世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)为每年3月21日,其设立是为了引起人们对睡眠重要性和睡眠质量的关注。睡眠是人体的一种主动过程,可以恢复精神和解除疲劳。充足的睡眠、均衡的饮食和适当的运动,是国际社会公认的三项健康标准。2001年,国际精神卫生和神经科学基金会主办的全球睡眠和健康计划发起了一项全球性的活动,将每年初春的第一天定为“世界睡眠日”。
科学杂志(science)370篇睡眠研究论文分布如下: for integrative genomics 2 篇0.541% 17.贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心 2 篇0.541% 18.cambridge institute for medical research 1 篇0.270% 19.fred hutchinson癌症研究中心 1 篇0.270% 20.perelman school of medicine at the university of pennsylvania 1 篇0.270% 15.fairview park 1 篇0.270% 19.portland.usa 1 篇0.270% 20.portland.or 1 篇0.270% 01.biogenic amines 18 篇4.865% 02.arthropod proteins 12 篇3.243% 03.benzazepines 12 篇3.243% 04.drosophila proteins 12 篇3.243% 05.insect proteins 12 篇3.243% 06.neuropeptides 10 篇2.703% 07.benzodiazepinones 9 篇2.432% 08.circadian rhythm signaling peptides and proteins 9 篇2.432% 09.ion channels 9 篇2.432% 11.protein kinases 7 篇1.892% 12.nucleocytoplasmic transport proteins 6 篇1.622% 13.period circadian proteins 6 篇1.622% 14.receptors, peptide 6 篇1.622% 17.amino acids, aromatic 5 篇1.351% 19.amyloid beta-peptides 5 篇1.351% 20.amyloid beta-protein precursor 5 篇1.351% 01.drosophila proteins 12 篇3.243% 02.hypnotics and sedatives 11 篇2.973% 03.transcription factors 10 篇2.703% 05.norepinephrine 8 篇2.162% 07.neuropeptides 6 篇1.622% 08.period circadian proteins 6 篇1.622% 09.basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors 5 篇1.351% 11.nuclear proteins 5 篇1.351% 12.barbiturates 4 篇1.081% 14.hydrocortisone 4 篇1.081% 15.nerve tissue proteins 4 篇1.081% 17.acetylcholine 3 篇0.811% 18.amyloid beta-peptides 3 篇0.811% 19.anti-anxiety agents 3 篇0.811% 20.arabidopsis proteins 3 篇0.811% 20.先天性遗传性新生儿疾病和畸形 4 篇1.081% 03.nervousness 11 篇2.973% 04.sleeplessness 10 篇2.703% 11.absence of sensation 6 篇1.622% 17.excitability 4 篇1.081% 11.administration, intravenous 2 篇0.541% 20.cardiac catheterization 1 篇0.270% 01.department of neurology 6 篇1.622% 02.department of psychiatry 5 篇1.351% 03.department of medicine 4 篇1.081% 04.department of organismal biology and anatomy 3 篇0.811% 05.division of endocrinology 3 篇0.811% 06.division of sleep medicine 3 篇0.811% 07.beth israel deaconess medical center 2 篇0.541% for integrative genomics 2 篇0.541% 09.department of anatomy and neurobiology 2 篇0.541% 10.department of biochemistry 2 篇0.541% 11.department of neuroscience 2 篇0.541% 12.department of pharmacology 2 篇0.541% 13.laboratory of neurophysiology 2 篇0.541% 14.biotechnology center and the department of biochemistry 1 篇0.270% for sleep and respiratory neurobiology 1 篇0.270% for sleep research 1 篇0.270% for sleep sciences 1 篇0.270% for translational neuromedicine 1 篇0.270% 19.department of anesthesiology and the center for the neurobiology of learning and memory 1 篇0.270% 20.department of biochemistry and biophysics 1 篇0.270% 02.eukaryota 256 篇69.189% 03.vertebrates 220 篇59.459% 06.haplorhini 124 篇33.514% 08.catarrhini 120 篇32.432% 09.hominidae 120 篇32.432% 19.invertebrates 34 篇9.189% 01.北京大学校本部.李维研究dendritic spines/physiology 1 篇0.270% 02.北京大学校本部.李维研究learning/physiology 1 篇0.270% 03.北京大学校本部.李维研究motor cortex/physiology 1 篇0.270% 04.北京大学校本部.李维研究sleep, rem/physiology 1 篇0.270% 01.electroencephalography与sleep 17 篇4.595% 02.research与sleep 12 篇3.243% 03.electroencephalography与research 9 篇2.432% 04.cats与research 8 篇2.162% 05.cats与electroencephalography 7 篇1.892% 06.neurons/physiology与sleep/physiology 7 篇1.892% 07.pharmacology与research 7 篇1.892% 08.biological clocks/physiology与circadian rhythm/physiology 6 篇1.622% 09.brain/physiology与sleep/physiology 6 篇1.622% 11.drosophila melanogaster/physiology与sleep/physiology 6 篇1.622% 12.brain/physiology与memory/physiology 5 篇1.351% 13.brain/physiology与sleep 5 篇1.351% 14.memory/physiology与sleep/physiology 5 篇1.351% 15.pharmacology与sleep 5 篇1.351% 16.brain chemistry与sleep 4 篇1.081% 17.brain/physiology与dreams/physiology 4 篇1.081% 18.brain/physiology与research 4 篇1.081% 19.cerebral cortex/physiology与sleep/physiology 4 篇1.081% 20.drosophila melanogaster/physiology与drosophila proteins/genetics 4 篇1.081%
世界睡眠日 睡眠研究国际论文分析报告下一篇: