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已有 2534 次阅读 2013-5-30 09:23 |个人分类:开放获取|系统分类:科研笔记| 出版物, 美国大学, 联合

美国研究图书馆学会、美国大学协会、美国公立及赠地大学协会的联合声明《扩大公众对出版物的存取》(Expanded Public Access to Publications)[作者] National Research Council
[单位] National Research Council
[摘要] The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Memorandum, “Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research,” provides new opportunities for a productive partnership between research universities and Federal research funding agencies. Enhanced access to the results of federally funded research accelerates the pace of scientific discovery, promotes innovation, and enriches education.
[关键词] Public Access,Publications
       The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Memorandum, “Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research,” provides new opportunities for a productive partnership between research universities and Federal research funding agencies. Enhanced access to the results of federally funded research accelerates the pace of scientific discovery, promotes innovation, and enriches education.

   详情请下载:美国研究图书馆学会、美国大学协会、美国公立及赠地大学协会的联合声明《扩大公众对出版物的存取》(Expanded Public Access to Publications).pdf





下一篇:美国医学信息学学会2013年年会 11月16日--20日 华盛顿
收藏 IP: 222.35.21.*| 热度|

1 刘广明

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