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Zarathustra选译:自我超越(On Self-Overcoming)

已有 4488 次阅读 2012-12-8 01:27 |个人分类:历史人文|系统分类:人文社科| 尼采, 查拉图斯特拉, 诗化哲学散文

查拉苏斯剌如是说(Thus Spake Zarathustra自我超越(On Self-Overcoming

















































On Self-Overcoming
“Will to truth” you call that which drives you and makes you lustful, you
wisest ones?
Will to thinkability of all being, that’s what I call your will!
Youfirst want to make all being thinkable, because you doubt, with
proper suspicion, whether it is even thinkable.
But for you it shall behave and bend! Thus your will wants it. It shall
become smooth and subservient to the spirit, as its mirror and reflection.
That is your entire will, you wisest ones, as a will to power; and even
when you speak of good and evil and of valuations.
You still want to create the world before which you could kneel: this is
your ultimate hope and intoxication.
The unwise, to be sure, the people – they are like a river on which a
skiff floats; valuations are seated in the skiff, solemn and cloaked.
Your will and your values you set upon the river of becoming; what the
people believe to be good and evil reveals to me an ancient will to power.
It was you, you wisest ones, who placed such guests into the skiff and
gave them pomp and proud names – you and your dominating will!
Now the river carries your skiff along: it has to carry it. It matters little
whether the breaking wave foams and angrily opposes the keel!
The river is not your danger and the end of your good and evil, you wis-
est ones; but this will itself, the will to power – the unexhausted begetting
will of life.
But in order that you understand my words on good and evil, I also
want to tell you my words on life and on the nature of all that lives.
I pursued the living, I walked the greatest and the smallest paths in
order to know its nature.
With a hundredfold mirror I captured even its glance, when its mouth
was closed, so that its eyes could speak to me. And its eyes spoke to me.
However, wherever I found the living, there too I heard the speech on
obedience. All living is an obeying.

And this is the second thing that I heard: the one who cannot obey
himself is commanded. Such is the nature of the living.
This however is the third thing that I heard: that commanding is harder
than obeying. And not only that the commander bears the burden of all
obeyers, and that this burden easily crushes him: –
In all commanding it seemed to me there is an experiment and a risk;
and always when it commands, the living risks itself in doing so.
Indeed, even when it commands itself, even then it must pay for its
commanding. Itmust become the judge and avenger and victimof its own
How does this happen? I asked myself. What persuades the living to
obey and command, and to still practice obedience while commanding?
Hearmy words, you wisest ones! Check seriously to see whether I crept
into the very heart of life and into the roots of its heart!
Wherever I found the living, there I found the will to power; and even
in the will of the serving I found the will to be master.
The weaker is persuaded by its own will to serve the stronger, because
it wants to be master over what is still weaker: this is the only pleasure it
is incapable of renouncing.
And as the smaller gives way to the greater, in order for it to have its
pleasure and power over the smallest, so too the greatest gives way, and
for the sake of power it risks – life itself.
That is the giving-way of the greatest, that it is a risk and a danger and
a tossing of dice unto death.
And where there are sacrificing and favors and love-looks, there too is
the will to be master. Along secret passages the weaker sneaks into the
fortress and straight to the heart of themore powerful – and there it steals
And this secret life itself spoke to me: “Behold,” it said, “I am that
which must always overcome itself.
To be sure, you call it will to beget or drive to a purpose, to something
higher, more distant, more manifold: but all this is one, and one secret.
Iwould rather perish than renounce this one thing; and truly, wher-
ever there is decline and the falling of leaves, behold, there life sacrifices
itself – for power!
That I must be struggle and becoming and purpose and the contra-
diction of purposes – alas, whoever guesses my will guesses also on what
crooked paths it must walk!

Whatever I may create and however I may love it – soon I must oppose
it and my love, thus my will wants it.
And even you, seeker of knowledge, are only a path and footstep of my
will; indeed, my will to power follows also on the heels of your will to
Indeed, the one who shot at truth with the words ‘will to existence’ did
not hit it: this will – does not exist!
For, what is not can not will; but what is in existence, how could this
still will to exist!
Only where life is, is there also will; but not will to life, instead – thus
I teach you – will to power!
Much is esteemedmore highly by life than life itself; yet out of esteem-
ing itself speaks – the will to power!” –
Thus life once taught me, and from this I shall yet solve the riddle of
your heart, you wisest ones.
Truly, I say to you: good and evil that would be everlasting – there is
no such thing! They must overcome themselves out of themselves again
and again.
Youdo violence with your values and words of good and evil, you
valuators; and this is your hidden love and the gleaming, trembling and
flowing-over of your souls.
But a stronger force grows out of your values and a new overcoming;
upon it egg and eggshell break.
And whoever must be a creator in good and evil – truly, he must first
be an annihilator and break values.
Thus the highest evil belongs to the highest goodness, but this is the
creative one. –
Let us speak of this, you wisest ones, even if it is bad to do so. Keeping
silent is worse; all truths that are kept silent become poisonous.
And may everything break that can possibly be broken by our truths!
Many a house has yet to be built!


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