读到一篇总结学术不端的文章,感觉总结得非常到位! 本篇文章中所述的最恶劣学术不端行为,在祖国大地似乎遍地都是! 由于文章是老外写的,因此,我们可以假想他们要求的标准是不是比中国要高些? 便于部分中国读者阅读, 我对此文进行了翻译。
There are several ideas going around in my head regarding the reasons for the growing plagiarism in academic publications and that someone is willing to get into this game for money:
最近,就学术出版中日益增长的抄袭行为,以及某些人总是愿意为了钱去玩此类游戏, 我脑海中时常盘旋着这样几种想法:
There is great pressure to publish. 也许是发表文章的压力太大.
Capitalism is pervading everything. 也许是资本主义正在每一个角落蔓延.
In general, professors are not well paid. 总体来说,教授们的薪水还是太少.
Some publishing activities are not remunerated, as academic editor or peer review.有些出版活动无从得到回报, 如当学术编辑和做同行评审! (就是说还是要当作者才能体现价值?--译者)
And trying to clarify this issue in blogs and online discussions, I have been able to make a list of the types of plagiarism that currently exist, that could be seen as the worst practices for pirate-authors:
为了能够在博客和在线讨论中把这个问题阐述清楚,我对现今存在的各类抄袭行为进行了归纳总结, 这些可以称得上是海盗作者最恶劣的行径。
Plagiarism: kidnapping or appropriation of others thoughts and ideas without acknowledging its source.
Self-plagiarism or recycling fraud: reuse of your own texts without attributing previous publication.
Ghost writing: write books, articles or other texts that are credited to another person, generally for money.
Honorary authorship: include authors in a publication without adding value or contributing, inflating its credentials.
Duplicate publication: use your own publications more than once, changing the title and abstract.
Salami slicing: creating several short publications out of material that could have, perhaps more validly, been published as a single article in a journal or review.
Remix or mosaic plagiarism: mixing several publications to obtain more publishable units.
Image and data manipulation: modify data and results to obtain another document for publication.
It is amusing and dangerous at the same time the combination of some of the above activities, such as ghost writing and plagiarism, it would be that you pay for an article to be written but that in turn is plagiarized, so at the end, apart from wasting your money, you may run many risks, as the reputational one.
I am not sure before, but now with open access and the Internet is becoming easier to detect plagiarism of any of the existing types. Recently in Spain a professor has been condemned for plagiarizing a chapter of a student. In line with those worst practices above, the article could have been coauthored with the student – that is, the professor adds his name and the student the content, or that he did not even remember that it was not his? But I guess believing to be very smart is worse than plagiarism.
Source: http://howtopublishinjournals.com/category/writing/
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