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美国国立卫生研究院神经学家Mortimer Mishkin的论著被引用情况

已有 5051 次阅读 2010-10-18 16:17 |个人分类:引证分析|系统分类:论文交流| 引证分析, 美国国立卫生研究院, 神经学家, Mortimer, Mishkin




LG Ungerleider, M Mishkin… - Analysis of visual behavior, 1982 - citeulike.org
CiteULike organises scholarly (or academic) papers or literature and provides bibliographic
(which means it makes bibliographies) for universities and higher education establishments.
It helps undergraduates and postgraduates. People studying for PhDs or in postdoctoral ( ...
Cited by 3307 - Related articles - Cached - All 2 versions


[PDF] from bu.eduM Mishkin, LG Ungerleider, KA Macko - Trends in neurosciences, 1983 - Elsevier
Evidence is reviewed indicating that striate cortex in the monkey is the source of two multisynaptic
corticocortical pathways. One courses ventrally, interconnecting the striate, prestriate, and inferior
temporal areas, and enables the visual identification of objects. The other runs dorsally, ...
Cited by 1159 - Related articles - All 20 versions


M Mishkin - 1978 - nature.com
THE profound anterograde amnesia that has been attributed in the clinical literature to damage
of the hippocampal system 1,2 has not been observed in animals with such damage.
Hippocampal-system lesions in animals do markedly impair some forms of spatial ...
Cited by 744 - Related articles - All 5 versions


[PDF] from syr.edu… KE Watkins, A Connelly, W Van Paesschen, M Mishkin - Science, 1997 - sciencemag.org
Global anterograde amnesia is described in three patients with brain injuries that occurred in
one case at birth, in another by age 4, and in the third at age 9. Magnetic resonance techniques
revealed bilateral hippocampal pathology in all three cases. Remarkably, despite their ...
Cited by 868 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 18 versions


M Mishkin - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of …, 1982 - JSTOR
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Land. В 298, 85-95 (1982) [ 85 Printed in Great Britain A memory system
in the monkey By M. Mishkin Laboratory of Neuropsychology, National Institute of Mental
Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20205, USA A neural model is presented, based largely on ...
Cited by 777 - Related articles - All 5 versions


[PDF] from iastate.edu… Ommaya, JH Kaas, E Taub, M Mishkin - Science( …, 1991 - psychology.iastate.edu
Flg. 1. (A) Lateral brain view indi- cating location of the three parasag- ittal sections (I through
III) illus- trated on the right. (B) Three parasagittal sections through SI of a normal animal showing
electrode tracks (vertical lines) and recording sites (dots). Numbered recording sites (not ...
Cited by 640 - Related articles - All 13 versions


[PDF] from pnas.org… B Horwitz, LG Ungerleider, M Mishkin … - Proceedings of the …, 1991 - National Acad Sciences
Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 88, pp. 1621-1625, March 1991 Neurobiology ... Dissociation
of object and spatial visual processing pathways in human extrastriate cortex ... (regional cerebral
blood flow/positron emission tomography) ... JAMES V. HAXBY*t, CHERYL L. GRADY*, ...
Cited by 555 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 18 versions


[PDF] from jneurosci.orgM Meunier, J Bachevalier, M Mishkin, EA … - Journal of …, 1993 - Soc Neuroscience
A series of ablation studies in the early 1980s (Zola-Morgan et al., 1982; Murray and
Mishkin, 1984; Saunders et al., 1984) appeared to support an earlier conclusion (Mishkin,
1978) that a profound loss of recognition memory could be produced in monkeys by ...
Cited by 555 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions


[HTML] from nih.gov… , B Tian, J Fritz, M Mishkin, PS Goldman-Rakic … - Nature …, 1999 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
'What' and 'where' visual streams define ventrolateral object and dorsolateral spatial processing
domains in the prefrontal cortex of nonhuman primates. We looked for similar streams for
auditory–prefrontal connections in rhesus macaques by combining microelectrode ...
Cited by 516 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions


B Jones, M Mishkin - Experimental Neurology, 1972 - Elsevier
Previous anatomical work has shown that the inferotemporal visual cortex projects to three regions
within or closely related to the limbic system—the orbitofrontal cortex (OF), the temporal pole
and amygdala (TPA), and the fusiform-hippocampal gyrus and hippocampus (FHH). To ...
Cited by 506 - Related articles - All 4 versions

[CITATION] Memories and habits: Two neural systems

M Mishkin, B Malamut, J Bachevalier - Neurobiology of learning and memory, 1984
Cited by 609 - Related articles


SD Iversen, M Mishkin - Experimental Brain Research, 1970 - Springer
Summary. Monkeys with lesions of the inferior frontal convexity were impaired relative to controls
in retaining an auditory frequency differentiation (although subsequent thresholds were
normal) and in learning object and spatial reversals. Performance was characterized by ...
Cited by 463 - Related articles - All 3 versions


M Mishkin, T Appenzeller - Scientific American, 1987 - csa.com
The anatomy of memory. MORTIMER MISHKIN, TIM APPENZELLER Scientific American
256, 80-89, 6/1987. An assessment is made of experimental studies on macaque monkeys
that combine investigations of anatomical, physiological ...
Cited by 431 - Related articles - All 3 versions


BH Turner, M Mishkin, M Knapp - The Journal of comparative …, 1980 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT As part of an attempt to understand how sensory stimuli influence emotional processes
we examined all of the telencephalic sensory systems of the rhesus monkey for efferents to the
amygdala and immediately surrounding structures, using primarily the Fink-Heimer ...
Cited by 371 - Related articles - All 3 versions


[PDF] from jneurosci.orgJK Parkinson, EA Murray, M Mishkin - Journal of Neuroscience, 1988 - Soc Neuroscience
Monkeys were trained preoperatively on a one-trial learning task in which they were required
to associate in memory a novel object and the place in which it had just appeared. After learning
the task to a level of 80% correct responses, they received bilateral ablations of either the ...
Cited by 307 - Related articles - All 5 versions


[CITATION] Perseveration of central sets after frontal lesions in monkeys

M Mishkin - Selected readings in neuropsychology, 1972 - MSS Information Corp.
Cited by 348 - Related articles - All 2 versions


HGJM Kuypers, MK Szwarcbart, M Mishkin, HE … - Experimental …, 1965 - Elsevier
Previous behavioral studies indicated that the inferior convexity of the temporal lobe in the rhesus
monkey functions in relation to the visual system and that this function probably depends on
corticocortical connections which link this area to the visual areas. Therefore, in an ...
Cited by 282 - Related articles - All 3 versions


J Bachevalier, M Mishkin - Behavioural Brain Research, 1986 - Elsevier
Visual recognition in monkeys appears to involve the participation of two limbothalamic
pathways, one including the amygdala and the magnocellular portion of the medial dorsal nucleus
(MDmc) and the other, the hippocampus and the anterior nuclei of the thalamus (Ant N). ...
Cited by 293 - Related articles - All 5 versions


S Zola-Morgan, LR Squire, M Mishkin - Science, 1982 - sciencemag.org
Using a task known to be sensitive to human amnesia, we have evaluated two current hypotheses
about which brain regions must be damaged to produce the disorder. Monkeys with bilateral
transections of the white matter of the temporal stem were unimpaired, but monkeys with ...
Cited by 242 - Related articles - All 4 versions


… , EA Murray, JB O'Neill, M Mishkin - The Journal of …, 1986 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT The ipsilateral corticocortical connections of the somatosensory fields of the lateral
sulcus of macaques were examined with both anterograde and retrograde axonal transport
methods. In most cases, the field of interest was identified prior to the injection of the ...
Cited by 312 - Related articles - All 4 versions
[HTML] from jneurosci.orgEA Murray, M Mishkin - Journal of Neuroscience, 1998 - Soc Neuroscience
Earlier work indicated that combined but not separate removal of the amygdala and
hippocampus, together with the cortex underlying these structures, leads to a severe impairment
in visual recognition. More recent work, however, has shown that removal of the rhinal ...
Cited by 243 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions


[CITATION] Memories and habits: Some implications for the analysis of learning and retention

M Mishkin, HL Petri - Neuropsychology of memory, 1984 - Guilford
Cited by 277 - Related articles


M Mishkin, FJ Manning - Brain Research, 1978 - Elsevier
Separate groups of monkeys were trained on delayed object alternation, delayed object
matching, and delayed color matching, after which half the animals in each group received lesions
of the cortex in the principal sulcus, and the otherhalf, lesions of the inferior frontal ...
Cited by 229 - Related articles - All 4 versions


JA Stockman, MA Nigro, MM Mishkin, FA … - New England Journal of …, 1972 - nejm.org
Six of the seven patients were found to have partial or complete occlusion of large cerebral
vessels. The internal carotid artery was involved in all six patients. Disease in the anterior and
middle cerebral arteries as well as the vertebral artery was also observed. Two patients ...
Cited by 223 - Related articles - All 2 versions


[CITATION] Analysis of visual behavior

LG Ungerleider, M Mishkin, DJ Ingle, MA Goodale, … - Two cortical visual systems. …, 1982
Cited by 235 - Related articles


M Mishkin, J Delacour - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal …, 1975 - Elsevier
... This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to
access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Mortimer Mishkin a and
Jean Delacour. a NIMH, Section on Neuropsychology, Bethesda, MD. ...
Cited by 258 - Related articles - All 6 versions


[HTML] from pnas.org… , KJ Friston, ME Pembrey, M Mishkin, … - Proceedings of the …, 1998 - National Acad Sciences
Investigation of the three-generation KE family, half of whose members are affected by a pronounced
verbal dyspraxia, has led to identification of their core deficit as one involving sequential articulation
and orofacial praxis. A positron emission tomography activation study revealed functional ...
Cited by 217 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 19 versions


[PDF] from jneurosci.orgEA Murray, D Gaffan, M Mishkin - Journal of Neuroscience, 1993 - Soc Neuroscience
Research in macaques suggests that at least three different mem- ory mechanisms exist in the
medial temporal lobe. The amyg- dala and the hippocampus mediate two different kinds of
as- sociative memory. Removal of the amygdala plus subjacent
Cited by 234 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


EA Murray, M Mishkin - Science, 1985 - sciencemag.org
Monkeys trained on both visual and tactual versions of an object memory task (delayed
nonmatching-to-sample) received bilateral ablations of either the amygdaloid complex or the
hippocampal formation of the brain. Although both groups performed well on the two ...
Cited by 183 - Related articles - All 6 versions


[PDF] from rsna.org… Schaefer, HT Doan, MM Mishkin, CF Gonzalez, BE … - Radiology, 1990 - radiology.rsna.org
A retrospective analysis of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging studies of 78 patients with acute
cervical spi- nal cord injuries was undertaken to determine which observations relat- ed directly
to the neurologic injury. All MR imaging studies were per- formed on a 1.5-T unit and ...
Cited by 210 - Related articles - All 5 versions

[PDF] from jneurosci.orgEA Murray, M Mishkin - Journal of Neuroscience, 1986 - Soc Neuroscience
Performance on a visual recognition task was assessed in cy- nomolgus monkeys with ablations
of rhinal (ie, ento-, pro-, and perirhinal) cortex in combination with either amygdalectomy or
hippocampectomy, as well as in unoperated controls. Removal of the hippocampal ...
Cited by 195 - Related articles - All 5 versions


TP Pons, PE Garraghty, DP Friedman, M Mishkin - Science, 1987 - sciencemag.org
REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. S. Grisolia and PPCohen,J. Biol. Chem. 198, 561 (1952). 2.
N. E. Jones, AD Anderson, C. Anderson, S. Hodes, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 95, 499 (1961).
3. M. Walser, in TheMetabolicBasis ofInheritedDisease, JB Stanbury, J. B. Wyngaarden, ...
Cited by 183 - Related articles - All 7 versions


K Battig, HE Rosvold, M Mishkin - Journal of Comparative and …, 1960 - Elsevier
... This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be
able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. K. Battig,
HE Rosvold and M. Mishkin. Available online 15 May 2007. ...
Cited by 214 - Related articles - All 4 versions


JP Aggleton, M Mishkin - Experimental Brain Research, 1983 - Springer
Summary. Thalamic contributions to memory were assessed in monkeys with lesions placed
in the medial portions of either the anterior or posterior thalamus (AMT and PMT,
respectively). Both lesions pro- duced a moderate impairment in a test of object ...
Cited by 186 - Related articles - All 4 versions


[PDF] from purdue.edu… , B Tian, T Pons, M Mishkin - The Journal of …, 1997 - interscience.wiley.com
ABSTRACT Auditory cortex on the exposed supratemporal plane in four anesthetized rhesus
monkeys was mapped electrophysiologically with both pure-tone (PT) and broad-band complex
sounds. The mapping confirmed the existence of at least three tonotopic areas. Primary ...
Cited by 199 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


[PDF] from cf.ac.ukJP Aggleton, M Mishkin - Neuropsychologia, 1983 - Elsevier
Monkeys with surgical lesions which removed the medial portions of the medial and anterior
thalamic nuclei were markedly impaired on a test of object recognition. The same animals were
able to learn visual pattern discriminations and a spatial delayed response task at a ...
Cited by 174 - Related articles - All 4 versions


M Meunier, J Bachevalier, M Mishkin - Neuropsychologia, 1997 - Elsevier
Object memory processes, evaluated in rhesus monkeys by delayed nonmatching-to-sample
with trial-unique stimuli and object reversal learning, were more severely impaired by orbital
frontal than by anterior cingulate lesions. Spatial memory processes, assessed by spatial ...
Cited by 191 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


M Mishkin, DG Forgays - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1952 - Elsevier
... This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access
this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Mortimer Mishkin a and Donald G.
Forgays. a McGill U., Montreal, Canada. Available online 6 July 2007. ...
Cited by 201 - Related articles - All 4 versions


[CITATION] The amygdala: sensory gateway to the emotions

JP Aggleton, M Mishkin - Biological foundations of emotion, 1986 - Academic Pr
Cited by 183 - Related articles


TG Aigner, M Mishkin - Behavioral and neural biology, 1986 - Elsevier
The visual recognition of rhesus monkeys was evaluated by means of a delayed
nonmatching-to-sample task with trial-unique objects. Each daily session consisted of two lists
of 20 objects each, which untreated animals were able to recognize at approximately ...
Cited by 160 - Related articles - All 7 versions

[HTML] from oxfordjournals.org… , A Connelly, KJ Friston, RSJ Frackowiak, M Mishkin, … - Brain, 2002 - Oxford Univ Press
Analyses of brain structure in genetic speech and language disorders provide an opportunity
to identify neurobiological phenotypes and further elucidate the neural bases of language and
its development. Here we report such investigations in a large family, known as the KE ...
Cited by 189 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions


[CITATION] Cortical visual areas and their interactions

M Mishkin - Brain and human behavior, 1972 - Springer
Cited by 155 - Related articles - All 2 versions


E Iwai, M Mishkin - Experimental Neurology, 1969 - Elsevier
Pattern discrimination retention was tested in 33 monkeys divided into nine operated groups
in an attempt to define the limits of the inferotemporal visual area more precisely than before.
Six groups had small coronal strip lesions distributed along the length of the inferior ...
Cited by 157 - Related articles - All 3 versions


M Mishkin, LG Ungerleider - Behavioural Brain Research, 1982 - Elsevier
In Experiments 1 and 2, monkeys received 3-stage operations intended to serially disconnect
parieto-preoccipital from striate cortex. At each stage (unilateral parieto-preoccipital removal,
contralateral striate removal and posterior callosal transection) the monkeys were tested ...
Cited by 170 - Related articles - All 3 versions


M Mishkin, B Vest, M Waxler, HE Rosvold - Neuropsychologia, 1969 - Elsevier
Monkeys with lateral prefrontal lesions which spared the ventrolateral cortex relearned object
alternation to a level of 80 per cent correct, although others with the same lesion failed to relearn
spatial alternation. Neither form of alternation was relearned by monkeys with orbital ...
Cited by 137 - Related articles - All 3 versions


… , R Desimone, TW Galkin, M Mishkin - The Journal of …, 1984 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT Area MT is a visuotopically organized area in extrastriate cortex of primates that
appears to be specialized for the analysis of visual mot,ion. To examine the full extent and topographic
organization of the subcortical projections of MT in the macaque, we injected tritiated ...
Cited by 180 - Related articles - All 4 versions


[PDF] from nih.govM Mishkin, WA Suzuki, DG Gadian, F … - … Transactions of the …, 1997 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
SUMMARY This paper addresses the question of the organization of memory processes within
the medial temporal lobe. Evidence obtained in patients with late-onset amnesia resulting from
medial temporal pathology has given rise to two opposing interpretations of the e¡ects of ...
Cited by 148 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions


[CITATION] Visual mechanisms beyond the striate cortex

M Mishkin - Frontiers in physiological psychology, 1966
Cited by 137 - Related articles - All 2 versions


M Mishkin, KH Pribram - Journal of Comparative and Physiological …, 1954 - Elsevier
... lateral. This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able
to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Mortimer Mishkin a and
Karl H. Pribram. a Yale U., New Haven, Conn. Available online 16 May 2007. ...
Cited by 170 - Related articles - All 5 versions


M Mishkin - Neuropsychologia, 1979 - Elsevier
Recent evidence concerning the neural basis of visual perception and learning has led to the
development of a sequential neural model in which the striate, prestriate, inferior temporal, and
ventromedial frontotemporal areas are viewed as successive links in a neocortical-limbic ...
Cited by 150 - Related articles - All 3 versions











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