06. silver spring2篇 3.279% 查看更多
01. jiao, h(jiao, haijun)6篇 9.836% 02. guo, w(guo, wei)4篇 6.557% 03. schleyer, pv(schleyer, paulvr)4篇 6.557% 04. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院.林东昕4篇 6.557% 05. dong, j(dong, jinxiang)3篇 4.918% 06. li, j(li, jinping)3篇 4.918% 07. liu, j(liu, jing)3篇 4.918% 08. miao, cq(miao, changqing)3篇 4.918% 09. ren, gm(ren, guangming)3篇 4.918% 10. wu, hs(wu, haishun)3篇 4.918% 查看更多
01. guo, w(guo, wei)研究fluorescent dyes/chemistry2篇 3.279% 02. 山西师范大学.zhang, xm(zhang, xianming)研究organometallic compounds/chemistry2篇 3.279% 03. baileywilson, je(baileywilson, je)研究chromosome segregation/genetics1篇 1.639% 04. baileywilson, je(baileywilson, je)研究esophageal neoplasms/epidemiology1篇 1.639% 05. baileywilson, je(baileywilson, je)研究esophageal neoplasms/genetics1篇 1.639% 06. baileywilson, je(baileywilson, je)研究genetic predisposition to disease/genetics1篇 1.639% 07. baileywilson, je(baileywilson, je)研究models, genetic1篇 1.639% 08. bo, j(bo, jian)研究cardiovascular diseases/mortality1篇 1.639% 09. bo, j(bo, jian)研究income1篇 1.639% 10. chen, mh(chen, mh)研究interleukin-1/genetics1篇 1.639% 查看更多
01. jiao, h(jiao, haijun)与schleyer, pv(schleyer, paulvr)合作4篇 6.557% 02. dong, j(dong, jinxiang)与li, j(li, jinping)合作3篇 4.918% 03. guo, w(guo, wei)与liu, j(liu, jing)合作3篇 4.918% 04. guo, w(guo, wei)与山西大学.sun, yq(sun, yuanqiang)合作3篇 4.918% 05. jiao, h(jiao, haijun)与山西师范大学.wu, hs(wu, haishun)合作3篇 4.918% 06. liu, j(liu, jing)与山西大学.sun, yq(sun, yuanqiang)合作3篇 4.918% 07. miao, cq(miao, changqing)与ren, gm(ren, guangming)合作3篇 4.918% 08. miao, cq(miao, changqing)与xinzhou teachers' university.li, sd(li, sidian)合作3篇 4.918% 09. ren, gm(ren, guangming)与xinzhou teachers' university.li, sd(li, sidian)合作3篇 4.918% 10. schleyer, pv(schleyer, paulvr)与山西师范大学.wu, hs(wu, haishun)合作3篇 4.918% 查看更多
01. lisidian@yahoo.com4篇 6.557% 02. zhangxm@dns.sxnu.edu.cn2篇 3.279% 03. chanocks@mail.nih.gov1篇 1.639% 04. cuiy0922@yahoo.com1篇 1.639% 05. hcf905@sxicc.ac.cn1篇 1.639% 06. hj.zhai@sxu.edu.cn1篇 1.639% 07. hqyang@sxu.edu.cn1篇 1.639% 08. jkzhu@purdue.edu1篇 1.639% 09. li.yang@bjmu.edu.cn1篇 1.639% 10. libj@cib.ac.cn1篇 1.639% 02. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院7篇 11.475% 05. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)6篇 9.836% 07. xinzhou teachers' university4篇 6.557% 查看更多
09. 中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院1篇 1.639% 查看更多
01. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)与中国医学科学院肿瘤医院合作6篇 9.836% 02. 上海交通大学校本部与中国医学科学院肿瘤医院合作3篇 4.918% 03. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院与中山大学肿瘤防治中心合作3篇 4.918% 04. 天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院(天津市肿瘤医院)与中国医学科学院肿瘤医院合作3篇 4.918% 05. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)与上海交通大学校本部合作3篇 4.918% 06. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)与中山大学肿瘤防治中心合作3篇 4.918% 07. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)与天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院(天津市肿瘤医院)合作3篇 4.918% 08. 上海交通大学校本部与新乡医学院校本部合作2篇 3.279% 09. 上海交通大学校本部与郑州大学第一附属医院合作2篇 3.279% 10. 北京协和医院与中国医学科学院肿瘤医院合作2篇 3.279% 查看更多
03. harvard school of public health2篇 3.279% 04. information management services inc.2篇 3.279% 05. national institutes of health2篇 3.279% 08. bellvitge biomedical research institute,1篇 1.639% 09. broad institute of harvard and mit1篇 1.639% 10. chonnam national university medical school1篇 1.639% 查看更多
01. molecular structure4篇 6.557% 02. risk factors4篇 6.557% 03. fluorescent dyes3篇 4.918% 08. disease models, animal2篇 3.279% 10. esophageal neoplasms2篇 3.279% 查看更多
01. China/epidemiology3篇 4.918% 02. Cysteine/chemistry2篇 3.279% 03. Esophageal Neoplasms/genetics*2篇 3.279% 04. Fluorescent Dyes/chemical synthesis2篇 3.279% 05. Fluorescent Dyes/chemistry*2篇 3.279% 06. Glutathione/chemistry2篇 3.279% 07. Organometallic Compounds/chemistry*2篇 3.279% 08. Silicon/chemistry2篇 3.279% 09. Adiposity/physiology*1篇 1.639% 10. Agriculture/methods*1篇 1.639% 查看更多
01. adiposity/physiology与blood pressure/physiology1篇 1.639% 02. adiposity/physiology与forecasting1篇 1.639% 03. adiposity/physiology与hypertrophy, left ventricular/physiopathology1篇 1.639% 04. adiposity/physiology与risk assessment/methods1篇 1.639% 05. adiposity/physiology与ventricular function, left1篇 1.639% 06. adiposity/physiology与ventricular remodeling/physiology1篇 1.639% 07. agriculture/methods与cereals/growth & development1篇 1.639% 08. agriculture/methods与cereals/supply & distribution1篇 1.639% 09. agriculture/methods与environment1篇 1.639% 10. asian continental ancestry group/genetics与carcinoma, squamous cell/genetics1篇 1.639% 查看更多
01. fluorescent dyes3篇 4.918% 04. organometallic compounds2篇 3.279% 06. anesthetics, inhalation1篇 1.639% 07. autoantibodies1篇 1.639% 08. benzothiazoles1篇 1.639% 10. carbocyanines1篇 1.639% 查看更多
01. amaranth dye6篇 9.836% 02. indigo carmine6篇 9.836% 03. indicators and reagents4篇 6.557% 05. coloring agents3篇 4.918% 06. luminescent agents3篇 4.918% 08. transition elements3篇 4.918% 查看更多
03. gastrointestinal gas2篇 3.279% 查看更多
04. 心肌缺血预处理,心肌缺血预适应1篇 1.639% 05. vertebrates15篇 24.590% 06. catarrhini11篇 18.033% 07. haplorhini11篇 18.033% 查看更多
01. phosphorus11篇 18.033% 查看更多
01. school of chemistry and chemical engineering7篇 11.475% 02. institute of molecular science5篇 8.197% 03. department of chemistry4篇 6.557% 04. department of epidemiology4篇 6.557% 05. department of pathology4篇 6.557% 06. school of medicine4篇 6.557% 07. school of public health4篇 6.557% 08. department of epidemiology and biostatistics3篇 4.918% 09. department of oncology3篇 4.918% 10. division of cancer epidemiology and genetics3篇 4.918% 查看更多
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