译者:郑中(Geongs Zhern)
霍金掉入灰洞咋办啊 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=289142&do=blog&id=1058967
2015年睿思演讲录(THE REITH LECTURES 2015)
睿思演讲录:斯蒂芬•霍金教授(Professor Stephen Hawking)
正常恒星在大部分寿命期间,超过许多个十亿年,将反抗自身的引力,通过氢转化成氦的核过程所导致的热压,而维持自身。然而最终,恒星将耗尽它的核燃料。恒星将收缩。在有些情况中,它能使自身保持作为一颗白矮星。但钱德拉赛卡(Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar)在1930年证明了白矮星的最大质量约为太阳质量的1.4倍。为了恒星产生全部中微子,苏联物理学家列夫•兰道(Lev Landau)也推算出类似的最大质量。
那些比白矮星或中子星质量更大的无数恒星,当它们已耗尽核燃料时,其命运会如何呢?该问题被罗伯特•沃本海默(RobertOppenheimer;后来原子弹的声誉)研究过。在1939年的几篇论文中,他与乔吉•沃尔科夫(George Volkoff)和哈兰德•斯耐德(Hartland Snyder),证明了这种恒星不会被压力维持。而如果有人忽略了压强,一个标准的球对称恒星回收缩成一个无限大密度的单点。这个点叫做奇点。我们关于空间的所有理论被形式化,基于假设“时空是平滑而几乎平直的”,所以它们在奇点失败了,那儿的时空曲率是无限大。实际上,这标志着时间自身的终结。那就是爱因斯坦发现如此反感之处。
爱因斯坦方程在奇点处未被定义。这意味着在这个无限密度的点处,人们不能预测未来。这暗示无论恒星何时坍缩,怪事总会发生。如果奇点不是裸露的,即它们没受到外部的保护,那么我们就不会受预测失败所影响。当约翰•惠勒在1967年引入了术语“黑洞”,它代替了早期的名称“冻结星”(frozenstar)。惠勒强调坍缩恒星如何形成残留体,值得感兴趣。新名称很快被嘲笑。这说明事物是黑暗而神秘的,但法国就是法国,看见了一个更加淫邪的含义。(笑声)过了几年,他们恢复了名称trou noir(法语黑洞),并声称它是淫邪的。(笑声)但那有点像试图反对重温蜜月(Le Week-end)和其它异域英语(Franglais)。在最后,他们不得不放弃。谁能抗拒这样一个胜利者的称号呢?
虽然熵与事件视界面积之间具有明显的相似性,但对于我们来说,面积怎么作为黑洞自身的熵的标志,这还不显明。黑洞熵意味着什么?在1972年,雅各布•贝肯斯坦(Jacob Bekenstein)作了至关重要的说明,他是普林斯顿大学的一名研究生,而后来在耶路撒冷希伯莱大学。于是变得就像这样。当黑洞由引力坍缩而产生时,黑洞快速变迁到一种定态,仅具有三个特征参量:质量、角动量和电荷。除这三个特征参量之外,黑洞没保存坍缩天体的其它细节。
苏•劳丽:谢谢您!由衷感谢您,斯蒂芬。好啦,现在我们问了想问您的听众,他们的问题洪水般涌来,有几百个。我们已选择一个有代表性的问题,并邀请了一些听众来到现场当面提出他们的问题。你会感激观众,我们不得不提前给斯蒂芬问题,这样他就可以将他的问题编码输入他的电脑了。更好的办法是通过他的面肌运动,当红外探测器扫描那些运动时,你将听到微小的哔哔声。这不是一个迅速的过程,大约一个单词一分钟,但现在回答都在那儿。所以,如果你准备好了,那就让我开始问安迪•法卞(Andy Fabian),他是一位天文学家和天体物理学家,是剑桥大学天文学研究所所长,因此是斯蒂芬的一位同事——安迪,提你的问题,请提吧。
苏•劳丽:好吧,让我们追究这个主题“黑洞如何追上我们观看它们的时候?”而实际上当我们不观测它们时,就转向这里来自西中陆郡(West Midlands)的一群年青爱好者吧。他们是来自沃索尔(Walsall)巴尔灯塔(Barr Beacon)中学的徒儿们,他们年龄在十二三岁左右。凯特•哈瑞斯(KateHarris),你是他们的教师。你如何让他们对宇宙学和其它一切感兴趣的?
苏•劳丽:是的,如此有趣无休。好,让我们从他们之一提出一个问题。阿如尼亚•穆拉立达然(Aruniya Muraleedaran),你十二岁了吧。你的问题是啥?
苏•劳丽:好,这可能因为我对你解释它。(笑声)现在到了提一个更个性的问题——我们实际上收到了他们许多邮件。这是一位来自广播电台4的17岁听众。他的名字叫盾勘•迈克金朗(Duncan McKinnon)。你告诉我们,盾勘,斯蒂芬曾对你是一种鼓舞。用什么方式?
苏•劳丽:…他们关注电影明星埃迪·雷德梅尼(Eddie Redmayne)
苏•劳丽:我们让斯蒂芬的女儿露茜•霍金(Lucy Hawking)到这儿,正在朝前台那儿走去。露茜,你已看了斯蒂芬超过四十年了,如果你不介意我说那个。(笑声)
苏•劳丽:而我们必须到此结束了。感谢你做了这个值得怀念的事情。在BBC睿思网站上有大量的科学主题,包括斯蒂芬提及的罗伯特•沃本海默——原子弹之父,天体物理学家马廷•瑞斯(Martin Rees),射电天文学家伯纳德•罗福尔(Bernard Lovell)以及更多。有一个1948年的录音记录的档案,大家看一看:
[1]译注:访谈者苏•劳丽(SUE LAWLEY),全名苏圣•劳丽(Susan Lawley),生于1946年,英国资深广播员,在2001年获得官佐勋章(OBE)。
[2]译注:睿思讲坛(Reith Lecture)是英国的一个年度广播讲坛系列,由当代领导人物作讲谈,受BBC和BBC广播四频道和BBC世界服务台的委托。该讲坛由BBC创始于1948年,以纪念对公共服务广播作出历史性贡献的约翰•睿思先生(曾为该机构的第一总干事)。睿思讲坛的目的是推进公众理解力,并争论当代有趣的重要问题。第一次睿思演讲者是哲学家和诺贝尔获得者伯特兰•罗素(BertrandRussell)。第一位女性演讲者是达穆•马杰丽•裴翰(Dame Margery Perham)。
ReithLecturer: Professor Stephen Hawking
Lecture1: Do black holes have no hair?
SUE LAWLEY: Hello and welcome to the BBCReith Lectures. We’re at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in the West End of London. It was founded in 1799, to encouragepeople (and I quote) ‘to think more deeply about the wonders and applicationsof science’. Can there be a better person to fulfil that ambition than thisyear’s lecturer?
When we advertised his name on theairwaves, 20,000 listeners applied for tickets. So I am looking at 400 luckypeople gathered here in this historic lecture theatre.
A little bit first about the man whocommands such interest: He was a brilliant, though by his own admission ‘lazy’physics student at Oxfordin the 1960s (the course was ‘ridiculously easy’ he said). (laughter) But thecareer which followed, like the stars he loves so much, has shone brightly eversince. Despite being diagnosed with a rare form of Motor Neurone Disease whenhe was 21 and the physical deprivations it has caused, his work on the lawswhich govern the universe have been ground-breaking.
The subject of his Reith Lectures is – whatelse – Black Holes. They’ve held a fascination for him for the past half century.Virtually invisible and billions of miles away, we nevertheless regard them asmenacing. A mistake, says our lecturer – if we could understand them, then wecould possibly unlock the secrets of the Universe.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome theworld’s most famous scientist and the BBC Reith Lecturer, Professor StephenHawking.
Stephen, welcome. The last time webroadcast together, it was Christmas 1992 and it was on another BBC radioprogramme, and you were struggling to choose between chocolate mousse and crèmebrulee. Yeah – it was Desert Island Discs and that was to be your luxury. Iwonder if you remember this? Your mother has said that you always had what she describedas a strong sense of wonder. “I could see that the stars could draw him”, shesaid.
Do you remember that?
STEPHEN HAWKING: I remember coming homelate one night from London.In those days they turned the street lights out at midnight to save money. Isaw the night sky as I had never seen it before, with the Milky Way going rightacross. There won’t be street lights on my desert island, so I should get agood view of the stars.
SUE LAWLEY: Well, that was 23 years ago andyou didn’t really fancy being castaway, I recall:
STEPHEN HAWKING: Can you hear me?
STEPHEN HAWKING: 23 years ago, the idea ofbeing stuck on a desert island filled me with horror. At that time, I wanted tobe in the heart of the action, where things were happening, not stuck in someremote quiet spot. Now that I am older, a desert island suddenly sounds quiteappealing. (laughter) I might get much more work done. But I still don't wantto go if there's no crème brulee. (laughter) Physics is fascinating but afterall, you can't have it for pudding.
SUE LAWLEY: Well right now – physics is themain course. So serve it up if you would, Stephen. Ladies and Gentlemen – Lecture Number One isentitled Do Black Holes Have no Hair?
STEPHEN HAWKING: My talk is on black holes.It is said that fact is sometimes stranger than fiction, and nowhere is thatmore true than in the case of black holes. Black holes are stranger thananything dreamed up by science fiction writers, but they are firmly matters ofscience fact. The scientific community was slow to realize that massive starscould collapse in on themselves, under their own gravity, and how the objectleft behind would behave. Albert Einstein even wrote a paper in 1939, claimingstars could not collapse under gravity, because matter could not be compressedbeyond a certain point. Many scientists shared Einstein's gut feeling. Theprincipal exception was the American scientist John Wheeler, who in many waysis the hero of the black hole story. Inhis work in the 1950s and ‘60s, he emphasized that many stars would eventuallycollapse, and the problems that posed for theoretical physics. He also foresawmany of the properties of the objects which collapsed stars become, that is,black holes.
During most of the life of a normal star,over many billions of years, it will support itself against its own gravity, bythermal pressure, caused by nuclear processes, which convert hydrogen intohelium. Eventually, however, the star will exhaust its nuclear fuel. The starwill contract. In some cases, it may be able to support itself as a white dwarfstar. However Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar showed in 1930, that the maximum massof a white dwarf star, is about 1.4 times that of the Sun. A similar maximummass was calculated by Soviet physicist, Lev Landau, for a star made entirelyof neutrons.
What would be the fate of those countlessstars, with greater mass than a white dwarf or neutron star, when they hadexhausted nuclear fuel? The problem was investigated by Robert Oppenheimer, oflater atom bomb fame. In a couple of papers in 1939, with George Volkoff andHartland Snyder, he showed that such a star could not be supported by pressure.And that if one neglected pressure, a uniform spherically systematic symmetricstar would contract to a single point of infinite density. Such a point is calleda singularity. All our theories of space are formulated on the assumption thatspace-time is smooth and nearly flat, so they break down at the singularity,where the curvature of space-time is infinite. In fact, it marks the end oftime itself. That is what Einstein found so objectionable.
Then the war intervened. Most scientists,including Robert Oppenheimer, switched their attention to nuclear physics, andthe issue of gravitational collapse was largely forgotten. Interest in the subject revived with thediscovery of distant objects, called quasars. The first quasar, 3C273, was discovered in 1963. Many otherquasars were soon discovered. They were bright, despite being at greatdistances. Nuclear processes could not account for their energy output, becausethey release only a percent fraction of their rest mass as pure energy. Theonly alternative was gravitational energy, released by gravitationalcollapse.
Gravitational collapses of stars werere-discovered. It was clear that a uniform spherical star would contract to apoint of infinite density, a singularity.
The Einstein equations can't be defined ata singularity. This means at this point of infinite density, one can't predictthe future. This implies something strange could happen whenever a starcollapsed. We wouldn't be affected by the breakdown of prediction, if thesingularities are not naked, that is, they are not shielded from the outside.When John Wheeler introduced the term black hole in 1967, it replaced theearlier name, frozen star. Wheeler's coinage emphasized that the remnants ofcollapsed stars are of interest in their own right, independently of how theywere formed. The new name caught on quickly. It suggested something dark andmysterious, But the French, being French, saw a more risque meaning. (laughter)For years, they resisted the name trou noir, claiming it was obscene.(laughter) But that was a bit like trying to stand against Le Week-end, andother Franglais. In the end, they had to give in. Who can resist a name that is such a winner?
From the outside, you can't tell what isinside a black hole. You can throwtelevision sets, diamond rings, or even your worst enemies into a black hole,and all the black hole will remember is the total mass, and the state of rotation.John Wheeler is known for expressing this principle as “a black hole has nohair”. To the French, this just confirmed their suspicions. (laughter)
A black hole has a boundary, called theevent horizon. It is where gravity is just strong enough to drag light back,and prevent it escaping. Because nothing can travel faster than light,everything else will get dragged back also. Falling through the event horizonis a bit like going over Niagara Fallsin a canoe. If you are above the falls, you can get away if you paddle fastenough, but once you are over the edge, you are lost. There's no way back. Asyou get nearer the falls, the current gets faster. This means it pulls harderon the front of the canoe than the back. There's a danger that the canoe will be pulled apart. It is the samewith black holes. If you fall towards a black hole feet first, gravity willpull harder on your feet than your head, because they are nearer the blackhole. The result is you will be stretched out longwise, and squashed insideways. If the black hole has a mass of a few times our sun you would be tornapart, and made into spaghetti before you reached the horizon. However, if youfell into a much larger black hole, with a mass of a million times the sun, youwould reach the horizon without difficulty. So, if you want to explore theinside of a black hole, make sure you choose a big one. (laughter) There is ablack hole with a mass of about four million times that of the sun, at thecentre of our Milky Way galaxy.
Although you wouldn't notice anythingparticular as you fell into a black hole, someone watching you from a distancewould never see you cross the event horizon. Instead, you would appear to slowdown, and hover just outside. Your imagewould get dimmer and dimmer, and redder and redder, until you were effectivelylost from sight. As far as the outside world is concerned, you would be lostfor ever.
There was a dramatic advance in ourunderstanding of these mysterious phenomena with a mathematical discovery in1970. This was that the surface area of the event horizon, the boundary of ablack hole, has the property that it always increases when additional matter orradiation falls into the black hole. These properties suggest that there is aresemblance between the area of the event horizon of a black hole, andconventional Newtonian physics, specifically the concept of entropy inthermodynamics. Entropy can be regarded as a measure of the disorder of asystem, or equivalently, as a lack of knowledge of its precise state. Thefamous second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases withtime. This discovery was the first hint of this crucial connection.
Although there is clearly a similaritybetween entropy and the area of the event horizon, it was not obvious to us howthe area could be identified as the entropy of a black hole itself. What wouldbe meant by the entropy of a black hole? The crucial suggestion was made in1972 by Jacob Bekenstein, who was a graduate student at Princeton University,and then at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.It goes like this. When a black hole is created by gravitational collapse, itrapidly settles down to a stationary state, which is characterized by onlythree parameters: the mass, the angular momentum, and the electric charge.Apart from these three properties, the black hole preserves no other details ofthe object that collapsed.
His theorem has implications forinformation, in the cosmologist's sense of information: the idea that everyparticle and every force in the universe has an implicit answer to a yes-noquestion. The theorem implies that a large amount of information is lost in agravitational collapse. For example, the final black-hole state is independentof whether the body that collapsed was composed of matter or antimatter, orwhether it was spherical or highly irregular in shape. In other words, a blackhole of a given mass, angular momentum and electric charge, could have beenformed by the collapse of any one of a large number of different configurationsof matter. So what appears to be the same black hole could be formed by thecollapse of a large number of different types of star. Indeed, if quantumeffects are neglected, the number of configurations would be infinite, sincethe black hole could have been formed by the collapse of a cloud of anindefinitely large number of particles, of indefinitely low mass. But could thenumber of configurations really be infinite?
The uncertainty principle of quantummechanics implies that only particles with a wavelength smaller than that ofthe black hole itself, could form a black hole. That means the wavelength wouldbe limited: it could not be infinite. It therefore appears that the number ofconfigurations that could form a black hole of a given mass, angular momentumand electric charge, although very large, may also be finite. Jacob Bekensteinsuggested that from this finite number, one could interpret the entropy of ablack hole. This would be a measure of the amount of information that wasirretrievably lost during the collapse when a black hole was created.
The apparently fatal flaw in Bekenstein'ssuggestion was that if a black hole has a finite entropy that is proportionalto the area of its event horizon, it also ought to have a finite temperature,which would be proportional to its surface gravity. This would imply that ablack hole could be in equilibrium with thermal radiation, at some temperatureother than zero. Yet according to classical concepts, no such equilibrium ispossible, since the black hole would absorb any thermal radiation that fell onit, but by definition would not be able to emit anything in return. It cannotemit anything. It cannot emit heat.
This is a paradox. And it's one which I amgoing to return to in my next lecture, when I'll be exploring how black holeschallenge the most basic principle about the predictability of the universe,and the certainty of history, and asking what would happen if you ever gotsucked into one. Thank you.
SUE LAWLEY: Thank you. Thank you very muchindeed, Stephen. Well now we asked listeners what they’d like to ask you andtheir questions came flooding in, hundreds of them. We’ve chosen arepresentative selection of topics and invited some of those listeners to comeand put their questions in person. You’ll appreciate, audience, that we had togive Stephen the questions beforehand, so that he could programme his answersinto his computer. This is done letter by letter through the movement of hisfacial muscles and you’ll hear little tiny bleeps as the infrared detectorpicks up those movements. It’s not a speedy process, round about a word aminute, but the answers are all in there now. So if you’re ready, Professor,let me begin by asking Andy Fabian, who’s an astronomer and astrophysicist –he’s the Director of the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridgeand therefore a colleague of Stephen’s – Andy, your question please?
ANDY FABIAN: Stephen, much of the work byyourself and others on issues such as the potential loss of information inblack holes and on radiation from black holes is theoretical and lacksobservational support so far. Do you see ways to change that situation usingthe many and varied observations now routinely being made of accreting blackholes throughout the cosmos?
SUE LAWLEY: Stephen?
STEPHEN HAWKING: I assume you are referringto the area increase law for black hole horizons. The best way of testing thisis black hole collisions rather than accretion.
SUE LAWLEY: Well you got pretty short shriftthere, I have to say. (laughter) Perhaps you should tell us what the differenceis between accreting black holes and black hole collisions? ANDY FABIAN: Wellblack hole collisions are when you have two black holes colliding with eachother and merging together. Accretion is just matter dribbling into the blackhole steadily and it produces enormous amounts of energy release, very luminousthings in the universe.
SUE LAWLEY: Do you foresee that there willbe evidential proof of what Stephen is talking
about? As you say, it’s all theoretical atthe moment.
ANDY FABIAN: It would be fantastic to findobservational proof of it, but I myself don’t see how to do it.
SUE LAWLEY: Okay well let’s pursue thistheme of what black holes get up to when we’re looking at them, and indeed whenwe’re not, and turn to a group of young enthusiasts here from the West Midlands. They’re pupils from BarrBeacon Secondary School in Walsall and they’reaged around 12 or 13. Kate Harris, you’re their teacher. How have you got theminterested in cosmology and everything else?
KATE HARRIS: Well I’m their form tutor, soI look after them every morning. I received an email from one of the scienceteachers who’s with us, Dr Butterworth, about Stephen’s lecture and told themabout it. And they were so keen to know more because firstly they’ve seen himin ‘The Big Bang Theory’… (laughter)
SUE LAWLEY: This is the television … theAmerican sitcom?
KATE HARRIS: Yes. And also they are keenscience enthusiasts. They just wanted to know more.
SUE LAWLEY: Yeah, so endlessly interested.Well let’s have a question from one of them. Aruniya Muraleedaran, you’re aged12. What’s your question?
ARUNIYA MURALEEDARAN: What kind of thingswould happen if one black hole collided with another one?
STEPHEN HAWKING: If two black holes collideand merge to form a single black hole, the area of the event horizon around theresulting black hole is greater than the sum of the areas of the event horizonsaround the original black holes.
SUE LAWLEY: Did you understand that,Aruniya? Did you get your head round it? (laughter) Well, as I understand it,it’s when two black holes collide, the total circumference is greater than thesum of the two parts. The whole area increases. Got it?
ARUNIYA MURALEEDARAN: I’ve got it now.(laughter) What about you? Did you … Do you want to say something?
STUDENT: Yeah, I did understand it.
SUE LAWLEY: You did?
STUDENT: A bit, a bit. (laughter)
SUE LAWLEY: Well maybe it was because Iexplained it to you. (laughter) Now to a rather more personal question – and wereceived many of them actually. This is from a 17 year old Radio 4 listener.His name is Duncan McKinnon. You told us, Duncan,that Stephen had been an inspiration to you. In what way?
DUNCAN McKINNON: Well watching the filmwith him, it was really inspirational how he managed to carry on with hisdreams and goals.
SUE LAWLEY: You mean the film ‘The Theoryof Everything’ …
DUNCAN McKINNON: Yeah, yeah.
SUE LAWLEY: … which starred Eddie Redmayne…
SUE LAWLEY: … for which he won an Oscar ofcourse. Great film, wasn’t it? Okay, like to put your question?
DUNCAN McKINNON: I would like to ask youwhat inspired you to keep on going despite all the rough times in your life?
SUE LAWLEY: Stephen?
STEPHEN HAWKING: I think my work and asense of humour have kept me going. When I turned 21 my expectations werereduced to zero. You probably know this already because there’s been a movieabout it. In this situation, it was important that I came to appreciate what Idid have. Although I was unfortunate to get motor neurone disease, I have beenvery fortunate in almost everything else. I have been lucky to work intheoretical physics at a fascinating time, and it’s one of the few areas inwhich my disability was not a serious handicap. It’s also important not tobecome angry, no matter how difficult life may seem, because you can lose allhope if you can’t laugh at yourself and life in general.
SUE LAWLEY: We have here Lucy Hawking,Stephen’s daughter, just towards the front there. Lucy, you have seen Stephenover the past four decades if you don’t mind my saying that. (laughter)
LUCY HAWKING: That’s a little personal,Sue. (laughter)
SUE LAWLEY: I apologise, Lucy.
LUCY HAWKING: That’s okay. It’s radio,Sue.
STEPHEN HAWKING: (interjecting) I wouldbring back Einstein. (laughter)
SUE LAWLEY: Interjection from my right.You’ve seen him, Lucy, weather some pretty rough times. What do you put hisresilience and this determination down to?
LUCY HAWKING: I think he’s enormouslystubborn (laughter) and has a very enviable wish to keep going and the abilityto summon all his reserves, all his energy, all his mental focus and press themall into that goal of keeping going. But not just to keep going for thepurposes of survival, but to transcend this by producing extraordinary work,writing books, giving lectures, inspiring other people with neurodegenerativeand other disabilities, and being a family man, a friend and a colleague to somany … so many people and keeping up with friends across the world. So I thinkthere … there are lots and lots of elements there, but I do think thestubbornness, the will to live and – like he says himself – the sense of humourto laugh at it, at the end of the day is what has …
STEPHEN HAWKING: (interjecting) I wouldbring back Einstein. (laughter/applause) He would be amazed at how much generalrelativity has advanced our understanding of the world.
LUCY HAWKING: I think that was his way ofasking me to stop talking. (laughter)
SUE LAWLEY: And there we must end. Thankyou for making this a memorable event. There’s a mass of science on the BBCReith website, including Robert Oppenheimer, whom Stephen mentioned – one ofthe fathers of the atom bomb; the astrophysicist Martin Rees; the radioastronomer Bernard Lovell and many more. There’s an archive of recordings andtranscripts going back to 1948, so do have a look.
For now our thanks to our hosts here at the Royal Institution in London and of course hugethanks to our Reith Lecturer, Professor Stephen Hawking.
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