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Dr. Lustig的两本书(双语介绍)

已有 1072 次阅读 2023-10-20 08:24 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦












别怪我吓唬你。我只是分享了Dr. Lustig的两本书中1%的“恐怖事实”。









你上网搜一下:a calorie is not a calorie (卡路里不是卡路里


[Food calories affect the body very differently depending on their source and the overall context in which they are consumed. This article explains why not all calories are equal.,real%20implications%20for%20weight%20management.]

[食物热量对身体的影响有很大不同,具体取决于其来源和摄入的整体环境。 本文解释了为什么并非所有卡路里都是相等的。]

1. The energy cost to metabolize fat, carbs and protein is different

2. Calorie restriction slows metabolism

3. Protein reduces appetite

4. Fiber reduces calorie absorption

5. Timing of eating affects calorie processing


Dr. Lustig根据两个新标准,解释了“吃什么”:保护肝脏和喂养肠道菌。(protect the liver, and feed the gut.



Robert H. Lustig, MD, MSL, is the editor of the academic volume Obesity Before Birth and the internationally acclaimed author of the popular works Fat ChanceSugar Has 56 NamesThe Fat Chance Cookbook, and The Hacking of the American Mind. He is Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics 【儿科】 in the Division of Endocrinology 內分泌学and a member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF. He lectures globally and consults with numerous medical societies and policy organizations to improve population health. He lives with his family in San Francisco.


Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine 2021

The New York Times bestselling author of Fat Chance explains the eight pathologies that underlie all chronic disease, documents how processed food has impacted them to ruin our health, economy, and environment over the past 50 years, and proposes an urgent manifesto and strategy to cure both us and the planet.

《纽约时报》畅销书《Fat Chance》的作者解释了构成所有慢性疾病的八种病症,记录了过去 50 年来加工食品如何影响这些病症,从而破坏我们的健康、经济和环境,并提出了一项紧急宣言和一套治疗我们和地球的策略。

Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric neuroendocrinologist who has long been on the cutting edge of medicine and science, challenges our current healthcare paradigm which has gone off the rails under the influence of Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Government.

You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what the problem is. One of Lustig’s singular gifts as a communicator is his ability to “connect the dots” for the general reader, in order to unpack the scientific data and concepts behind his arguments, as he tells the “real story of food” and “the story of real food.” 

Metabolical weaves the interconnected strands of nutrition, health/disease, medicine, environment, and society into a completely new fabric by proving on a scientific basis a series of iconoclastic revelations, among them: 

·       Medicine for chronic disease treats symptoms, not the disease itself

·       You can diagnose your own biochemical profile 

·       Chronic diseases are not "druggable," but they are "foodable" 

·       Processed food isn’t just toxic, it’s addictive

·       The war between vegan and keto is a false war—the combatants are on the same side

·       Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Government are on the other side

Making the case that food is the only lever we have to effect biochemical change to improve our health, Lustig explains what to eat based on two novel criteria: protect the liver, and feed the gut. He insists that if we do not fix our food and change the way we eat, we will continue to court chronic disease, bankrupt healthcare, and threaten the planet. But there is hope: this book explains what’s needed to fix all three.





如果你不知道问题是什么,你就无法解决问题。 勒斯蒂格作为传播者的独特天赋之一是他能够为普通读者连接过程、因果关系,以便解开他的论点背后的科学数据和概念,因为他讲述了食物的真实故事 “real story of food”真正的食物的故事 “the story of real food” 








纯素和生酮之间的战争是一场虚假的战争【The war between vegan and keto is a false war——这些战斗者们是站在同一边的



勒斯蒂格证明食物是我们影响生化变化以改善健康的唯一杠杆,他根据两个新标准解释了吃什么:保护肝脏和喂养肠道。 他坚称,如果我们不解决食物问题并改变饮食方式,我们将继续患上慢性疾病,使医疗保健破产,并威胁地球。 但希望还是有的:这本书解释了如何解决这三个问题。


Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease2013


The landmark New York Times best seller that reveals how the explosion of sugar in our diets has created an obesity epidemic, and what we can do to save ourselves.



Robert Lustig is at the forefront of war against sugar — showing us that it's toxic, it's addictive, and it's everywhere because the food companies want it to be. His 90-minute YouTube video "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" has been viewed more than 7 million times. Now, in this landmark book, he documents the science and the politics that have led to personal misery and public crisis — the pandemic of obesity and chronic disease--over the last thirty years.
In the late 1970s, when the U.S. government declared that we needed to get the fat out of our diets, the food industry responded by pumping in more sugar to make food more palatable (and more salable), and by removing the fiber to make food last longer on the shelf. The result has been a perfect storm for our health, disastrously altering our biochemistry to make us think we're starving, drive our eating habits out of our control, and turn us into couch potatoes. If we cannot control how we eat, it's because of the catastrophic excess of sugar in our diet--the resulting hormonal imbalances have rewired our brains!
To help us lose weight and recover our health, Lustig presents strategies we can each use to readjust the key hormones that regulate hunger, reward, and stress, as well as societal strategies to improve the health of the next generation. With scientific rigor and even a little humor, 
Fat Chance categorically proves that "a calorie is not a calorie," and takes that knowledge to its logical conclusion--an overhaul of the global food system.


罗伯特·勒斯蒂格(Robert Lustig)站在反糖战的最前线,他向我们展示了糖是有毒的,糖会让人上瘾,而且糖无处不在,因为食品公司希望如此。 他的 90 分钟YouTube 视频糖:苦涩的真相已被观看超过 700 万次。 现在,在这本具有里程碑意义的书中,他记录了过去30年来导致个人痛苦和公共危机(肥胖和慢性病流行)的科学和政治。


20 世纪 70 年代末,当美国政府宣布我们需要从饮食中去除脂肪时,食品工业的反应是添加更多的糖以使食物更可口(也更畅销),并通过去除纤维来制造食物 在货架上保存时间更长。 结果对我们的健康造成了一场完美的风暴,灾难性地改变了我们的生物化学,让我们认为自己正在挨饿,让我们的饮食习惯失去控制,让我们变成“沙发上的土豆”(couch potatoes)。 如果我们无法控制自己的饮食方式,那是因为我们的饮食中糖分过量造成了灾难性的后果——由此产生的荷尔蒙失衡已经重塑了我们的大脑!

为了帮助我们减肥和恢复健康,勒斯蒂格提出了我们可以用来重新调整调节饥饿、奖励和压力的关键激素的策略,以及改善下一代健康的社会策略。 Fat Chance》以科学的严谨性,甚至还有点幽默,明确地证明了卡路里不是卡路里,并将这一知识得出了合乎逻辑的结论——对全球食品体系进行彻底改革。

上一篇:科技英语写作基础(for SIO):abstract on daily precipitation
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