 16:59 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

The genome sequence of celery (Apium graveolens L.), an important leaf vegetable crop rich in apigenin in the Apiaceae family

First author: Meng-Yao Li; Affiliations: Nanjing Agricultural University (南京农业大学): Nanjing, China

Corresponding author: Ai-Sheng Xiong


Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is a vegetable crop in the Apiaceae family that is widely cultivated and consumed because it contains necessary nutrients and multiple biologically active ingredients, such as apigenin and terpenoids. Here, we report the genome sequence of celery based on the use of HiSeq 2000 sequencing technology to obtain 600.8 Gb of data, achieving ~189-fold genome coverage, from 68 sequencing libraries with different insert sizes ranging from 180 bp to 10 kb in length. The assembled genome has a total sequence length of 2.21 Gb and consists of 34,277 predicted genes. Repetitive DNA sequences represent 68.88% of the genome sequences, and LTR retrotransposons are the main components of the repetitive sequences. Evolutionary analysis showed that a recent whole-genome duplication event may have occurred in celery, which could have contributed to its large genome size. The genome sequence of celery allowed us to identify agronomically important genes involved in disease resistance, flavonoid biosynthesis, terpenoid metabolism, and other important cellular processes. The comparative analysis of apigenin biosynthesis genes among species might explain the high apigenin content of celery. The whole-genome sequences of celery have been deposited at CeleryDB (http://apiaceae.njau.edu.cn/celerydb). The availability of the celery genome data advances our knowledge of the genetic evolution of celery and will contribute to further biological research and breeding in celery as well as other Apiaceae plants.

芹菜是伞形科下的一种蔬菜作物,在全球范围上被广泛栽培和消费,其包含一些人类必需的营养物质和多种生物活性成分,如芹菜素和萜类化合物。本文中,作者基于二代测序技术获得了芹菜的基因组参考序列。作者利用芹菜的基因组DNA构建了68个测序文库,插入片段长度在180bp到10kb之间不等,共获得了600.8Gb的测序数据,测序深度大概为189X。组装的芹菜基因组大小约为2.21Gb,包含34,277个蛋白编码基因。重复序列占了芹菜基因组的68.88%,并且LTR逆转座子是其中最主要的重复序列类型。演化分析显示芹菜基因组在近期发生过一次全基因组复制事件,这可能导致了芹菜现今的基因组较大。作者基于芹菜的参考基因组鉴定了与疾病抗性、类黄酮生物合成、类萜代谢以及其它重要细胞过程有关的关键农艺相关基因。 不同植物物种间芹菜素生物合成基因的比较分析可能揭示了芹菜中芹菜素含量较高的原因。 作者构建了一个芹菜基因组的在线网站,叫做CeleryDB(http://apiaceae.njau.edu.cn/celerydb)。 芹菜基因组数据的公布有利于提高我们对芹菜遗传演化的认识,并将有助于对芹菜以及其他伞形科植物进一步的生物学研究。



doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41438-019-0235-2

Journal: Horticulture Research

Published date: January 06, 2020



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