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韩春雨 基因编辑研究的战略与战术

已有 2880 次阅读 2016-10-15 09:12 |个人分类:今日热点|系统分类:观点评述





1. 基于Ago系统的基因编辑

2. 靶向核酸酶基因编辑在人类多能性干细胞和小鼠模型制备中的应用


许培扬  基因编辑(Gene Editing)2017年成为美国PUBMED系统正式主题词


基因编辑国际研究文献5985篇分布如下: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-1008791.html

数据来源  http://www.pubmedplus.cn/





Yin H . Song CQ . Dorkin JR . Zhu LJ . Li Y . Wu Q . Park A . Yang J . Suresh S . Bizhanova A . Gupta A . Bolukbasi MF . Walsh S . Bogorad RL . Gao G . Weng Z . Dong Y . Koteliansky V . Wolfe SA . Langer R . Xue W . Anderson DG .
David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
来源: Nat Biotechnol ( P 1087-0156 E 1546-1696 ) IF:43.113(2015) H指数:251 年: 2016 卷: 34 期: 3 页: 328-33
PMID: 26829318 [Pubmed] 生物工程与应用微生物,1区


Guo Y . Xu Q . Canzio D . Shou J . Li J . Gorkin DU . Jung I . Wu H . Zhai Y . Tang Y . Lu Y . Wu Y . Jia Z . Li W . Zhang MQ . Ren B . Krainer AR . Maniatis T . Wu Q .
Center for Comparative Biomedicine, MOE Key Laboratory of Systems Biomedicine, Institute of Systems Biomedicine, Collaborative Innovation Center of Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai 200240, China; State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes, Shanghai Cancer Institute, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, SJTU, Shanghai?200240, China; Key Laboratory for the Genetics of Developm
来源: Cell ( P 0092-8674 E 1097-4172 ) IF:28.71(2015) H指数:503 年: 2015 卷: 162 期: 4 页: 900-10
PMID: 26276636 [Pubmed] 生化与分子生物学,1区


Chen Y . Cao J . Xiong M . Petersen AJ . Dong Y . Tao Y . Huang CT . Du Z . Zhang SC .
Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53705, USA. Electronic address: yuejunchenphd@gmail.com.
来源: Cell Stem Cell ( P 1934-5909 E 1875-9777 ) IF:22.387(2015) H指数:85 年: 2015 卷: 17 期: 2 页: 233-44
PMID: 26145478 [Pubmed] 细胞生物学,1区


Bosley KS . Botchan M . Bredenoord AL . Carroll D . Charo RA . Charpentier E . Cohen R . Corn J . Doudna J . Feng G . Greely HT . Isasi R . Ji W . Kim JS . Knoppers B . Lanphier E . Li J . Lovell-Badge R . Martin GS . Moreno J . Naldini L . Pera M . Perry AC . Venter JC . Zhang F . Zhou Q .
Editas Medicine, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
来源: Nat Biotechnol ( P 1087-0156 E 1546-1696 ) IF:43.113(2015) H指数:251 年: 2015 卷: 33 期: 5 页: 478-86
PMID: 25965754 [Pubmed] 生物工程与应用微生物,1区


Reddy P . Ocampo A . Suzuki K . Luo J . Bacman SR . Williams SL . Sugawara A . Okamura D . Tsunekawa Y . Wu J . Lam D . Xiong X . Montserrat N . Esteban CR . Liu GH . Sancho-Martinez I . Manau D . Civico S . Cardellach F . Del Mar O'Callaghan M . Campistol J . Zhao H . Campistol JM . Moraes CT . Izpisua Belmonte JC .
Gene Expression Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.
来源: Cell ( P 0092-8674 E 1097-4172 ) IF:28.71(2015) H指数:503 年: 2015 卷: 161 期: 3 页: 459-69
PMID: 25910206 [Pubmed] 生化与分子生物学,1区


Yin Y . Yan P . Lu J . Song G . Zhu Y . Li Z . Zhao Y . Shen B . Huang X . Zhu H . Orkin SH . Shen X .
Tsinghua-Peking Center for Life Sciences, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.
来源: Cell Stem Cell ( P 1934-5909 E 1875-9777 ) IF:22.387(2015) H指数:85 年: 2015 卷: 16 期: 5 页: 504-16
PMID: 25891907 [Pubmed] 细胞生物学,1区


Qian J . Wang Q . Dose M . Pruett N . Kieffer-Kwon KR . Resch W . Liang G . Tang Z . Mathé E . Benner C . Dubois W . Nelson S . Vian L . Oliveira TY . Jankovic M . Hakim O . Gazumyan A . Pavri R . Awasthi P . Song B . Liu G . Chen L . Zhu S . Feigenbaum L . Staudt L . Murre C . Ruan Y . Robbiani DF . Pan-Hammarström Q . Nussenzweig MC . Casellas R .
Genomics and Immunity, NIAMS, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.
来源: Cell ( P 0092-8674 E 1097-4172 ) IF:32.242(2014) H指数:503 年: 2014 卷: 159 期: 7 页: 1524-37
PMID: 25483777 [Pubmed] 生化与分子生物学,1区


Suzuki K . Yu C . Qu J . Li M . Yao X . Yuan T . Goebl A . Tang S . Ren R . Aizawa E . Zhang F . Xu X . Soligalla RD . Chen F . Kim J . Kim NY . Liao HK . Benner C . Esteban CR . Jin Y . Liu GH . Li Y . Izpisua Belmonte JC .
Gene Expression Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.
来源: Cell Stem Cell ( P 1934-5909 E 1875-9777 ) IF:22.268(2014) H指数:85 年: 2014 卷: 15 期: 1 页: 31-6
PMID: 24996168 [Pubmed] 细胞生物学,1区


Zhou Y . Zhu S . Cai C . Yuan P . Li C . Huang Y . Wei W .
1] State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research, College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China [2].
来源: Nature ( P 0028-0836 E 1476-4687 ) IF:41.456(2014) H指数:734 年: 2014 卷: 509 期: 7501 页: 487-91
PMID: 24717434 [Pubmed] 综合性期刊,1区


Shen B . Zhang W . Zhang J . Zhou J . Wang J . Chen L . Wang L . Hodgkins A . Iyer V . Huang X . Skarnes WC .
1] Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Model Animal for Disease Study, Model Animal Research Center of Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. [2].
来源: Nat Methods ( P 1548-7091 E 1548-7105 ) IF:32.072(2014) H指数:112 年: 2014 卷: 11 期: 4 页: 399-402
PMID: 24584192 [Pubmed] 生化研究方法,1区


Liu H . Chen Y . Niu Y . Zhang K . Kang Y . Ge W . Liu X . Zhao E . Wang C . Lin S . Jing B . Si C . Lin Q . Chen X . Lin H . Pu X . Wang Y . Qin B . Wang F . Wang H . Si W . Zhou J . Tan T . Li T . Ji S . Xue Z . Luo Y . Cheng L . Zhou Q . Li S . Sun YE . Ji W .
Yunnan Key Laboratory of Primate Biomedical Research, Kunming, 650500, China; Translational Stem Cell Research Center, Tongji Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200092, China.
来源: Cell Stem Cell ( P 1934-5909 E 1875-9777 ) IF:22.268(2014) H指数:85 年: 2014 卷: 14 期: 3 页: 323-8
PMID: 24529597 [Pubmed] 细胞生物学,1区


Niu Y . Shen B . Cui Y . Chen Y . Wang J . Wang L . Kang Y . Zhao X . Si W . Li W . Xiang AP . Zhou J . Guo X . Bi Y . Si C . Hu B . Dong G . Wang H . Zhou Z . Li T . Tan T . Pu X . Wang F . Ji S . Zhou Q . Huang X . Ji W . Sha J .
Yunnan Key Laboratory of Primate Biomedical Research, Kunming 650500, China; Kunming Biomed International and National Engineering Research Center of Biomedicine and Animal Science, Kunming 650500, China.
来源: Cell ( P 0092-8674 E 1097-4172 ) IF:32.242(2014) H指数:503 年: 2014 卷: 156 期: 4 页: 836-43
PMID: 24486104 [Pubmed] 生化与分子生物学,1区


Cheng Z . Yi P . Wang X . Chai Y . Feng G . Yang Y . Liang X . Zhu Z . Li W . Ou G .
1] National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. [2] School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China. [3].
来源: Nat Biotechnol ( P 1087-0156 E 1546-1696 ) IF:39.08(2013) H指数:251 年: 2013 卷: 31 期: 10 页: 934-7
PMID: 23955274 [Pubmed] 生物工程与应用微生物,1区


Peng Z . Cheng Y . Tan BC . Kang L . Tian Z . Zhu Y . Zhang W . Liang Y . Hu X . Tan X . Guo J . Dong Z .
BGI-Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China.
来源: Nat Biotechnol ( P 1087-0156 E 1546-1696 ) IF:32.438(2012) H指数:251 年: 2012 卷: 30 期: 3 页: 253-60
PMID: 22327324 [Pubmed] 生物工程与应用微生物,1区

01.2016     1 7.143%
02.2015     5 35.714%
03.2014     6 42.857%
04.2013     1 7.143%
05.2012     1 7.143%
01.cell     4 28.571%
02.cell stem cell     4 28.571%
03.nat biotechnol     4 28.571%
04.nat methods     1 7.143%
05.nature     1 7.143%
01.中国大陆     14 100.000%
02.美国     7 50.000%
03.英国     2 14.286%
04.中国香港     1 7.143%
05.以色列     1 7.143%
06.加拿大     1 7.143%
07.奥地利     1 7.143%
08.德国     1 7.143%
09.意大利     1 7.143%
10.日本     1 7.143%
11.澳大利亚     1 7.143%
12.瑞典     1 7.143%
13.荷兰     1 7.143%
14.西班牙     1 7.143%
15.韩国     1 7.143%
01.北京市     6 42.857%
02.上海市     4 28.571%
03.广东省深圳市     3 21.429%
04.江苏省南京市     3 21.429%
05.云南省昆明市     1 7.143%
06.广东省广州市     1 7.143%
01.南京大学校本部     3 21.429%
03.beijing genomics institute     1 7.143%
04.bgi,shenzhen 518083     1 7.143%
06.上海交通大学校本部     1 7.143%
09.中国科学院未分类     1 7.143%
10.中山大学校本部     1 7.143%
11.北京大学校本部     1 7.143%
12.南京医科大学校本部     1 7.143%
13.同济大学校本部     1 7.143%
16.密歇根大学     1 7.143%
17.深圳华大基因研究院     1 7.143%
18.清华大学校本部     1 7.143%
19.香港中文大学     1 7.143%
01.base sequence     5 35.714%
02.crispr-cas systems     5 35.714%
03.endonucleases     4 28.571%
04.molecular sequence data     4 28.571%
05.mutation     4 28.571%
06.cell line     3 21.429%
07.embryo, mammalian     3 21.429%
08.enhancer elements, genetic     3 21.429%
09.gene targeting     3 21.429%
10.rna editing     3 21.429%
11.cell differentiation     2 14.286%
12.clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats     2 14.286%
13.dna     2 14.286%
14.gene expression regulation     2 14.286%
15.genetic engineering     2 14.286%
16.genome     2 14.286%
17.genome, human     2 14.286%
18.macaca fascicularis     2 14.286%
19.rna, guide     2 14.286%
20.trans-activators     2 14.286%
21.adenoviridae     1 7.143%
22.amino acid sequence     1 7.143%
23.antigens, bacterial     1 7.143%
24.b-lymphocytes     1 7.143%
25.bacterial toxins     1 7.143%
26.beta-globins     1 7.143%
27.binding sites     1 7.143%
28.cadherins     1 7.143%
29.caenorhabditis elegans     1 7.143%
30.carcinogenesis     1 7.143%
31.cell cycle proteins     1 7.143%
32.cell fusion     1 7.143%
33.cell lineage     1 7.143%
34.cell movement     1 7.143%
35.cells     1 7.143%
36.chromatin assembly and disassembly     1 7.143%
37.chromosomal proteins, non-histone     1 7.143%
38.chromosomes     1 7.143%
39.clone cells     1 7.143%
40.computational biology     1 7.143%
41.crispr-associated proteins     1 7.143%
42.cytidine deaminase     1 7.143%
43.deoxyribonuclease i     1 7.143%
44.deoxyribonucleases     1 7.143%
45.diphtheria toxin     1 7.143%
46.dna damage     1 7.143%
47.dna repair     1 7.143%
48.dna, mitochondrial     1 7.143%
49.embryonic stem cells     1 7.143%
50.exons     1 7.143%
01.endonucleases     4 28.571%
02.dna     2 14.286%
03.rna, guide     2 14.286%
04.trans-activators     2 14.286%
05.aicda (activation-induced cytidine deaminase)     1 7.143%
06.anthrax toxin     1 7.143%
07.antigens, bacterial     1 7.143%
08.bacterial toxins     1 7.143%
09.beta-globins     1 7.143%
10.cadherins     1 7.143%
11.ccctc-binding factor     1 7.143%
12.cell cycle proteins     1 7.143%
13.chromosomal proteins, non-histone     1 7.143%
14.clec2d protein, human     1 7.143%
15.cohesins     1 7.143%
16.crispr-associated proteins     1 7.143%
17.cytidine deaminase     1 7.143%
18.deoxyribonuclease i     1 7.143%
19.deoxyribonucleases     1 7.143%
20.diphtheria toxin     1 7.143%
21.dna, mitochondrial     1 7.143%
22.green fluorescent proteins     1 7.143%
23.homeodomain proteins     1 7.143%
24.hoxa protein     1 7.143%
25.lectins, c-type     1 7.143%
26.luminescent proteins     1 7.143%
27.methyl-cpg-binding protein 2     1 7.143%
28.micrornas     1 7.143%
29.organic cation transporter 1     1 7.143%
30.otx transcription factors     1 7.143%
31.otx2 protein, human     1 7.143%
32.phospholipid transfer proteins     1 7.143%
33.poly a     1 7.143%
34.receptors, cell surface     1 7.143%
35.red fluorescent protein     1 7.143%
36.repressor proteins     1 7.143%
37.rna     1 7.143%
38.rna, bacterial     1 7.143%
39.rna, long noncoding     1 7.143%
01.dna损伤     1 7.143%
02.leber遗传性视神经萎缩     1 7.143%
03.rett综合征     1 7.143%
04.代谢疾病     1 7.143%
05.先天性遗传性疾病     1 7.143%
06.免疫增生性疾病     1 7.143%
07.免疫系统疾病     1 7.143%
08.免疫缺陷综合征     1 7.143%
09.共济失调     1 7.143%
10.淋巴瘤     1 7.143%
11.淋巴系统疾病     1 7.143%
12.淋巴组织增生性疾病     1 7.143%
13.炭疽     1 7.143%
14.癌形成过程     1 7.143%
15.白喉     1 7.143%
16.线粒体疾病     1 7.143%
17.细胞转化, 肿瘤     1 7.143%
18.肌无力     1 7.143%
19.肿瘤     1 7.143%
20.色素性视网膜炎     1 7.143%
21.营养与代谢疾病     1 7.143%
22.血液和淋巴系统疾病     1 7.143%
23.视神经疾病     1 7.143%
24.视网膜炎     1 7.143%
25.酪氨酸血症     1 7.143%
26.重症联合免疫缺陷     1 7.143%
01.生物学     12 85.714%
02.儿科学     3 21.429%
03.妇产科学     3 21.429%
04.人体解剖与组织胚胎学     2 14.286%
05.化学     2 14.286%
06.医学组织工程学     2 14.286%
07.神经病学     2 14.286%
08.精神病与精神卫生学     2 14.286%
09.肿瘤学     2 14.286%
10.临床检验诊断学     1 7.143%
11.传染病学     1 7.143%
12.免疫学     1 7.143%
13.内分泌学     1 7.143%
14.医学遗传学     1 7.143%
15.口腔医学     1 7.143%
16.泌尿外科学     1 7.143%
17.消化病学     1 7.143%
18.病理学与病理生理学     1 7.143%
19.肾脏病学     1 7.143%
20.药学     1 7.143%
21.血液病学     1 7.143%


上一篇:韩春雨 中国大陆基因编辑的研究进展与动态 2001-2016年
下一篇:韩春雨 苦不苦?想想红军两万五
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