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已有 5209 次阅读 2010-10-8 16:58 |个人分类:引证分析|系统分类:论文交流| 引用, 诺贝尔化学奖, 铃木章




[PDF] from cern.ch… , H Ogawa, J Shirai, A Suzuki, F Tsushima, M … - Physical Review Letters, 1998 - APS
We present an analysis of atmospheric neutrino data from a 33.0 kton yr (535-day) exposure
of the Super-Kamiokande detector. The data exhibit a zenith angle dependent deficit of muon
neutrinos which is inconsistent with expectations based on calculations of the ...
Cited by 2083 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


[PDF] from orgchembase.comN Miyaura, A Suzuki - Chemical Reviews, 1995 - ACS Publications
Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of Organoboron Compounds ... DivisMn of
Molecukr Chemistry, FacuKy of Engfm~ing, Hokkaa Univemw, Sappew NO, Japan ... R W January
31, 1995 (Revised Manmpt Received August 17, lN5) ... I. lntmduction II. Svnthesis of ...
Cited by 2443 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 16 versions


[PDF] from kyushu-u.ac.jp… M Nakahata, Y Oyama, N Sato, A Suzuki, M Takita, Y … - Physical Review Letters, 1987 - APS
I. Shelton, International Astronomical Union (IAU) Circular No. 4316. Note also that RH McNaught
subsequently communicated visual magnitude of 6.0 on 23.44 UT February. The first confirmed
observation of optical brightening was by G. Garradd, 23.44 February (IAU Circular No. ...
Cited by 951 - Related articles - All 8 versions


[HTML] from cell.comV Stambolic, A Suzuki, JL de la Pompa, GM Brothers, C … - Cell, 1998 - Elsevier
PTEN is a tumor suppressor with sequence homology to protein tyrosine phosphatases and
the cytoskeletal protein tensin. mPTEN-mutant mouse embryos display regions of increased
proliferation. In contrast, mPTEN-deficient immortalized mouse embryonic fibroblasts ...
Cited by 1239 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 17 versions


N Miyaura, T Yanagi, A Suzuki - Synthetic Communications, 1981 - informaworld.com
... N. Miyaura, T. Yanagi, and A. Suzuki* Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060,
Japan ... Chem., 42, 5. JM Davidson and C. Triggs, J. Chem. SOC. A, 1324 (1968). 6. N. Miyaura,
K. Yamada, and A. Suzuki, Tetrahedron Lett., 7. N. Miyaura and A. Suzuki, J. Chem. ...
Cited by 641 - Related articles


[CITATION] Measurement of a small atmospheric muon-neutrino / electron-neutrino ratio

… , Y Suzuki, Y Takeuchi, Y Totsuka, S Yamada, M Earl, A … - Physics Letters B
Cited by 565 - Related articles


[PS] from u-tokyo.ac.jp… Okumura, A Sakai, M Shiozawa, J Suzuki, Y Suzuki, … - Physical Review Letters, 1996 - APS
Results from 1036 days of solar neutrino data accumulated in the upgraded Kamiokande detector
(Kamiokande III) are presented. The 8 B solar neutrino flux observed in Kamiokande III is 2.82
-0.24 +0.25 (stat) ± 0.27 (syst) × 10 6 cm -2 s -1 ; the combined flux from Kamiokande II ...
Cited by 748 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions


[CITATION] Observation of a small atmospheric muon-neutrino / electron-neutrino ratio in Kamiokande

… Yaginuma, M Mori, Y Oyama, A Suzuki, K Takahashi, M … - Physics Letters B
Cited by 534 - Related articles


A Suzuki, T Ito, H Kawano, M Hayashida, Y Hayasaki, Y … - Oncogene, 2000 - cat.inist.fr
Caspase 3 is an essential death factor for the Fas-mediated cell death, and its inactivation in
cells is initiated by an interaction with p21 on mitochondria or with IAP family member ILP. Survivin
is also a member of IAP family and is specifically expressed during embryogenesis and in ...
Cited by 566 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 2 versions


[PDF] from cern.ch… , M Koga, T Maruyama, H Ogawa, A Suzuki … - Arxiv preprint hep-ex/ …, 1998 - cdsweb.cern.ch
Y.Fukudaa, T.Hayakawaa, E.Ichiharaa, K.Inouea, K.Ishiharaa, H.Ishinoa, Y.Itowa, T.Kajitaa,
J.Kamedaa, S.Kasugaa, K.Kobayashia, Y.Kobayashia, Y.Koshioa, K.Martensa;1, M.Miuraa,
M.Nakahataa, S.Nakayamaa, A.Okadaa, M.Oketaa, K.Okumuraa, M.Otaa, N.Sakuraia, M. ...
Cited by 579 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 5 versions
[PDF] from cern.ch… , T Maruyama, H Ogawa, A Suzuki, F Tsushima, M … - Physical Review Letters, 1998 - APS
The first results of the solar neutrino flux measurement from Super-Kamiokande are
presented. The results shown here are obtained from data taken between 31 May 1996, and
23 June 1997. Using our measurement of recoil electrons with energies above 6.5 MeV, ...
Cited by 532 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


[PDF] from Suzuki - Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1999 -
The palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction between organoboron compounds and organic
halides or triflates provides a powerful and general methodology for the formation of
carbon–carbon bonds. Recently, this reaction has been called the Suzuki coupling, ...
Cited by 665 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 14 versions


[PDF] from cern.ch… , T Maruyama, J Shirai, A Suzuki, M Koshiba, Y … - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS
Solar neutrino measurements from 1258 days of data from the Super-Kamiokande detector are
presented. The measurements are based on recoil electrons in the energy range 5.0–20.0
MeV. The measured solar neutrino flux is 2.32±0.03(stat) -0.07 +0.08 (syst)×10 6 cm -2 s ...
Cited by 519 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions


[PS] from cern.ch… , I Shimizu, J Shirai, F Suekane, A Suzuki, K Tada, O … - Physical Review Letters, 2003 - APS
KamLAND has measured the flux of ν? e 's from distant nuclear reactors. We find fewer ν? e
events than expected from standard assumptions about ν? e propagation at the 99.95% CL In
a 162 ton·yr exposure the ratio of the observed inverse β-decay events to the expected ...
Cited by 542 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions


[PDF] from arxiv.org… S Aoki, T Hara, A Suzuki, A Ichikawa, T Nakaya … - Arxiv preprint hep-ex/ …, 2001 - arxiv.org
... S. Aoki3, T. Hara3, A. Suzuki3, A. Ichikawa4, T. Nakaya4, K. Nishikawa4, T. Hasegawa5, K.
Ishihara5, A. Suzuki5, A. Konaka6 ... A high intensity narrow band neutrino beam is produced by
secondary pions created by a high intensity proton synchrotron at JHF (JAERI). ...
Cited by 578 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 15 versions


… Mori, Y Oyama, A Suzuki, K Takahashi, H … - New and exotic …, 1990 - books.google.com
449 Analysis of Atmospheric Neutrinos and Search for Dark Matter Using the Kamiokande Detector
KAMIOKANDE-II COLLABORATION KS Hitata, T. Kajita, T. Kifune, K. Kihara, M. Nakahata,
K. Nakamura, S. Ohara, N. Sato, Y. Suzuki, Y. Totsuka and Y. Yaginuma Institute} OT ...
Cited by 462 - Related articles


… , S Ohara, Y Oyama, N Sato, A Suzuki, M Takita, T … - Physics Letters B, 1988 - Elsevier
Volume 205, number 2,3 PHYSICS LETTERS B 28 April 1988 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE
Cited by 527 - Related articles - All 4 versions


[PDF] from tohoku.ac.jp… , H Ogawa, J Shirai, A Suzuki, F Tsushima, M … - Physical Review Letters, 1999 - APS
A total of 614 upward throughgoing muons of minimum energy 1.6 GeV are observed by
Super-Kamiokande during 537 detector live days. The measured muon flux is
[1.74±0.07(stat)±0.02(sys)]×10 -13 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 compared to an expected flux of [1.97± ...
Cited by 454 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


Y Mishina, A Suzuki, N Ueno, RR … - Genes & …, 1995 - genesdev.cshlp.org
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are secreted proteins that interact with cell-surface receptors
and are believed to play a variety of important roles during vertebrate embryogenesis. Bmpr,
also known as ALK-3 and Brk-1, encodes a type I transforming growth factor-beta ...
Cited by 418 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


A Suzuki, T Tanaka - 1990 - nature.com
PHASE transitions and critical phenomena in polymer gels have attracted much attention because
of their scientific interest and technological significance 1–3 . Phase transitions accompanied
by a reversible, discontinuous volume change as large as several hundred times, in ...
Cited by 398 - Related articles - All 4 versions
… , T Maruyama, J Shirai, A Suzuki, M Koshiba, Y … - Physical Review Letters, 2000 - APS
The previously published atmospheric neutrino data did not distinguish whether muon neutrinos
were oscillating into tau neutrinos or sterile neutrinos, as both hypotheses fit the data. Using
data recorded in 1100 live days of the Super-Kamiokande detector, we use three ...
Cited by 460 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


… , H Kawano, M Hayashida, T Nakano, A Suzuki - …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Survivin is a recently described inhibitor of apoptosis. Because suppression of apoptosis is important
for carcino- genesis and tumor growth, we investigated the expression and function of survivin
in human hepatocellular carcino- mas (HCCs). We have shown that 4 HCC cell lines and ...
Cited by 532 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


[HTML] from jbc.org… Ueda, S Hirai, S Osada, A Suzuki, K Mizuno, S … - Journal of Biological …, 1996 - ASBMB
Although the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) in the activation of the mitogen-activated
protein (MAP) kinase pathway has been implicated through experiments using
12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), there has been no direct demonstration that ...
Cited by 401 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions


A Suzuki, R Yamada, X Chang, S Tokuhiro, T … - Nature genetics, 2003 - nature.com
1 Laboratory for Rheumatic Diseases, SNP Research Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical
Research (RIKEN), 1-7-22, Suehirocho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 230-0045,
Japan. ... 3 Department of Allergy and Rheumatology, Graduate School of Medicine, the ...
Cited by 487 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


[PDF] from arxiv.org… , H Ogawa, J Shirai, A Suzuki, F Tsushima, M … - Physical Review Letters, 1999 - APS
A search for day-night variations in the solar neutrino flux resulting from neutrino oscillations
has been carried out using the 504 day sample of solar neutrino data obtained at
Super-Kamiokande. The absence of a significant day-night variation has set an absolute ...
Cited by 396 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions


[PDF] from cern.ch… , T Maruyama, J Shirai, A Suzuki, M Koshiba, Y … - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS
We report the result of a search for neutrino oscillations using precise measurements of the recoil
electron energy spectrum and zenith angle variations of the solar neutrino flux from 1258 days
of neutrino-electron scattering data in Super-Kamiokande. The absence of significant ...
Cited by 408 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions


[PDF] from pnas.orgA Suzuki, RS Thies, N Yamaji, JJ … - Proceedings of the …, 1994 - National Acad Sciences
WOZNEYt, KAZUO MURAKAMI§, AND NAOTO UENO*1 *Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan; tGenetics Institute Inc., 87 ...
Cited by 337 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


… , X Chang, A Suzuki, Y Kochi, T Sawada, M Suzuki, … - Nature genetics, 2003 - nature.com
1 Laboratory for Rheumatic Diseases, SNP Research Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical
Research (RIKEN), 1-7-22, Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 230-0045,
Japan. ... 2 Laboratory for Rheumatic Diseases, SNP Research Center, The Institute of ...
Cited by 361 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


[PDF] from reed.edu… Galdikas, CD Knott, I Singleton, A Suzuki, SS Utami, M … - Science, 2003 - sciencemag.org
Geographic variation in some aspects of chimpanzee behavior has been interpreted as evidence
for culture. Here we document similar geographic variation in orangutan behaviors.
Moreover, as expected under a cultural interpretation, we find a correlation between ...
Cited by 411 - Related articles - All 11 versions


[PDF] from ascopubs.orgM Fukuoka, H Niitani, A Suzuki, M … - Journal of Clinical …, 1992 - jco.ascopubs.org
Purpose: Camptothecin-11 (CPT-11) is a new semisyn- thetic derivative of CPT, and has been
shown to inhibit DNA topoisomerase I and to have a strong antitumor activity with low toxicity
in murine tumors. To evaluate the effectiveness of CPT-11 in patients with non-small-cell ...
Cited by 335 - Related articles - All 7 versions
[HTML] from cell.comA Suzuki, JL de la Pompa, V Stambolic, AJ Elia, T … - Current Biology, 1998 - Elsevier
Results: Homozygous mutant mice lacking exons 3–5 of the PTEN gene (mPTEN 3–5 ) had severely
expanded and abnormally patterned cephalic and caudal regions at day 8.5 of gestation. Embryonic
death occurred by day 9.5 and was associated with defective chorio-allantoic ...
Cited by 412 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


[PDF] from jneurosci.org… , LR Squire, DG Amaral, WA Suzuki - Journal of …, 1989 - Soc Neuroscience
... Squire,' David G. Amaral,2 and Wendy A. Suzuki2J ... Based on these 2 find- ings, we evaluated
the severity of memory impairment in a group of monkeys that received bilateral lesions limited
to the perirhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus (the PRPH lesion). ...
Cited by 486 - Related articles - All 8 versions


[PDF] from wlstanfordlab.com… , I Kozieradzki, N Joza, TW Mak, PS Ohashi, A Suzuki, … - Science, 2000 - sciencemag.org
(4), were incubated for 20 min at room temperature with a freshly diluted solution (100 to 300
M) of LY 294002 in modified Hank's balanced salt solution (4). Clostridium difficile toxin-B
(TechLab, Blacksburg, VA), was added directly to the cell culture medium at a final ...
Cited by 388 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions


[PDF] from jbc.orgJW Heinecke, H Rosen, LA Suzuki, A Chait - Journal of Biological …, 1987 - ASBMB
Jay W. HeineckeSB, Henry Rosen, Lucy A. Suzuki, and Alan Chaitfl From the Departments of
$Biochemistry and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 ... Extracellular
superoxide (OZ) was detected in cul- tures of monkey arterial smooth muscle cells as ...
Cited by 370 - Related articles - All 5 versions


[PDF] from uni-muenchen.de… , MJ Raliegh, R Stopa, A Suzuki, SL Washburn, RW … - Current …, 1973 - JSTOR
... Grover S. Krantz, Glen McBride, Fernando Nottebohm, John Pfeiffer, Duane G. Rumbaugh, Horst
D. Steklis and Michael J. Raleigh, Roman Stopa, Akira Suzuki, SL Washburn, and Roger W.
Wescott. Their comments are printed after the text and are followed by a reply from the ...
Cited by 377 - Related articles - All 12 versions


[PDF] from lbl.gov… Yaginuma, M Mori, Y Oyama, A Suzuki, K Takahashi, M … - Physical Review D, 1991 - APS
The method of 8 B solar-neutrino measurement by means of the reaction ν e e→ν e e in the Kamiokande
II detector is described in detail. A data sample of 1040 live detector days in the time period January
1987 through April 1990 yields a clear directional correlation of the ...
Cited by 367 - Related articles - All 6 versions


[PDF] from tohoku.ac.jp… T Hasegawa, K Inoue, J Shirai, A Suzuki, M Koshiba, Y … - Physical Review D, 2005 - APS
We present a combined analysis of fully-contained, partially-contained and upward-going muon
atmospheric neutrino data from a 1489 d exposure of the Super-Kamiokande detector. The data
samples span roughly five decades in neutrino energy, from 100 MeV to 10 TeV. A ...
Cited by 354 - Related articles - All 10 versions


[PDF] from arxiv.org… , H Ogawa, J Shirai, A Suzuki, F Tsushima, M … - Physical Review Letters, 1999 - APS
A measurement of the energy spectrum of recoil electrons from solar neutrino scattering in the
Super-Kamiokande detector is presented. The results shown here were obtained from 504 days
of data taken between 31 May 1996 and 25 March 1998. The shape of the measured ...
Cited by 298 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions


T Katoh, A Suzuki, K Ikeda - Anesthesiology, 1998 - journals.lww.com
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining
your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more
information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. ... Skip Navigation Links Home > March ...
Cited by 286 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


… Kaneko, S Sakakibara, T Imai, A Suzuki, … - Developmental …, 2000 - content.karger.com
In situ detection of neural progenitor cells including stem-like cells is essential for studying the
basic mechanisms of the generation of cellular diversity in the CNS, upon which therapeutic
treatments for CNS injuries, degenerative diseases, and brain tumors may be based. We ...
Cited by 281 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions
D Kong, A Suzuki, TT Zou, A Sakurada, LW Kemp, S … - Nature genetics, 1997 - nature.com
... in Cancer Incidence and Mortality Statistics in Osaka, 1963−1989 (eds Fujimoto, I. et al) 49−214
(Shinohara, Osaka, Japan, 1993). Okamoto, A. et al. ... 55, 1922−1926 (1995). | PubMed | ISI |
ChemPort |; Orita, M., Suzuki, Y., Sekiya, T. & Hayashi, K. Genomics 5, 874−879 (1989). ...
Cited by 226 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


[PDF] from tohoku.ac.jp… , M Mori, Y Oyama, A Suzuki, K Takahashi, M … - Physical Review Letters, 1990 - APS
A data sample of 1040 days from the Kamiokande II detector, consisting of subsamples of 450
days at electron-energy threshold E e ≥9.3 MeV and 590 days at E e ≥7.5 MeV, yields a clear
directional correlation of the solar-neutrino-induced electron events with respect to the ...
Cited by 245 - Related articles - All 8 versions


[HTML] from asnjournals.orgT Ito, A Suzuki, E Imai, M Okabe, M … - Journal of the American …, 2001 - Am Soc Nephrol
ABSTRACT. The renal glomerulus, whose cellular components are developmentally derived
from the mesenchyme, plays a pivotal role in filtratating plasma. Irretrievable changes of glomerular
components are responsible for the initiation and progression of impaired renal function. ...
Cited by 248 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


[HTML] from rupress.orgA Suzuki, T Hanada, K Mitsuyama, T … - The Journal of …, 2001 - jem.rupress.org
Immune and inflammatory systems are controlled by multiple cytokines, including interleukins
(ILs) and interferons. These cytokines exert their biological functions through Janus tyrosine
kinases and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) transcription factors. ...
Cited by 239 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions


JG Ponterotto, LA Suzuki, JM Casas, CM Alexander - 2009 - books.google.com
The editors and contributing authors of this third edition of the Handbook of Multicultural Counseling
dedicate their efforts to the 12 pioneers and elders whose respective life stories open Part I of
this volume. Eduardo Duran Carolyn G. Barcus Rosie Phillips Bingham Joseph L. White ...
Cited by 278 - Related articles - All 3 versions


[HTML] from cell.comA Suzuki, MT Yamaguchi, T Ohteki, T Sasaki, T Kaisho, … - Immunity, 2001 - Elsevier
PTEN, a tumor suppressor gene, is essential for embryogenesis. We used the Cre-loxP system
to generate a T cell-specific deletion of the Pten gene (Pten flox/− mice). All Pten flox/− mice develop
CD4 + T cell lymphomas by 17 weeks. Pten flox/− mice show increased thymic cellularity ...
Cited by 274 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 13 versions


S Hizukuri, Y Takeda, M Yasuda, A Suzuki - Carbohydrate Research, 1981 - Elsevier
Convenient and sensitive methods are described for analyses of the reducing and non-reducing
residues of amylose. The multi-branched nature of amylose samples from several plant sources
was revealed quantitatively by these methods. Pseudomonas isoamylase partially (30%) ...
Cited by 259 - Related articles


[PDF] from jneurosci.orgWA Suzuki, S Zola-Morgan, LR Squire, … - Journal of …, 1993 - Soc Neuroscience
Lesions of the Perirhinal and Parahippocampal Cottices in the Monkey Produce Long-lasting
Memory Impairment in the Visual and Tactual Modalities ... Wendy A. Suzuki, I,* Stuart
Zola-Morgan,1~3 ... Larry R. Squire,lv3 and David G. AmaraP*
Cited by 313 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


[PDF] from rupress.org… Busch, MH Stromer, DE Goll, A Suzuki - The Journal of Cell …, 1972 - jcb.rupress.org
ABSTRACT Removal of rabbit psoas strips immediately after death and incubation in a saline
solution containing 1 mM Ca2+ and 5 MM Mg2+ for 9 hr at 37°C and pH 7.1 causes complete
Z- line removal but has no ultrastructurally detectable effect on other parts of the myofibril. ...
Cited by 248 - Related articles - All 6 versions


[HTML] from cjb.netA Suzuki, SA Josselyn, PW Frankland, S … - Journal of …, 2004 - neuro.cjb.net
Memory retrieval is not a passive phenomenon. Instead, it triggers a number of processes that
either reinforce or alter stored information. Retrieval is thought to activate a second memory consolidation
cascade (reconsolidation) that requires protein synthesis. Here, we show that the ...
Cited by 264 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions
[PDF] from ntu.edu.tw… Van Drongelen, M Yuchtman, A Suzuki - Biomedical …, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Abstract—A spatial filtering method for localizing sources of brain electrical activity from surface
recordings is described and analyzed. The spatial filters are implemented as a weighted sum
of the data recorded at different sites. The weights are chosen to minimize the filter output ...
Cited by 290 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 12 versions


[HTML] from rupress.orgA Suzuki, Y Zheng, S Kaneko, M Onodera, … - The Journal of cell …, 2002 - jcb.rupress.org
Using flow cytometry and single cell–based assays, we prospectively identified hepatic stem
cells with multilineage differentiation potential and self-renewing capability. These cells could
be clonally propagated in culture where they continuously produced hepatocytes and ...
Cited by 283 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions


[PDF] from biologists.orgPA Wilson, G Lagna, A Suzuki, A Hemmati- … - Development, 1997 - dev.biologists.org
In the early embryo, the specification of cell fates relies in large part on secreted signaling
molecules. In many cases, these signals appear to mediate traditional inductive interactions,
in which cells or groups of cells assume one fate in the presence of a signal from ...
Cited by 234 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


[PS] from cern.ch… Suga, LR Sulak, A Suzuki, Y Suzuki, Y Takeuchi, N … - Physical Review Letters, 2003 - APS
The K2K experiment observes indications of neutrino oscillation: a reduction of ν μ flux together
with a distortion of the energy spectrum. Fifty-six beam neutrino events are observed in
Super-Kamiokande (SK), 250 km from the neutrino production point, with an expectation ...
Cited by 187 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions


[HTML] from rupress.orgA Suzuki, T Yamanaka, T Hirose, N … - The Journal of cell …, 2001 - jcb.rupress.org
We have previously shown that during early Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis PKC-3,
a C. elegans atypical PKC (aPKC), plays critical roles in the establishment of cell polarity required
for subsequent asymmetric cleavage by interacting with PAR-3 [Tabuse, Y., Y. Izumi, F. ...
Cited by 213 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions


A Suzuki, M Hayashida, T Ito, H Kawano, T Nakano, M … - Oncogene, 2000 - cat.inist.fr
Survivin is observed uniquely in tumor cells and developmental cells, which undergo either inappropriate
or programmed cell growth. In the current study, we investigated the influence of Survivin on
cell cycle. Overexpression of Survivin resulted in accelerated S phase shift, resistance to ...
Cited by 238 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 2 versions


… R Sarao, H Sun, T Sasaki, E Hirsch, A Suzuki, T Shioi, J … - Cell, 2002 - Elsevier
The PTEN/PI3K signaling pathway regulates a vast array of fundamental cellular responses.
We show that cardiomyocyte-specific inactivation of tumor suppressor PTEN results in
hypertrophy, and unexpectedly, a dramatic decrease in cardiac contractility. Analysis of ...
Cited by 237 - Related articles - All 13 versions


T Hayashi, A Suzuki, T Shoji, M Togawa, N … - American Journal of …, 2000 - Elsevier
The optimal target hematocrit (Ht) level in recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) therapy
remains controversial and has hardly been investigated in predialysis patients. We prospectively
studied the regression of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) on echocardiography in nine ...
Cited by 230 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions


A Suzuki, Y Tsutomi, K Akahane, T Araki, M Miura - Oncogene, 1998 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The death receptor Fas transduces apoptotic death signaling mediated by caspases. In the present
study, human hepatoma HepG2 cells showed the Fas-mediated apoptosis mediated by
caspase, especially caspase 3, only in the presence of actinomycin D. Interestingly, ...
Cited by 222 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions


[PDF] from jneurosci.orgWA Suzuki, DG Amaral - Journal of Neuroscience, 1994 - Soc Neuroscience
WA SuzukP and DG Amara12 'Group in Neurosciences, University of California at San
Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 and 'Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, SUNY at Stony
Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794 ... The perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices ...
Cited by 257 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions




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