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已有 3255 次阅读 2011-9-20 11:33 |系统分类:科研笔记

文章的标题是“钓饵”,应该用来吸引读者 --- “推销”你的文章,给读者浏览目录或研究结果的机会。标题写得差可能使原本感兴趣的读者忽略了你的工作,也可能引起文不对题的情况。相比之下,好的标题可吸引相关的研究人员,提高文章的引用率,这也是期刊编辑所青睐的,因为引用率与期刊影响因子直接挂钩。因此,写好正确的标题是很重要的。

好的标题应尽量简短,同时又能传递文章的主要发现。避免叙述过于繁琐并使用不必要的专业行话和缩略语。标题必须能被科学界的广大读者读懂,因为他们中的一些人可能并不具备你研究的专业领域的具体知识。标题宽泛到什么程度取决于目标期刊 --- 考虑目标期刊的读者情况,这通常会在期刊的网站上有所介绍;撰写的标题应便于被所有读者看懂,而不仅仅局限于你的研究领域。另外,应该查阅目标杂志的《稿约》,确保遵守字数限制的要求以及是否需要提供短标题。


“Degeneration of neurons in the CA3 and DG following OA administration: involvement of a MAPK-dependent pathway in regional-specific neuronal degeneration”

这个标题太长,含有非标准的缩略语,内容重复,部分内容太具体。修改如下:“Region-specific neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”。此外,也可使用“MAP kinase-dependent neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”,但要考虑目标杂志的要求,因为缩略语MAP使用广泛,读者可懂。


First impressions: the importance of writing a good title

The title of your paper is a “hook” that should be used to attract readers—it is your opportunity to “sell” your paper to readers browsing a table of contents or search results. A poor title will cause potentially interested researchers to overlook your work and may attract the wrong audience. By contrast, a good title will attract the relevant researchers and increase the number of citations you receive. Journal editors like this because number of citations relates to the impact factor a journal gets. Therefore, it is important to get it right.

A good title should be as brief as possible while still communicating the main finding(s) of the paper. Avoid excessive detail and unnecessary use of field-specific jargon and abbreviations. Your title must be understandable by a broad scientific audience, some of whom may not have a detailed knowledge of your particular field. How broad depends on the particular target journal—consider the readership of your target journal, which is usually explained on the journal’s website, and write a title that can be easily understood by all, not only those in your immediate field. The target journal’s instructions for authors should also be consulted to ensure that character limits are complied with and to identify whether a running (short) title is also required.

Example of a poor title:
“Degeneration of neurons in the CA3 and DG following OA administration: involvement of a MAPK-dependent pathway in regional-specific neuronal degeneration”

This title is too long, contains non-standard abbreviations and a redundancy, and is too specific in parts. A better alternative would be: “Region-specific neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”. “MAP kinase-dependent neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration” would probably also be acceptable, depending on the target journal, because the abbreviation MAP is widely used and understood.

Dr Daniel McGowan


上一篇:BioMed Central Open Access Africa 2011 会讯
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