系统生物学(systems biology)在60年代提出到1993年重见于Zieglgansberger W 和Tolle TR的论文之间,几乎都是以“理论生物学”来标示;因而,在1999年重新提出之时,形成了2大阵容之争,以下该文属于理论和数学(及计算机科学)传统的系统生物学家(包括Nobel D.等)蕴含论辩的典型表述之一。
“‘Systems Biology is not the Biology of systems, nor is the chemistry/physics/molecular genetics of molecules in biological systems.It is the difference between the two.It studies how new properties that are functionally important for life, arise in interactions’.This is the definition that we (Lilia Alberghina and Hans Westerhoff) use.It is better however to define a field by examples and by statements of its leading authors.A number of key scientists in the Systems Biology field have therefore each:
mentioned if and to what extent their definition of systems biology differs from the above
described the method or findings they contributed to systems biology
discussed recent developments and what needs to be done next in systems biology”