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已有 3160 次阅读 2009-12-14 06:55 |个人分类:Econ.经济学家|系统分类:博客资讯| 萨缪尔森



中新社纽约十二月十三日电 (记者 魏晞)美国经济学泰斗保罗·萨缪尔森十三日在其位于美国马萨诸塞州的家中逝世,享年九十四岁。


   萨缪尔森在经济学领域中可以说是无处不在,被称为经济学界的最后一个通才。美联社当天在报道中总结萨缪尔森一生主要成就时说:他将数学分析方法引入经济 学,帮助经济困境中上台的肯尼迪政府制定了著名的“肯尼迪减税方案”,并且写出了一部被数百万大学生奉为经典的教科书。



cited from : the Wall Street Journal

Paul A. Samuelson, whose analytical work laid the foundation for modern economics, died Sunday. He was 94.

"Paul Samuelson was both a path-breaking and prolific economic theorist and one of the greatest teachers that economics has ever known," said Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, a former student of Mr. Samuelson's at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "I join with many other former students and colleagues of Paul's in mourning the passing of a titan of economics."
Remembering Samuelson
Actively publishing into the 2000s, Mr. Samuelson's career in economics spanned eight decades. As a high school student in 1932, he wandered into an economics lecture at the University of Chicago and was enamored. But attending Chicago as an undergraduate, he became keenly aware, he said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal earlier this year, of the differences between what was being taught in the classroom and "what I heard out the windows and I heard from the street."
In 1935 he went, despite his Chicago professors' protestations, to Harvard University for his graduate work. His 1941 Ph.D. thesis, later published as "Foundations of Economic Analysis," examined the mathematical structure underlying economics. The approach revolutionized the field.
"For me, it is a special bereavement," said Princeton University economist Avinash Dixit. "My whole style of research, and the techniques that support almost all of my own papers, derive from his foundational articles."
Mr. Samuelson started teaching at MIT in 1940, the beginning of a lifelong association with the university that helped its economics program become the most highly-regarded in the world. "Economics," first published in 1948, was for years the most popular undergraduate economics textbook and, now in its 19th edition, is still widely used.
In 1970, he was the first American to win the Nobel Prize in economics, the second year the prize was offered.
"Samuelson's contribution has been that, more than any other contemporary economist, he has contributed to raising the general analytical and methodological level in economic science," wrote the Nobel prize committee. "He has in fact simply rewritten considerable parts of economic theory."


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