Nectary Specification in Petunia and Arabidopsis
First author: Jennifer Mach; Affiliations: The Plant Cell 2958 N Kilbourn Ave: Chicago, USA
Corresponding author: Jennifer Mach
Studies of flower development have lots of information about petals, carpels (心皮), and stamens, but let’s not forget the birds and the bees-and the flies and moths-and what draws pollinators (授粉者) to insect-pollinated flowers, including flower color, shape, and rewards that provide energy. For example, to attract pollinators, many plants produce sugar-rich nectar (花蜜), secreted from specialized organs called nectaries (蜜腺). One tricky (and by tricky, I mean fascinating) aspect of studying nectaries is that different species develop nectaries in different positions relative to the more conserved positions of the other floral organs. Indeed, most angiosperm species develop nectaries near the carpels or stamens, but some develop nectaries on the petiole (叶柄) or at the base of the leaf.
p.s. 本文介绍了里昂高等师范学院Michiel Vandenbussche八月份在PLANT CELL上发表的一篇关于开花基因ABC模型中C类基因参与矮牵牛与拟南芥蜜腺特化的文章(The floral C-lineage Genes Trigger Nectary Development in Petunia and Arabidopsis)。
doi: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.18.00692
Journal: Plant Cell
First Published: 10 September, 2018
(P.S. 原文下载:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qFiSsqwlF_7JjmGMbedfhQ 密码:dmu6)
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