First author: Fei Zhang; Affiliations: Oklahoma State University (俄克拉荷马州立大学): Ardmore, USA
Corresponding author: Million Tadege
Plant lateral organ development is a complex process involving both transcriptional activation and repression mechanisms. The WOX transcriptional repressor WOX1/STF, the LEUNIG (LUG) transcriptional corepressor and the ANGUSTIFOLIA3 (AN3) transcriptional coactivator play important roles in leaf blade outgrowth and flower development, but how these factors coordinate their activities remains unclear. Here we report physical and genetic interactions among these key regulators of leaf and flower development. We developed a novel in planta transcriptional activation/repression assay and suggest that LUG could function as a transcriptional coactivator during leaf blade development. MtLUG physically interacts with MtAN3, and this interaction appears to be required for leaf and flower development. A single amino acid substitution at position 61 in the SNH domain of MtAN3 protein abolishes its interaction with MtLUG, and its transactivation activity and biological function. Mutations in lug and an3 enhanced each other's mutant phenotypes. Both the lug and an3 mutations enhanced the wox1 prs leaf and flower phenotypes in Arabidopsis. Our findings together suggest that transcriptional repression and activation mediated by the WOX, LUG and AN3 regulators function in concert to promote leaf and flower development, uncovering novel mechanistic insights into the complex regulation of plant lateral organ development.
植物侧生器官的发育是一个十分复杂的过程,同时涉及到转录激活和抑制。WOX转录抑制因子WOX1/STF、LUG转录共抑制因子以及AN3转路共激活因子在叶片生长和花发育过程中发挥重要作用,但这些因子是如何相互协调其活性还不清楚。本文,作者报道了这些叶片和花发育关键调控因子之间的物理和遗传互作。作者开发了一套新的、在植物体内实施的转录激活/抑制试验,结果显示LUG在叶片发育过程中发挥转录共激活的作用。MtLUG与MtAN3在物理上互作,并且这种互作对于叶片和花的发育是必需的。MtAN3蛋白中SNH结构域上第61号位的单氨基酸替换能够使其不能与MtLUG发生互作。lug突变体中an3的突变或者an3突变体中lug的突变均能够增强各自的突变体表型。另外,lug和an3的突变都能够增强拟南芥wox1 prs双突变体的叶片和花表型。本文的研究显示由WOX、LUG和AN3介导的转录激活和抑制协同作用于叶片和花的正常发育,揭示了植物侧生器官发育的复杂调控机制。
通讯:Million Tadege(http://pss.okstate.edu/pass-drctry/faculty/tadege/million-tadege)
doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.15921
Journal: New Phytologist
First Published: May 14, 2019
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