Day 1 (9-11 am): Overview of the course+how to give a presentation (my ppt)/Scientific writing 101 in English (my ppt taught in English as requested by many students)
Day 2 (9-11 am): “Make-up 101”/Student presentation (<3 min in any language, to survey their comfort level with English speaking in public)
Day 3 (1:30-3:30 pm): Essay writing with reading (Chapter 1; go slowly and teach students how to use the textbook. I moved up this lecture and hope all students will buy the textbook)/How to Email+ student presentation cont’
Day 4 (9-11 am): Grammar (语态、时态)/Grammar (标点符号)
Day 5 (9-11 am): Grammar (主谓语一致性、代词、分词短语)/Grammar (陈述句、简洁、文体)+评论摘要demo
Homework #1: Prepare a ppt (1-3 pages)
File name: firstname_lastname_HW##.doc (##=01, 02, etc.)
Homework #2: Write a 600-word essay in Chinese (writing well requires logic, which is the same for any language)
Remember that revising is the key for strong writing!
(发现有些同学不知道essay 是什么)
Homework #3:
Write a 200-word paragraph in English
“The best or worst teacher you ever had”
(Start with a point in the 1st sentence, followed by three reasons to support the point)
Homework #4: (no due date)
Email me
Subject: how I plan to improve my English
Content: 5-10 sentences
Homework #5: (no due date)
Analyze an abstract, and email the ppt file to me
Day 6 (9-11 am): Analyze abstracts & Do Ch 1 Activities 4 & 5 in class (with “answers”)/Essay writing with reading (Chapter 2)+no activities in class+study a student model (draft+revision #1)
Day 7 (9-11 am): Essay writing with reading (Ch 3, activities 3, 7-9; go slowly and teach students how to use the textbook)/(Ch 4&17)
Day 8 (1:30-3:30 pm): Essay writing with reading (Ch 6&7)/Mid-term (42/46; use laptop & email/some could not email & used USB)
Day 9 (9-11 am): Essay writing with reading (Ch 5&6; should take a break after the Mid-term)
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