本文介绍EBSCO如何采用Plum Analytics 对科研影响力进行计量分析(research impact metrics ),他们分析的文献类型和分析数据来源。
tmetrics(替代计量学)用于学术论文评价 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-824624.html
Altmetrics所具有的客观性,公正、透明性,覆盖、 社会性,补充性,实时性特征。通过文献研究、整理,得到在社交媒体中Altmetrics即时测量出的学术论文的影响力,与科技期刊的学术影响力相吻合;在开放存取领域中,Altmetrics学术影响力计量方法已得到认识、关注和应用,并为科技期刊的影响力计量化、可视化评价提供依据。
(4)社交媒体(Social Media),如推特(tweets);
Overview: Plum Metrics
Plum Analytics is building the next generation of research metrics for scholarly research.
Metrics are captured and correlated at the group / collection level (e.g., lab, department, museum, journal, etc.)
We categorize metrics into 5 separate types: Usage, Captures, Mentions, Social Media, and Citations. Examples of each type are:
Usage - clicks, downloads, views, library holdings, video plays
Captures - bookmarks, code forks, favorites, readers, watchers
Mentions - blog posts, comments, reviews, Wikipedia links
Social media - +1s, likes, shares, Tweets
Citations - PubMed Central, Scopus, USPTO
PlumX Artifact Types & Metrics Sources
Posted on September 5, 2014 in Analytics
PlumX Artifact Types & Metrics Sources PlumX文献类型与计量数据来源
PlumX™ is an impact dashboard that provides information on how research output is being utilized, interacted with, and talked about around the world. Harvesting metrics from a wide array of online sources, PlumX offers an exciting way to see the influence of researchers, groups, institutions, and journals. You no longer have to wait years until the research is eventually cited before you gain any insight.
When people first start to interact with PlumX there are a couple of questions we are frequently asked. First, what types of artifacts do you track? Second, where do you get your metrics?
Artifact Types 文献类型
At Plum Analytics™, we define research artifacts as any outcome of research. The most frequently acknowledged research artifact is the article, and indeed, PlumX does an excellent job of tracking article-level metrics. But, researchers do a lot of activity and produce a lot of other research output besides articles. For example, initiatives around open data are producing research data artifacts stored in places like Dryad.
PlumX tracks over 20 artifact types. Here is a list of the most common:
Articles 论文
Blog Posts 博客
Books & Book Chapters 图书和图书章节
Clinical Trials 临床试验
Conference Papers 会议论文
Data Sets 数据集
Figures 图表
Patents 专利
Source Code 源代码
Theses & Dissertations
Videos 视频
Metrics Sources 计量分析数据来源
So, if we track more than citations, where do we get metrics to track? The answer - everywhere. Well, not literally, everywhere, but anywhere we can get them. We get metrics from dozens of places. Here is a list of some of them:
Facebook 脸书
Google+ 谷歌
Wikipedia 维基百科
If you have a question about an artifact type or a metric source, please feel free to email us at team@plumanalytics.com.
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