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文章解读:Development of a Dual-Index Sequencing Strategy...

已有 3939 次阅读 2015-12-1 15:55 |个人分类:科研文章|系统分类:科研笔记| 16s, 建库

文章:Development of a Dual-Index Sequencing Strategy and CurationPipeline for Analyzing Amplicon Sequence Data on the MiSeqIllumina Sequencing Platform

   测序平台越来越丰富,考虑选择测序平台的时候主要考虑如下因素:1)We contend thatsequence quality is the most important consideration,2)A second important consideration is the number ofreads that one can obtain per run and per dollar,3)A third consideration for 16S rRNA studies is thelength of the sequences, as longer sequences are easier to assign toa taxonomic group using a classifier.

   对于Illumina测序平台来讲,测序reads质量影响因素主要是:1)sequence samples with low genetic diversity,2)the amount of DNA loaded ontothe flow cell, as this affects the cluster density and the ability of theimage analysis software to discriminate between clusters.

   常用的建库方式是两步PCR,但是两步PCR容易出现:increasing the risks of artifacts commonly observed with large numbers of PCR rounds. 为此,一步PCR的方式出现,引物会包括:the Illumina adapter sequencean index sequence (onlyfor the reverse primer) 、a 10-nt pad to prevent hairpin formation、a 2-nt linker that is noncomplementary to the 16S rRNA gene和a gene-specific primer。文库的相关示例图如下:







上一篇:文章:An improved dual-indexing approach for multiplexed 16S
下一篇:Ribosomal Database Project(RDP) Classifier的物种分类原理
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