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已有 3073 次阅读 2012-11-21 07:35 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:人文社科| 图书, office, style, 计划, 卡洛尔


偶然看到Carroll(爱丽丝她爹)的一则日记,列一个写作计划(March 29th -- Never before have I had so many literary projects on hand at once. For curiosity, I will here make a list of them.),多数是要写给小朋友的(包括趣味数学)——


(1) Supplement to "Euclid and Modern Rivals."

(2) 2nd Edition of "Euc. and Mod. Rivals."

(3) A book of Math. curiosities, which I think of calling "Pillow Problems, and other Math. Trifles." This will contain Problems worked out in the dark, Logarithms without Tables, Sines and angles do., a paper I am now writing on "Infinities and Infinitesimals," condensed Long Multiplication, and perhaps others.

(4) Euclid V.

(5) "Plain Facts for Circle-Squarers," which is nearly complete, and gives actual proof of limits 3.14158, 3.14160.

(6) A symbolical Logic, treated by my algebraic method.

(7) "A Tangled Tale."

(8) A collection of Games and Puzzles of my devising, with fairy pictures by Miss E.G. Thomson. This might also contain my "Mem. Tech." for dates; my "Cipher-writing" scheme for Letter-registration, &c., &c.

(9) Nursery Alice.

(10) Serious poems in "Phantasmagoria."

(11) "Alice's Adventures Underground."

(12) "Girl's Own Shakespeare." I have begun on "Tempest."

(13) New edition of "Parliamentary Representation."

(14) New edition of Euc. I., II.

(15) The new child's book, which Mr. Furniss is to illustrate. I have settled on no name as yet, but it will perhaps be "Sylvie and Bruno." I have other shadowy ideas, e.g., a Geometry for Boys, a vol. of Essays on theological points freely and plainly treated, and a drama on "Alice" (for which Mr. Mackenzie would write music): but the above is a fair example of "too many irons in the fire!"


Euclid and Modern Rivals是一本有趣的几何,如今还有再版,跟着的几种我没见过,看题目应该有意思(也许除了那个符号逻辑的);第11种当然最有名,第12本令人想起Lamb姐弟的莎士比亚故事(也是从暴风雨写起),不知老卡会写成什么可爱的样子。





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