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做一个好读者? 精选

已有 6147 次阅读 2012-4-25 08:30 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:观点评述| office, style, face, 读者


书桌上恰好有一本Norton文选(The Norton Reader, 7th ed.),打开前些天提到的Nabokov的短文——“好读者和好作家”(Good readers and good writers)——他颠覆了我们通常坚持的一些读书观点(如从小说认识过去):Can we rely on Jane Austen’s picture of landowning England with baronets and landscaped grounds when all she knew was a clergyman’s parlor? 那么,抱着那个观点读书的人就不会是好读者喽。我还真的想从小说去熟悉当年的生活呢,而且相信它比历史更真实。在老纳(Nab.,不是“老衲”)看来,小说其实就是童话,而且是童话里的童话(“The truth is that great novels are great fairy tales—and the novels in this series are supreme fairy tales”)。我喜欢童话,不做好读者。




1. The reader should belong to a book club.

2. The reader should identify himself or herself with the hero or heroine.

3. The reader should concentrate on the social-economic angle.

4. The reader should prefer a story with action and dialogue to one with none.
5. The reader should have seen the book in a movie.

6. The reader should be a budding author.

7. The reader should have imagination.

8. The reader should have memory.

9. The reader should have a dictionary.

10. The reader should have some artistic sense.







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