01.cell line, tumor 88 篇7.971% 02.cell proliferation 85 篇7.699% 04.rats, sprague-dawley 72 篇6.522% 05.treatment outcome 68 篇6.159% 06.disease models, animal 61 篇5.525% 07.gene expression regulation, neoplastic 61 篇5.525% 08.signal transduction 54 篇4.891% 09.rna, messenger 52 篇4.710% 10.gene expression regulation 48 篇4.348% 11.antineoplastic agents 46 篇4.167% 12.cells, cultured 43 篇3.895% 13.retrospective studies 43 篇3.895% 14.time factors 43 篇3.895% 15.polymorphism, single nucleotide 40 篇3.623% 16.liver neoplasms 38 篇3.442% 17.tomography, x-ray computed 38 篇3.442% 18.tumor necrosis factor-alpha 35 篇3.170% 19.lung neoplasms 33 篇2.989% 20.genetic predisposition to disease 32 篇2.899% 22.rats, wistar 32 篇2.899% 24.carcinoma, hepatocellular 30 篇2.717% 25.cell differentiation 30 篇2.717% 26.cell movement 30 篇2.717% 27.neoplasm staging 30 篇2.717% 28.case-control studies 29 篇2.627% 30.cell survival 27 篇2.446% 31.risk factors 26 篇2.355% 32.immunohistochemistry 25 篇2.264% 33.mesenchymal stromal cells 25 篇2.264% 35.phosphorylation 25 篇2.264% 36.rna, small interfering 25 篇2.264% 39.severity of illness index 21 篇1.902% 42.reactive oxygen species 20 篇1.812% 43.up-regulation 20 篇1.812% 44.mice, inbred balb c 19 篇1.721% 46.down-regulation 18 篇1.630% 47.interleukin-6 18 篇1.630% 48.mice, inbred c57bl 18 篇1.630% 49.postoperative complications 18 篇1.630% 50.transfection 18 篇1.630% 01.rna, messenger 52 篇4.710% 02.antineoplastic agents 46 篇4.167% 03.tumor necrosis factor-alpha 35 篇3.170% 05.rna, small interfering 25 篇2.264% 07.reactive oxygen species 20 篇1.812% 09.interleukin-6 18 篇1.630% 10.proto-oncogene proteins c-akt 17 篇1.540% 查看更多
28.女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症 33 篇2.989% 01.department of cardiology 68 篇6.159% 02.department of neurology 59 篇5.344% 03.department of neurosurgery 42 篇3.804% 04.department of urology 31 篇2.808% 05.school of medicine 31 篇2.808% 06.department of anesthesiology 27 篇2.446% 07.department of orthopedics 26 篇2.355% 08.department of oncology 25 篇2.264% 09.department of general surgery 23 篇2.083% 10.department of hematology 20 篇1.812% 11.department of pathology 18 篇1.630% 12.department of gastroenterology 17 篇1.540% 13.department of orthopaedics 17 篇1.540% 14.department of obstetrics and gynecology 15 篇1.359% 15.department of pediatrics 15 篇1.359% 16.department of radiology 15 篇1.359% 17.department of medical oncology 13 篇1.178% 18.department of pharmacology 11 篇0.996% 19.department of respiratory medicine 11 篇0.996% 20.department of ultrasound 11 篇0.996% 21.institute of surgery research 11 篇0.996% 22.cancer center 10 篇0.906% 23.department of colorectal surgery 10 篇0.906% 24.department of endocrinology 10 篇0.906% 25.department of nephrology 10 篇0.906% 26.department of cardiothoracic surgery 9 篇0.815% 27.department of ophthalmology 9 篇0.815% 28.department of vascular surgery 9 篇0.815% 29.department of dermatology 8 篇0.725% 30.department of emergency 8 篇0.725% 31.department of hepatobiliary surgery 8 篇0.725% 32.department of laboratory medicine 8 篇0.725% 33.department of radiation oncology 8 篇0.725% 34.department of surgery 8 篇0.725% 35.department of thoracic surgery 8 篇0.725% 36.department of orthopedics of jinling hospital 7 篇0.634% 37.department of stomatology 7 篇0.634% 38.school of life sciences 7 篇0.634% 39.xuzhou center hospital 7 篇0.634% 40.department of pharmacy 6 篇0.543% 41.department of cardiovascular surgery 5 篇0.453% 42.department of gastrointestinal surgery 5 篇0.453% 43.department of internal medicine 5 篇0.453% 44.department of interventional radiology 5 篇0.453% 45.department of orthopedic surgery 5 篇0.453% 46.department of otolaryngology 5 篇0.453% 47.department of plastic surgery 5 篇0.453% 48.department of spine surgery 5 篇0.453% 49.division of cardiology 5 篇0.453% 50.national hepatobiliary and enteric surgery research center 5 篇0.453%
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