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推荐Style Toward Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams

已有 7412 次阅读 2018-11-18 08:47 |个人分类:Scientific Writing|系统分类:教学心得| 英语写作


推荐Style Toward Clarity and Graceby Joseph M. Williams 

With two chapters coauthored by 

Gregory G. Colomb 



Two More Objectives 

We set for ourselves two more objectives, because seeming clarity in professional writing is a matter that depends on more than merely a writer's level of skill. First, mature writers can write badly for different reasons, confusion about a subject, insufficient time to revise, carelessness, entrenched bad habits, sheer incompetence. But to casual readers, these causes may result in what seems to be the same kind of tangled prose. Those who experience problems with their writing have to understand that they must approach different causes of bad writing in different ways. That understanding is even more crucial to those who have to deal with the writing of others. So we explain how bad writing results from different causes and how writers can diagnose different problems and overcome them. 

Google Translate (GT):我们为自己设定了两个目标,因为在专业写作中看似清晰,这不仅仅取决于作者的技能水平。首先,成熟的作家可能因为不同的原因而写得很糟糕,对主题的困惑,修改时间不足,粗心大意,根深蒂固的坏习惯,纯粹的无能。但对于不经意的读者来说,这些原因可能会导致看起来同样纠结的散文。那些在写作方面遇到问题的人必须明白,他们必须以不同的方式处理不良写作的不同原因。对那些必须处理他人写作的人来说,这种理解更为重要。因此,我们解释了不同原因造成的错误写作以及作者如何诊断不同问题并克服它们。


There is a second general objective: It is important for everyone those who write professional prose and those who have to read it to understand not only its social origins but its social consequences. When a piece of writing confuses us, we often assume that we are not up to its demands. Difficult a passage may be, but its complexity is often more seeming than substantial. We have seen hundreds of students experience relief from doubts about their own competence when they realize that if they are unable to understand an article or monograph, it is not necessarily because they are incompetent, but because its author couldn't write clearly. That liberation is a valuable experience. 

GT: 还有第二个总目标:对于每个写专业散文的人和那些必须阅读它的人来说,不仅要了解其社会起源而且要了解其社会后果,这一点非常重要。当一篇文章让我们困惑时,我们常常认为我们不能满足它的要求。通道可能很难,但其复杂性通常看起来比实质性更大。我们已经看到数百名学生在意识到如果他们无法理解文章或专着时会对自己的能力产生怀疑,这不一定是因为他们不称职,而是因为其作者无法写清楚。解放是一种宝贵的经验。






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