


已有 4043 次阅读 2013-11-4 13:11 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:生活其它




早起半个小时,便看到了不一样的天空。天空很宁静,天空很蓝,阳光缓缓地投射下来;地铁里鲜有的空旷、从容和安详;道路上很干净,显得更宽广了,应该是风在夜里悄悄地打扫了,一切都干干净净,即使雾气也在缓慢地移动。这样的早晨,虽然依旧还很困,睁不开眼睛,但内心中,走起路来让人感觉很舒畅。走在路上,女儿说,这样的早晨真让人意想不到!我说我们是early birds。女儿问我是什么意思,我说我们是早起的鸟儿啊!女儿忙问我:那笨鸟先飞用英语怎么说啊?我一时语塞,倒是记得一点什么,但不是很确定,忙说,我一会儿查查。

在网上搜了一下,发现了几种相关译法:1,Clumsybirds have to start flying early;2,The stupid bird flies first;3,A slow sparrow should make an early start;4,The slow need to start early;5The early birds catch the worm

显然可以发现,前四个应该是中式译法,那么第五种到底是不是或者有没有笨鸟先飞之意呢?于是决定再深度搜索一下,来确定一下该俚语或者谚语之的准确含义。其实,大部分是将The early birds catch the worm翻译为早起的鸟儿有虫吃。其寓意很明显,因此这个译法是比较准确的。


The free dictionary中,给出两个例句解释:

1If you wake up and get to work early,you will succeed.

例句:Ask: What are you doing in the office at 7:30 A.M.?

Ans: I didn’t expect to see you studying at the library at this hour of the morning. The early birds catch the wormhuh



2:Something that you say in order to tell someone that if you want to be successful they should do something immediately.

例句:If you see a job that interests you, apply as soon as possible. The early birds catches the worm.



English language studying中,解释为: that if you start something early,you stand a better chance of success.




It means Success comes to those who prepare well and put in effort. Origin This is first recorded in John Ray's A collection of English proverbs 1670, 1678:The early bird catcheth the worm."Clearly, the title of the work indicates that this was considered proverbial even in the 17th century.










1This proverb is used to tell you to act early or right now to be successful.

If someone says, "The early bird catches the worm," he/she means that if you do something early or before anyone else, you will have an advantage and be successful.


The early bird catches the worm! Don't miss this year's best deal! The sale will start on Thursday, and the store opens at 5:00 a.m.

Though you have more than 6 months before you leave, start looking for good deals on airline tickets and reserve your seats early. The early bird catches the worm.

the person who gets started early has a better chance of success


A: What time are we going fishing tomorrow.
B: 4 A.M.
A: What? Why so early?
B: The early bird catches the worm.


Ronaldo always wakes up at 6 A.M. to go to the gym, have a big breakfast, and then go to work. This impressed his boss, so he got a promotion. The early bird catches the worm!

如果某人说你:Why are you so early那你就可以回答:“To catch worm.”


2,而early bird  的含义有三种:分别是早起的人,早到的人,以及早到早得。(

1. .Fig. a person who gets up early. I never miss sunrise. I'm an early bird. The early birds were up at dawn and ready for breakfast.

2. Fig. a person who arrives early. The early birds get the best seats. There were some early birds who arrived before the party was set to start.

3. Fig. having to do with early arrival. (Usually hyphenated.) Early-bird arrivals will be given a free cup of coffee. The early-bird special this week is a free six-pack of iced tea for the first 100 visitors.)

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