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已有 9249 次阅读 2010-12-27 17:22 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:科研笔记| 复杂网络, 随机游走, 平均首达时间


        复杂网络上的随机游走是我近两年最主要的研究方向之一,2010年我又以此作为主题申请到了一项国家自然科学基金。最近两年,我和合作者发表了不少关于复杂网络上随机游走的文章,其中有多篇文章受到了审稿人的好评。从国际同行的意见来看,复杂网络上的随机游走是当前十分活跃的领域之一,希望国内有更多的研究人员加入这一领域的探索。下面是审稿人对我们一些发表在《Physical Review E》上主要工作的评价。


[1] Zhang Zhongzhi, Qi Yi, Zhou Shuigeng, Xie Wenlei, and Guan Jihong. Exact solution for mean first-passage time on a pseudofractal scale-free web. Physical Review E, 2009, 79: 021127.

评价“The subject is very topical and the calculations give rise to new scaling results that differ from those obtained from standard homogeneous fractal lattices.” “This mean first-passage time is cleverly computed by a novel method.”


[2] Zhang Zhongzhi, Lin Yuan, Gao Shuyang, Zhou Shuigeng, Guan Jihong, and Li Mo. Trapping in scale-free networks with hierarchical organization of modularity, Physical Review E, 2009, 80: 051120.

评价“As a general comment, the paper is clear and easily accessible, and the described subject is interesting and appealing for the broad community of statistical physics.” “The article is sound and well written, and seems free from technical faults. Taking into account the relevance of diffusion problems on complex networks, properly pointed out also by the authors in the introduction, I therefore recommend it for publication in Phys. Rev. E.”


[3] Zhang Zhongzhi, Zhou Shuigeng, Xie Wenlei, Chen Lichao, Lin Yuan, and Guan Jihong. Standard random walks and trapping on the Koch network with scale-free behavior and small-world effect, Physical Review E, 2009, 79:061113.

评价“In my opinion, the paper is very important for the field, because we do not yet understand well diffusion in complex networks especially in real networks, and any proper study can be a help towards this goal.”


[4] Zhongzhi Zhang, Wu Bin, Zhang Hongjuan, Zhou Shuigeng, Guan Jihong, and Wang Zhigang. Determining global mean-first-passage time of random walks on Vicsek fractals using eigenvalues of Laplacian matrices. Physical Review E, 2010, 81:031118.

评价“This is a nice paper examining the global first passage time of random walks on Vicsek fractals.” “The paper is quite well written and structured.”


[5] Zhang Zhongzhi, Xie Wenlei, Zhou Shuigeng, Li Mo, and Guan Jihong. Distinct scalings for mean first-passage time of random walks on scale-free networks with the same degree sequence, Physical Review E, 2009, 80:061111.

评价“The result is particularly surprising, the topic is currently of great interest, the manuscript contains new exact results and the research is clearly presented, so that I would recommend publication on PRE.”


[6] Lin Yuan, Wu Bin, and Zhang Zhongzhi. Determining mean first-passage time on a class of treelike regular fractals. Physical Review E, 2010, 82:021140.

评价“This paper presents a new method of calculation of mean first-passage times of random walks on treelike regular fractals.” “I appreciate that this method does not require the computation of eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix as in other approaches, and I think that this work deserves publication.”




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