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已有 5730 次阅读 2015-11-2 03:57 |个人分类:水是杂谈|系统分类:博客资讯| 河流, 威斯特伐利亚和约, 合作通道, 发展通道

印度智囊机构前瞻集团(Strategic Foresight Group)发来邮件,邀请我就“我们时代的大问题(Big Quesions of our time)“发表看法,并发来了他们2011年的第一版,阅读之后知道1648年威斯特伐利亚和约(the Peace Treaty of Westphalia)即确立了河流应当是共同发展的通道的原则。


该和约的主要制定者是法国红衣主教尤勒·马萨林(Jules Cardinal Mazarin, 1602-1661)。在大仲马有名的小说《三个火枪手》(又称《三剑客》)中,马萨林被描写成法国王后奥地利安娜的情夫,主宰了法国的实权,但因才能不足而受到百姓与贵族们的不满,对方借此掀起了对抗中央权力的投石党运动。虽然马萨林的能力、功绩不如他的前任和提拔者、现代外交学之父黎塞留(Armand Jean Du Plessis de Richelieu,1585~1642),但从他主导的威斯特伐利亚和约来看,还是很了不起的。

萨林为谈判做了充分的准备。在和约签署之前六年,1642年,他就派全权代表前往谈判地之一明斯特(Munster)就和平协议开展工作。他提出了“他人的优势(the advatage of the other)”的原则,即参与公平贸易和商业的高效经济。当时莱茵河以及德国境内的很多河流,分段被很多国家包括小公国控制,各国为了自己的税收对过往船只、货物征收高额关税,严重阻碍了贸易往来和经济发展。马萨林建立了复杂的情报系统,详细研究了哈布斯堡帝国以及波兰的河流系统,检查了通过河流及人工运河扩展商品贸易的潜力,通知法国谈判者帝国内有多少同盟者同意增加航行自由。

In 1642, Mazarin summoned his negotiators at Munster to announce and circulate everywhere, that the precondition to the peace negotiations was to forbid the creation of new tolls along the Rhine River. The proposition was written as follows: "From this day forward, along the two banks of the Rhine River and from the adjacent provinces, commerce and transport of goods shall be free of transit for all of the inhabitants, and it will no longer be permitted to impose on the Rhine any new toll, open birth right, customs, or taxation of any denomination and of any sort, whatsoever."

The fact that the injunction included the mention "and from adjacent provinces," proposed to bring fair trade and economic expansion deeper into the heart of Germany.

The Treaty of Westphalia, 1648,The Benefit of the Other,http://www.schillerinstitute.org/strategic/treaty_of_westphalia.html)


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