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学诗词 写诗词 8

已有 2373 次阅读 2022-5-9 10:50 |个人分类:美学诗文|系统分类:诗词雅集







Mother's Day


Mother of heaven sleeps in peace

Living mothers live a long and healthy life

Children and grandchildren are happy around their knees

Happy family, auspicious and safe





Mother's Day


Mother's love is the greatest. A mother makes a home,

Children grow up and can't let go.

The hearts of parents and children all over the world,

When a loving mother reminds her children again, they will feel it when they are young.












300 new rhyme couplets • 179

Maple forest drunk

Spring stone sinus cool wind fine; Sunshine green mountains, all things su.

A green hill invites the moon to live; Three parts of the country and the king.

A long wild goose crossed a line of words; The sea is full of stars and thousands of beads.

Far sighted and broad-minded; Sail the river and sea and hesitate.

Zhuang Yin steps through the five lakes; Hunting sentences turn over thousands of books.

A path of secluded flowers leads to the ancient temple; The half moon shines on the new house.

A light boat floats in the water and goes far; The shadow of wild geese passing through the clouds gradually disappeared.

Clear water sinks into mountains and fish play with trees; White clouds, surging waves, birds lost their way.

许日辉的诗写的好,我很喜欢。学习了,诗唱越剧,很好听的 。

































































Twelve pieces of seven wonders: expressing feelings on Mother's day in 2022

Wen / uncle Hui (Xu Rihui)


A Hemerocallis from the body,

The temples are dyed with vicissitudes of life. Great love is true.

Magpie bird knows kindness to feed back,

The lamb knelt down and thanked his mother.


Thank your parents every holiday,

Great love, true feelings, filial piety and kindness.

Raising selfless children,

A bouquet of sweet flowers shows your heart.


The husband teaches the son to guard virtue and benevolence,

Life is hard and frugal.

Warm always remembers Xuan's kindness,

Happiness never forgets to thank my mother.


Flowers and flying catkins cover the world of mortals,

The fragrance of Hemerocallis misses mother.

Half a month before the window last night,

Kneel down and report three spring today


Every time Xinhua sees her dream,

Love your husband and children.

Cherishing the old mother deeply during the festival,

Regret that you didn't repay your kindness.


Filial piety, benevolence and love,

Keep the house frugal and silent.

Every year today, I feel kind,

Report the love of three spring children.


Xuanhua blooms, yearning for kiss,

Thank you for giving birth to me.

Since ancient times, countless kindness,

The most sincere maternal love in the world.


Thousands of strands of yearning surge into the heart,

Mother and son meet again in a dream.

The old looks are faintly remembered by children

Looks like a little girl.


In October, pregnancy is painful,

After the wind and rain, laughter and song.

Cultivating children is very kind,

Motherly love and kindness guard the nest.


Every time this festival presents sweet flowers,

Mother still has a home in life.

Even if there are thousands of rings,

Under my mother's lap is a doll.


The love of life is mother,

Work hard day and night.

Every night I think of the past,

Holding a candle in front of the window will never be forgotten.


Beautiful as heaven, smiling at the nine cangs,

The feelings of the family and the country are brave and responsible.

The sky, the moon and the clouds,

Valiant, heroic and beautiful.

Made on May 8, 2022 Renyin on the morning of mother's day on the eighth day of April

Happy mother's Day!





1. 来时夏日展雄风


2. 巡更夜月报佳音


3. 迎门喜气报红包


4. 仰头夏日展红旗(戴高山)

5. 穿林紫燕着花衣

(余哥唱晚 )

6. 巡航妈祖着红衣(方宗和(芳草)

7. 衔泥新燕剪蓝天(天地人 )

8. 耕耘大地画宏图


9. 巡天神舟报佳音(出塵)

10. 漫天谷雨卸红装


11. 横空夜露点红花(翠梦轩主)

12. 迎霞旭日舞红衣(梁威信)

13. 龙凤呈祥 


14. 腾空白鹭展雄姿(孤帆远影)

15. 留居病毒得红牌(天马行空)


16. 登门晚月避红区(老百姓 )

17. 扬蹄骏马显雄姿(吴水连)

18. 驱寒天女绽红心(吴朝阳)


19. 驱瘟夏月耀银光。(陈路军)

20. 露头旭日灿红光。(方伯勋)

21. 不老林(华生) 舒心喜气秀诗情

22. 争东夏水洗朝阳。(萧清乐)

23. 入村夏雨润青苗。(丘富开)

24. 临门瑞气舞祥麟。(李兴富)

25. 居家日子忌红标。(浩洋 )

26. 经秋枫叶画红妆。(蓑笠翁)

27. 生情暮雨洗红尘(李生利)

28. 临池夏雨润红莲(王强)

29. 迎门夏日绘蓝图(正宗辉煌)

30. 午雲 迎亲吉日贴红联

31. 飞天焰火送瘟神(孤帆远影)

32. 漫天细雨绽红花(孤帆遠影 )

33. 扬帆海际映红霞   (午云)

34. 凝眸岳顶泛青岚  (午云)

35. 接天湖水泛清波(孤帆远影)

36. 识途老马 驻点专干脱真贫

37. 津林秋露染红枫(傅焱)

38. 巡天神舟报佳音

39. 居家晨雾亮红阳(郑楚开)

40. 乘边昼夜逐瘟神(佘一龙)

41. 巡航夏日展红旗(正宗辉煌 )

42. 对句:新晴社日暖青天。(赵传勤)

43. 踏雪寻梅 凌空北斗护苍生

44. 入山明月钓清泉(仙游 黄世雄)

45. 飞花雪景伴寒风(湖南 孙润根)

46. 迎新鞭炮响蓝天(林小青晋江)

47. 清零喜讯上头条(林小青晋江)

48. 凭它燕子报春音(黄春光 )

49. 翻墙野蝶画红妆(背影)

50. 枝头点点蕾(黄金明)


51. 满门喜气挂红灯(和西典)

52. 犯规球客罚黄牌(浮光流影)

53. 敲窗时雨洗灰尘(南翔)

54. ​飞檐紫燕建新阁(贾明)

55. 降魔大白逆潮流。(萧清乐)

56. 擎天翠竹醉祥云(天道酬勤)

57. 飞檐紫燕建新阁(贾明)

58. 遥情晓日赋中华(黄丽玲)

59. 临门紫气衬丹心(赖家福)

60. 冲天虎气剿瘟神(佘一龙)

61. 逢场夜雨洒红桃(宸馨)

62. 含情夜月映清塘(宸馨)

63. 含情彩蝶乱花心


64. 逢场夏日映蓝天(正宗辉煌 )

65. 衔山夜月洒清辉(辛永金)

66. 连潮旭日漾红波(西楼盈月 )

67. 巡山白鹤赏红枫   (平沙落雁)

68. 归乡旅雁报行踪(尘封)

69. 出城时雨绽黄梅(马晓明)

70. 穿门夏雨写红函。(耿速)

71. 敲窗夏雨灭瘟神(止戈)

72. 惊窗晓雾绘白花。(杨兆修)

73. 经关哨卡示红章。(华峰)

74. 除瘟剑客刺阴霾(龙凤呈祥)

75. 归华赤子展红颜  山水恋人(石金玉)

76. 推波小棹画红蕖(李玉琢)

77. 经年秋雨写红笺(福建仙游 黄世雄)

78. 解封华夏颂青天  山水恋人(石金玉)

79. 淋庭夏雨润红花(吉林 傅焱)

80. 航天虎气树红旗(佘一龙)

81. 留村老干斩穷根(陈问生)

82. 临窗紫燕叙幽情(陈问生)

83. 蹲台少女露芳姿(陈问生)

84. 出墙红杏戴新冠(诗词无名 )

85. 联姻野蝶醉新花(浩洋 )

86. 临窗满月赐福音(王光坝)

87. 入闺月老撮红娘(慈心净持)

88. 连宵夜雨饬红花(平白)


Half moon couplet of Minnan poetry Journal

Sentence: Transit spring breeze Book Green code (cook)


1. Show your strength in summer

(Dang Yongfeng)

2. Good news of monthly report on guard patrol night

(Zou Xuequan)

3. Welcome the door and report the red envelope

(seven character sentence)

4. Raise your head and display the red flag in summer (Dai Gaoshan)

5. Wear Lin Ziyan's flower clothes

(brother Yu sings in the evening)

6. Cruise Mazu in red (Fang Zonghe (Fangcao)

7. Cutting the blue sky with a new swallow (heaven, earth and man)

8. Cultivate the earth and draw a grand plan


9. Patrol the sky and report good news (dust)

10. Red clothes are unloaded in the rain

(Yang zhaogen)

11. Night dew point Safflower in the sky (leader of Cuimeng Pavilion)

12. Yingxia rising sun dance in red (Liang Weixin)

13. Chengfengxiang

Dispelling plague sword stabs haze

14. Flying egrets show their majestic posture (distant shadow of solitary sails)

15. Red card for virus in residence

Wall climbing hackers run red lights

16. Late moon red area (common people)

17. The horse shows its majestic posture (Wu shuilian)

18. Drive away the cold, and the heavenly maidens bloom their hearts (Wu Chaoyang)

Note: tiannv flower has white petals and red heart. Liaoning flower.

19. Dispel the plague, and the summer moon shines with silver. (Chen Lujun)

20. The sunrise is red. (Fang Boxun)

21. Bu Laolin (Watson) is comfortable, happy and poetic

22. Strive for the East summer to wash the sun. (Xiao Qingle)

23. When entering the village, the summer rain moistens the young crops. (Qiu Fukai)

24. Linmen auspicious dance Xianglin. (Li Xingfu)

25. Avoid red labels on home days. (Haoyang)

26. Painting red makeup on maple leaves in autumn. (Suo Liweng)

27. Be in love and wash the world of mortals in the evening rain (Li Shengli)

28. Linchi xiayurun red lotus (Wang Qiang)

29. Drawing a blueprint for welcoming the door in summer (authentic brilliance)

30. Red couplets are pasted on the auspicious day

31. Flying fireworks to the God of plague (solitary sail far shadow)

32. Red flowers bloom in drizzle (distant shadow of a lone sail)

33. Set sail and reflect the red clouds across the sea (afternoon clouds)

34. Gazing at the top of the mountain, there is a blue haze (afternoon cloud)

35. Connect the clear waves of the lake (distant shadow of the lone sail)

36. The old horse who knows the way stops at the spot and specializes in getting rid of real poverty

37. Jinlin autumn dew dyed red maple (Fu Yan)

38. Patrol the sky and report good news

39. Bright morning fog and red sun at home (Zheng chukai)

40. Ride the edge day and night to chase the God of plague (she Yilong)

41. Cruise the red flag in summer (authentic and brilliant)

42. Opposite sentence: the new sunny society has a warm blue sky. (Zhao Chuanqin)

43. Stepping on the snow and looking for plum blossoms, flying the Beidou to protect the common people

44. Enter the mountain to catch the moon and clear spring (Xianyou Huang Shixiong)

45. Flying snow with cold wind (sun rungen, Hunan)

46. Firecrackers ring the blue sky (Lin Xiaoqing, Jinjiang)

47. The good news of zero clearing made headlines (Lin Xiaoqing, Jinjiang)

48. With the sound of swallows heralding spring (Huang Chunguang)

49. Climbing over the wall and painting red makeup by wild butterflies (back)

50. Branches and buds (Huang Jinming)

Flutter curtain gags love dusk

51. The door is full of joy and red lights (and Xidian)

52. Penalty yellow card for foul ball (floating light and shadow)

53. Rain wash dust when knocking on the window (Nanxiang)

54. Ziyan Jianxin pavilion with cornices (Jia Ming)

55. Subdue the devil and go against the tide. (Xiao Qingle)

56. Qingtian green bamboo drunk auspicious clouds (heaven rewards diligence)

57. Ziyan Jianxin pavilion with cornices (Jia Ming)

58. Remote love dawn day Fu Zhonghua (Huang Liling)

59. Linmen purple Qi lining the heart of the heart (Lai Jiafu)

60. Fight the God of plague with the tiger spirit (she Yilong)

61. Every night rain sprinkles red peach (Chenxin)

62. Affectionate night moon reflects Qingtang (Chenxin)

63. Amorous butterflies

(Zhang Hanping)

64. Every summer reflects the blue sky (authentic brilliance)

65. The moon shines on the mountain (Xin Yongjin)

66. Continuous tide, rising sun and red waves (West Building yingyue)

67. Patrolling the mountains, white cranes and red maples (falling geese in Pingsha)

68. Report the whereabouts of returning wild geese (dust laden)

69. Yellow plum blossoms in the rain when leaving the city (MA Xiaoming)

70. Xia Yu writes a red letter through the door. (Geng Su)

71. Knock on the window, summer rain kills the God of plague (stop fighting)

72. The window is startled by the dawn and the fog is painted with white flowers. (Yang zhaoxiu)

73. The red seal is displayed at the checkpoint. (Hua Feng)

74. Anti plague swordsman stabs the haze (Dragon and Phoenix are auspicious)

75. Gui Hua chizi shows a beautiful landscape lover (Shi Jinyu)

76. Tui Bo small painting red (Li Yuzhuo)

77. Write on red paper after years of autumn rain (Huang Shixiong, Xianyou, Fujian)

78. Unseal huaxiasong Qingtian landscape lover (Shi Jinyu)

79. Drenching summer rain and moistening safflower (Jilin Fuyan)

80. Aerospace tiger tree red flag (she Yilong)

81. Leaving the village cadres to cut the roots of poverty (Chen Wensheng)

82. Ziyan at the window to talk about your feelings (Chen Wensheng)

83. The girl squatting on the platform shows her beauty (Chen Wensheng)

84. Out of the wall, red apricots wear new crowns (poems are unknown)

85. Marriage wild butterfly drunk new flower (Haoyang)

86. Blessing at the full moon near the window (Wang Guangba)

87. A group of matchmakers (benevolent and pure)

88. Red flower (plain white)


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