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How to insert symbols in MS Word 2007 (revised)

已有 3738 次阅读 2010-4-12 07:34 |个人分类:Scientific Writing|系统分类:教学心得| symbol

You may say this is trivial, and it is once you have learned how to do it.
I see various versions of  “ºC” for temperature and  “ºN” for latitude; some are pretty, what can I say,  ugly looking (for the lack of beautiful words popping up in my mind).
Here is how you do it.  Press down the “Alt” key and hold it, then hit “i” key followed by “s” key. A new world of letters and symbols will be available to you now…

      Ok, that was too simple, even for some professional Word users
1) How to select the perfect degree sign:

      Make sure you use Font: Times New Roman.  It's not my favor font for Blogging, but I will use it for this one.

      Make sure the table is for “Symbols” (not for “Special Characters”).
Choose Font: (normal text)
Choose Subset: Latin-1 Supplement
When you highlight the perfect degree sign, you will see “Character code: 00BA from Unicode (hex)” below the row for “Recently used symbols.”

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