据美国科学公共图书馆 (Public Library of Science简称PLoS)2025年3月18日提供的消息,新的癌症理论可能会改变我们所知道的一切(The New Cancer Theory That Could Change Everything We Know)。
在最近的一篇文章中,科学家们对目前流行的以基因为中心的癌症模型提出了挑战,主张转向更全面的观点,将癌症发展中的非遗传因素包括在内。(In a recent essay, scientists challenge the prevailing genetic-focused model of cancer, advocating for a shift towards more holistic views that include non-genetic factors in cancer development.)
他们批评了当前基因研究的不一致性,并建议考虑其他范式,如基因调控网络(gene regulatory networks)和组织组织理论(tissue organization theories)的破坏。这种方法可能导致更有效的癌症治疗和预防措施,以防止环境非诱变致癌物(environmental non-mutagenic carcinogens)。相关研究结果于2025年3月18日已经在《公共科学图书馆·生物学》(PLOS Biology)杂志网站发表——Sui Huang, Ana M. Soto, Carlos Sonnenschein. The end of the genetic paradigm of cancer. PLoS Biology, 18 March 2025. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3003052. Published: March 18, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3003052
参与此项研究的有来自美国西雅图的系统生物学研究所(Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, Washington, United States of America)以及美国塔夫茨大学医学院(Tufts University School of Medicine, Immunology, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America)的研究人员。
重新评估癌症研究(Reevaluating Cancer Research)
美国系统生物学研究所的黄熣(Sui Huang音译)及其塔夫茨大学医学院的同事在《公共科学图书馆·生物学》杂志上新发表的文章中说,研究人员应该重新考虑长期以来认为癌症主要是一种遗传疾病的观点。
几十年来,主流理论一直认为,当正常细胞积累了基因突变,使其不受控制地生长和繁殖时,癌症就会发生。这个想法推动了主要的基因组测序项目,如癌症基因组图谱(The Cancer Genome Atlas),旨在识别癌症驱动突变和开发靶向治疗。
挑战现状(Challenging the Status Quo)
然而,黄熣和他的同事们质疑这种体细胞突变理论(somatic mutation theory),称其无效。他们强调了基因数据的不一致性,比如没有可识别的驱动突变的癌症,以及携带致癌突变但没有形成肿瘤的正常组织。
相反,他们提倡一种更广泛、更全面的方法,考虑基因突变之外的生物系统。他们提出了替代模型,包括黄熣提出的癌症作为基因调控网络的破坏或安娜·索托-卡洛斯·索南施因(Ana M. Soto-Carlos Sonnenschein)提出的作为组织组织的破坏(breakdown in tissue organization),其中细胞环境的干扰有助于肿瘤的发展。根据作者的说法,探索这些替代框架可以为癌症的起源提供新的见解,并指导未来的研究。
超越基因突变(Beyond Genetic Mutations)
该研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)国家癌症研究所{U.S. National Institutes of Health, NIH (National Cancer Institute R01CA255536-01A1}、美国国家普通医学科学研究所(National Institute of General Medical Sciences R01GM135396-01)、美国国家环境健康科学研究所( National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ES030045)、英国癌症研究所{Cancer Research UK (Cancer Grand Challenge, C67229/A29068)}、邓普顿基金会{Templeton Foundation (grant 62220, subaward A009723018)}、欧盟地平线2020研究与创新计划的FREIA项目{FREIA project of the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (http://freiaproject.eu/wp/; no. 825100)}的资助或支持。
Genome sequencing of cancer and normal tissues, alongside single-cell transcriptomics, continues to produce findings that challenge the idea that cancer is a ‘genetic disease’, as posited by the somatic mutation theory (SMT). In this prevailing paradigm, tumorigenesis is caused by cancer-driving somatic mutations and clonal expansion. However, results from tumor sequencing, motivated by the genetic paradigm itself, create apparent ‘paradoxes’ that are not conducive to a pure SMT. But beyond genetic causation, the new results lend credence to old ideas from organismal biology. To resolve inconsistencies between the genetic paradigm of cancer and biological reality, we must complement deep sequencing with deep thinking: embrace formal theory and historicity of biological entities, and (re)consider non-genetic plasticity of cells and tissues. In this Essay, we discuss the concepts of cell state dynamics and tissue fields that emerge from the collective action of genes and of cells in their morphogenetic context, respectively, and how they help explain inconsistencies in the data in the context of SMT.
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