数据来源: Journal Citation Reports(JCR)
Journal name | ISSN | Total Citations | 2020 JIF | 5 Year JIF | Immediacy Index | JIF Quartile |
SYNTHESE | 0039-7857 | 7,045 | 2.908 | 2.296 | 0.63 | Q1 |
SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE | 0306-3127 | 4,666 | 3.885 | 4.744 | 1.14 | Q1 |
AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN VALUES | 0889-048X | 3,746 | 3.295 | 4.264 | 1.547 | Q1 |
PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE | 0963-6625 | 3,433 | 2.976 | 3.679 | 0.8 | Q1 |
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS | 1353-3452 | 2,796 | 3.525 | 3.132 | 1.31 | Q1 |
BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE | 0007-0882 | 2,600 | 3.978 | 3.433 | 1.649 | Q1 |
JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS | 1187-7863 | 1,732 | 1.727 | 1.989 | 0.567 | Q1 |
Science & Education | 0926-7220 | 1,588 | 2.114 | 2.232 | 0.465 | Q1 |
STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE | 0039-3681 | 1,542 | 1.429 | 1.762 | 0.4 | Q1 |
BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY | 0169-3867 | 1,535 | 1.461 | 2.023 | 0.545 | Q1 |
MINERVA | 0026-4695 | 1,309 | 2.17 | 2.449 | 0.722 | Q1 |
PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE | 0031-5982 | 1,264 | 1.416 | 0.921 | 0.2 | Q1 |
STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS | 1355-2198 | 1,152 | 1.663 | 1.585 | 0.333 | Q1 |
SCIENCE AS CULTURE | 0950-5431 | 916 | 2.167 | 2.138 | 0.806 | Q1 |
MEDICAL HISTORY | 0025-7273 | 854 | 1.419 | 1.482 | 0.381 | Q1 |
Journal of Responsible Innovation | 2329-9460 | 710 | 4.034 | 3.496 | 2.164 | Q1 |
JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND ALLIED SCIENCES | 0022-5045 | 614 | 2.088 | 1.287 | 0.125 | Q1 |
NEW GENETICS AND SOCIETY | 1463-6778 | 491 | 2.189 | 2.258 | 0.378 | Q1 |
European Journal for Philosophy of Science | 1879-4912 | 480 | 1.753 | 1.703 | 0.446 | Q1 |
Philosophy Ethics and Humanities in Medicine | 1747-5341 | 412 | 2.464 | 2.278 | 0.182 | Q1 |
Science and Technology Studies | 2243-4690 | 278 | 2.889 | 2.52 | 0.412 | Q1 |
PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE | 0031-8248 | 4,561 | 1.317 | 1.962 | 0.419 | Q2 |
Medicine Health Care and Philosophy | 1386-7423 | 1,331 | 1.927 | 1.85 | 0.711 | Q2 |
TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE | 0040-165X | 1,128 | 0.85 | 0.957 | 0.191 | Q2 |
BULLETIN OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE | 0007-5140 | 997 | 1.314 | 1.253 | 0.25 | Q2 |
Social Epistemology | 0269-1728 | 917 | 1.603 | 1.577 | 0.295 | Q2 |
SOCIAL HISTORY OF MEDICINE | 0951-631X | 812 | 0.973 | 1.295 | 0.776 | Q2 |
JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY | 0022-5010 | 708 | 1.326 | 1.055 | 0.348 | Q2 |
BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE | 0007-0874 | 679 | 1.469 | 1.241 | 0.208 | Q2 |
HISTORY OF SCIENCE | 0073-2753 | 589 | 0.892 | 0.844 | 0.879 | Q2 |
Foundations of Science | 1233-1821 | 550 | 1.238 | 1.447 | 0.457 | Q2 |
HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE LIFE SCIENCES | 0391-9714 | 415 | 1.205 | 1 | 0.406 | Q2 |
CRYPTOLOGIA | 0161-1194 | 371 | 0.933 | 0.632 | 0.321 | Q2 |
NanoEthics | 1871-4757 | 361 | 0.917 | 1.851 | 0.667 | Q2 |
Philosophia Mathematica | 0031-8019 | 356 | 1.276 | 1.286 | 0.5 | Q2 |
East Asian Science Technology and Society-An International Journal | 1875-2160 | 296 | 1.163 | 1.069 | 0.138 | Q2 |
Foundations of Chemistry | 1386-4238 | 280 | 1.263 | 1.012 | 0.22 | Q2 |
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences | 1939-1811 | 208 | 1.162 | 1.011 | 0.25 | Q2 |
Engineering Studies | 1937-8629 | 204 | 0.944 | 0.813 | 0.5 | Q2 |
Theology and Science | 1474-6700 | 202 | 0.88 | 0.763 | 0.14 | Q2 |
Historical Records of Australian Science | 0727-3061 | 87 | 1.111 | 0.566 | 0.176 | Q2 |
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