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已有 7399 次阅读 2016-10-25 17:58 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记




A-query: Liver Failure
C-query: ACSL1

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 1 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 21630 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 131 terms on the current B-list (45 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.

job id # 21630 started Tue Oct 25 04:44:00 2016
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: Liver Failure Tue Oct 25 04:45:01 2016

A query = Liver Failure started Tue Oct 25 04:45:03 2016
A query resulted in 50000 titles
C_query_raw: ACSL1 Tue Oct 25 04:45:58 2016

C: ACSL1 137

A: Liver Failure 58332

AC: ( Liver Failure ) AND ( ACSL1 ) 1

C_query_raw: ACSL1 Tue Oct 25 04:46:04 2016

C: ACSL1 137

A: Liver Failure 58332

AC: ( Liver Failure ) AND ( ACSL1 ) 1

C query = ACSL1 started Tue Oct 25 04:46:05 2016
C query resulted in 137 titles
A AND C query resulted in 1 titles
1066 B-terms ready on Tue Oct 25 04:46:14 2016

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
131 B-terms left after filter executed Tue Oct 25 04:46:54 2016

Viewed B-terms Tue Oct 25 04:49:31 2016

B-list on Tue Oct 25 04:58:11 2016
1 adiponectin
2 toll receptor
3 tlr4
4 mtor
5 ghrelin
6 target rapamycin
7 microrna
8 pparalpha
9 ppar
10 metabolic syndrome
11 single nucleotide polymorphism
12 autophagy
13 hepatic gene
14 toll
15 pten
16 cytokine production
17 gelsolin
18 leptin
19 genome wide
20 angiotensin receptor
21 peroxisome
22 cytochrome p450
23 p450
24 cytokine
25 dicer
26 atp binding
27 nucleotide sequence polymorphism
28 sp1
29 transcription factor
30 nash
31 ivf
32 interleukin
33 gene rat liver
34 differentially expressed gene
35 gsk-3beta
36 transporter
37 nucleotide sequence
38 promoter region
39 cpg
40 glucagon
41 analysis gene
42 egf
43 cd36
44 candidate gene
45 coa


AB literature


BC literature

Liver Failure adiponectinACSL1
1: Impact of serum levels of interleukin-6 and adiponectin on all-cause, liver-related, and liver-unrelated mortality in chronic hepatitis C patients. 2015
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2: Plasma Adiponectin Levels in Acute Liver Failure Patients Treated with Plasma Filtration with Dialysis and Plasma Exchange. 2015
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3:Adiponectin: a key playmaker adipocytokine in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 2014
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4:Adiponectin and the cardiometabolic syndrome: an epidemiological perspective. 2014
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5:Adiponectin protects against acetaminophen-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and acute liver injury by promoting autophagy in mice. 2014
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6: Free fatty acids repress small heterodimer partner (SHP) activation and adiponectin counteracts bile acid-induced liver injury in superobese patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. 2013
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7:Adiponectin, diabetes and ischemic heart failure: a challenging relationship. 2012
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8: Mechanisms linking obesity, chronic kidney disease, and fatty liver disease: the roles of fetuin-A, adiponectin, and AMPK. 2010
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9: Impaired liver regeneration of steatotic rats after portal vein ligation: a particular emphasis on (99m)Tc-DISIDA scintigraphy and adiponectin signaling. 2010
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10: Deficiency of adiponectin receptor 2 reduces diet-induced insulin resistance but promotes type 2 diabetes. 2007
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11: Up-regulation of the anti-inflammatory adipokine adiponectin in acute liver failure in mice. 2006
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12:[Adiponectin--adipocytokine with a broad clinical spectrum]. 2004
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13: The role of the novel adipocyte-derived hormone adiponectin in human disease. 2003
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脂肪代谢基因通路  http://www.chinabaike.com/t/30340/2015/0201/3088677.html


(mouse)脂类主要包括脂肪、磷脂、鞘脂和胆固醇脂,其吸收代谢有两种情况: 中链、短链脂肪酸构成的甘油三酯乳化后即可吸收——>肠粘膜细胞内水解为脂肪酸及甘油——>门静脉入血。长链脂肪酸构成的甘油三酯在肠道分解为长链脂肪酸和甘油一酯,再吸收——>肠粘膜细胞内再合成甘油三酯,与载脂蛋白、胆固醇等结合成乳糜微粒——>淋巴入血甘油三脂代谢。


· 甘油三脂代谢

· 磷脂代谢

· 胆固醇代谢

· 血浆脂蛋白代谢



2、调控基因(regulatory genes):

adipokines:adig (adipogenin), adipoq, cfd, lep, retn.(5)

hormones:agt, angpt2.(2)

enzymes:lipe, lpl.(2)

ppar gamma途径(ppar gamma targets):ipoq, cebpa, cfd, fabp4, fasn, irs2, klf15, pparg, ppargc1a (pgc-1a), retn, sirt3, srebf1.(12)

脂肪分化调控(adipogenesis regulation):

pro-adipogenesis: acacb, axin1, ccnd1, cdk4, cebpb, cebpd, dkk1, e2f1, fabp4, fasn, fgf1, fgf2, irs2, jun, lmna, rxra, sfrp1, sfrp5, slc2a4 (glut4), wnt5b.(20)

anti-adipogenesis: adrb2, cdkn1a, cdkn1b, ddit3, dlk1, foxo1, hes1, lrp5, ncor2, runx1t1, shh, sirt1, sirt2, taz, tcf7l2, tsc22d3, vdr, wnt1, wnt3a.(19)

pro-white adipose tissue: bmp2, bmp4, cebpa, egr2, fgf10, klf15, klf4.(7)

anti-white adipose tissue: gata2, gata3, klf2, klf3.(4)

pro-brown adipose tissue: bmp7, creb1, dio2, foxc2, insr, irs1, mapk14, nrf1, ppara, ppard, prdm16, sirt3, src, ucp1, wnt5a.(15)

anti-brown adipose tissue: ncoa2, nr0b2, nr1h3, rb1, twist1, wnt10b.(6)

2、脂肪酸代谢(fatty acid metabolism)

脂肪酸分解(fatty acid catabolism):

acetyl-coa transferases:acaa1a, acaa2, acat1, acat2.(4)

acyl-coa dehydrogenases:acad9, acad10, acad11, acadl, acadm, acads, acadsb, acadvl, ehhadh, gcdh.(10)

acyl-coa oxidases:acox1, acox2, acox3.(3)

acyl-coa synthetases:acsbg1, acsbg2, acsl1, acsl3, acsl4, acsl5, acsl6, acsm2, acsm3, acsm4, acsm5.(11)

acyl-coa thioesterases:acot2, acot3, acot6, acot7, acot8, acot9, acot12.(7)

carnitine transferases:cpt1a, cpt1b, cpt1c, cpt2, crat, crot.(6)

other:aldh2, decr1, decr2, echs1, hadha, mcee, mut, eci2, pecr, ppa1.(9)

脂肪酸运转(fatty acid transport):cpt1a, cpt1b, cpt1c, cpt2, crat, crot, fabp1, fabp2, fabp3, fabp4, fabp5, fabp6, slc27a1, slc27a2, slc27a3, slc27a4, slc27a5, slc27a6.(18)

脂肪酸合成调控(fatty acid biosynthesis regulation):prkaa1, prkaa2, prkab1, prkab2, prkaca, prkacb, prkag1, prkag2, prkag3.(9)

酮体生成(ketogenesis):bdh1, bdh2, hmgcl, hmgcs1, hmgcs2, oxct2a.(6)

甘油三酯分解代谢(triacylglycerol catabolism):gk2, gpd1, gpd2, gyk, lipe, lpl.(6)

脂蛋白信号和胆固醇代谢(lipoprotein signaling & cholesterol metabolism pcr array)

ldl receptors and associated proteins(低密度脂蛋白受体和相关蛋白)

ldl receptors:cxcl16, ldlr, lrp10, lrp12, lrp1b, lrp6, olr1, stab1, stab2, vldlr.(10)

ldl receptors associated proteins:lrpap1, pcsk9, snx17.(3)

ldl associated proteins:ankra2, apoa4, cdh13, colec12, crp, scarf1, sorl1.(7)

hdl associated proteins:apoa1, apod, apof, apol8.(5)

胆固醇转运cholesterol transport:

cholesterol transporters:abca1, abcg1, apoa1, apoe, stard3.(5)

cholesterol efflux:abca1, abcg1, apoa1, apoa4, apoe.(4)

reverse cholesterol transport:abca1, apoa1, apoa2, apoa4, apoe, lcat.(6)

other genes involved in cholesterol transport:apob, ldlr, npc1l1, osbpl5.(4)

胆固醇代谢cholesterol metabolism:

cholesterol absorption:cel, ldlr, npc1l1.(3)

cholesterol catabolism:akr1d1, apoe, cel, cyp39a1, cyp46a1, cyp7a1, scarf1, snx17, trerf1.(9)

cholesterol homeostasis:abca1, abcg1, angptl3, apoa1, apoa2, apoa4, apoe, lcat, ldlr, ldlrap1, pcsk9.(11)

cholesterol biosynthesis:acaa2, cnbp, cyb5r3 (dia1), cyp51, dhcr24, dhcr7, ebp, fdft1, fdps, hmgcr, hmgcs1, hmgcs2, idi1, idi2, mvd, mvk, npc1l1, nsdhl, pmvk, prkaa1, prkaa2, prkag2, tm7sf2.(23)

other genes involved in cholesterol metabolism:abca2, apob, apoc3, apof, apol8, cyp11a1, cyp7b1, cela3b, hdlbp, il4, insig1, insig2, lep, lipe, mbtps1, nr0b2, nr1h4, osbpl1a, osbpl5, ppard, scap, soat1, soat2, sorl1, srebf1, srebf2, stard3, vldlr.(28)


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