个人垄断,如姚明打篮球,刘翔跳栏,或者钱学森设计火箭;但是别人也可以学会成医师 -大部分的医术水平-,医学行业办不到。
对于第二点,美国医学会做出的努力是,很贵的医学院学费、选‘三好学生’上医学院、严格的住院医生培训及住院医生低薪水、医生较长的工作时间。美国医生出道时已经三十多岁而且欠了一屁股的债。结果平衡下来,一般认为读医学院的学生(聪明努力) 如果干其他行业,单位时间他们可以得到类似的钱。
根据一项2015 调查,大于90% 的韩国外科住院医生每周工作80小时[=(11.3hours/day)*(7days a week)],60.6%的韩国外科住院医生每周工作100 小时[=(14.3hours/day)*(7days a week)]. 48.5%每周夜班>4次,17.2%每周夜班6-7次. Occupational stress and relatedfactors among surgical residents in Korea. Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research. 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.4174/astr.2015.89.5.268 真正的汗水钱
2003 年 调查,美国 49% 骨科住院医生 每周工作 80-100小时49% of orthopaedic house staff reported working 80 to 100 hours per week 后来美国 规定上限为每周80小时- 但仍然有相当一部分人每周工作超过80 小时,而且部分住院医生故意少上报工作时间。CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH 2006; 449, pp. 138–142
从一生工作时间来讲, 美国医生每小时的收入少于中学老师 3%.
The Deceptive Salary of Doctors
(In USA) Most people believe that high school teachers don’t make enough money, and few believe that doctors should make more. Believe it or not, doctors make 3 cents less per hour than high school teachers over the course of their career.
--以下4张图片来自华科协和教学网-- 作者: 杨远航
I don't know any specific numbers ..... but yearly malpractice insurance premiums generally ranges $40,000.00 - 80,000.00 depending on the location/state and the type of practice.
Also if that individual physician was previously sued, the premium goes up significantly.
美国 医师每年的职业 保险金 为4 万到8万, 取决与 地方 及 行医方式
如果 以前 被起诉过,保险金 将显著上升。
另外是我估计医患关系紧张是一种自然规律/ 生物规律–生存竞争-的表型,只能尽可能控制减少,而没法完全消除。 part of struggle for survival. 在先进发达国家如瑞士美国等等多有报道。还有暴行为meta-analysis ,分析高危科室、高危时间、高危人群(医护人员及病人)等等,通过科学地分析数据尽可能减少暴力行为。而现在中国的 医学网络 对于发生了的事件常常完全denial 、认为所有医闹都是病人方为唯一罪人、而不考虑矛盾常常双方的。这样可能不有利于以后事件的解决。
我只是对于一些自然规律感兴趣。有些表明上是社会现象,但其实有其生物规律及自然规律. 整个社会的财富是有限的,有人多了,就自然有人少了。In the end, somebody has to pay. 如两次世界大战。拿破仑打败了当时多个讲德语的国家 >> 日耳曼国家 意识>> 铁血宰相 Bismarck 统一的德国使德国成为欧洲第一强国 >>挑战英法世界次序,一战 >> 德国战败,凡尔赛条约抑制德国>> 德国再次兴起,不服凡尔赛条约,德语国奥地利与德国合并(希特勒是奥地利人,他的上台是<民选的>) >>德国再次挑战世界次序,二战。现在一般认为,对德国过于苛刻的凡尔赛条约是二战的一个诱发因素。
地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2649160-948229.html 此文
公正处理医患矛盾,建立 中立的 科学数据库,分析这些问题的原因,防范将来,大概是最好的方法。
古巴的婴儿死亡率及其它平均寿命 等指标均与美国一致,其方法是大规模培养医生,人均医生量大概是美国的三倍。新英格兰杂志等都有报道介绍。 日本的方法是严格控制成本,并不断削减成本,其医疗开销占 GDP在发达国家中排名很靠后 (日本在OECD 国家中为第20 位),从而使新技术得到广泛应用 (因为成本不高)。近期柳叶刀杂志有专刊介绍。
A different model--medical care in Cuba. N Engl J Med2013;368:297-9.
Health in Cuba. Int J Epidemiol 2006;35:817-24.
Japanese universal health coverage: evolution, achievements,and challenges. Lancet 2011;378:1106-Future of Japan's system of good health at lowcost with equity: beyond universal coverage. Lancet 2011;378:1265-
OECD. OECD Health data 2011. Paris:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2011.
In 1976, Cuba’s healthcare program was enshrined in Article 50 of the revised Cuban constitution which states “everyone has the right to health protection and care. The state guarantees this right by providing free medical and hospital care by means of the installations of the rural medical service network, polyclinics, hospitals, preventative and specialized treatmentcenters; by providing free dental care; by promoting the health publicity campaigns, health education, regular medical examinations, general vaccinations and other measures to prevent the outbreak of disease”
Constitution of Cuba 1976. 古巴1976年宪法版
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a lower limit of 210,000 deaths per year was associated with preventable harm in hospitals.
the true number of premature deaths associated with preventable harm to patients was estimated at more than 400,000 per year.
serious harm seems to be 10- to 20-fold more common than lethal harm.
严重伤害的 为致死 的 10-20 倍。
John T. James, A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care. J Patient Saf 2013;9:122-128
Objectives: Based on 1984 data developedfrom reviews of medical records of patients treated in New York hospitals, the Institute of Medicine estimated that up to 98,000 Americans die each year frommedical errors. The basis of this estimate is nearly 3 decades old; herein, an updatedestimate is developed from modern studies published from 2008 to 2011.
Methods: A literature review identified 4 limited studies that used primarily the Global Trigger Tool to flag specifice vidence in medical records, such as medication stop orders or abnormal laboratory results, which point to an adverse event that may have harmed apatient. Ultimately, a physician must concur on the findings of an adverse event and then classify the severity of patient harm.
Results: Using a weighted average of the 4studies, a lower limit of 210,000 deaths per year was associated with preventable harm in hospitals. Given limitations in the search capability of the Global Trigger Tool and the incompleteness of medical records on which the Tool depends, the true number of premature deaths associated with preventable harm to patients was estimated at more than 400,000 per year. Serious harm seems to be 10- to 20-fold more common than lethal harm.
Conclusions: The epidemic of patient harm in hospitals must be taken more seriously if it is to be curtailed. Fully engaging patients and their advocates during hospital care, systematically seeking the patients’ voice in identifying harms, transparent accountability for harm, and intentional correction of root causes of harm will be necessary to accomplish this goal.
How Many Die from Medical Mistakes in U.S. Hospitals
An updated estimate says it could be at least 210,000 patients a year, more than twice the number in a frequently quoted Institute of Medicine report
Dr. David Mayer, the vice president of quality and safety at Maryland-based MedStar Health, said people can make arguments about how many patient deaths are hastened by poor hospital care, but that's not really the point. All the estimates, even on the low end, expose a crisis, he said.
"Way too many people are being harmed by unintentional medical error," Mayer said, "and it needs to be corrected."
Dr.David Mayer 说,<太多太多的病人受到到无意的医学错误,这点必须得到克服。>
Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS. To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1999.
- 美国医院医疗事故引起死亡 提出估计为 每年 9万8千。
朋友的太太无语。博主回复(2016-1-27 09:51):其实也不一定的,手术前的估计 比如,1)不手术,可能8个月内死亡; 2)手术成功 可以活到自然寿命 (?), 但手术有7% 发生严重并发症的可能性乃至死亡。 大的心脏手术,一定比率 的死亡率 如 7% 可能 是 在 大家 接受的范围内。
但如果一个医生的 某一 手术 死亡率 高于 阈值 一般 会暂时停止 该手术的许可证。 西方的医院一般有 监控 手段。以前我 在 英国时 常常 有报道的 如 1. 一个医生的漏诊率高于阈值 2. 一个医生的手术并发症率高于阈值, 3. 一个科室的手术并发症率大大低于阈值 (表扬)等等。 都有监控的。
发表评论 评论 (18 个评论)
删除 回复 [14]nm2 2016-1-27 16:07
博主回复(2016-1-27 17:00):其实 中国 要 好好 向 马克思 的 故乡 学习
博主回复(2016-1-27 16:18):美国 是 资本 主义。
西欧是 社会主义,日本 也接近 社会主义。
删除 回复 [12]王皓 2016-1-27 13:49
摘抄最后几句结论:In the case of cardiologists, the highest nonreporting group of
the specialties studied, nearly two-thirds of the respondents admitted that they had recently refused to report at least one serious medical error, of which they had first-hand knowledge, to anyone in authority. It is reasonable to suspect that clear evidence of such unreported medical errors often did not find their way into the medical records of the patients who were harmed.
The bottom line on total, lethal PAEs as a result of care in hospitals CANNOT be estimated in a statistically rigorous way. 呵呵,冰山一角啊
博主回复(2016-1-27 14:11):简单的翻译,还有很多医疗错误 医生没有 上报,而且他们不愿意上报。
博主回复(2016-1-27 14:09):A recent national survey showed that physicians often refuse
to report a serious adverse event to anyone in authority。
删除 回复 [10]王俊卿 2016-1-27 09:48
博主回复(2016-1-27 09:55):这个 也要看 澳洲的 英文 报道,两者比较后下判断。
博主回复(2016-1-26 22:44):听说很多律师眼睛也盯着 医疗 错误?打官司?
博主回复(2016-1-26 22:42):
删除 回复 [6]陈志阳 2016-1-26 22:33
博主回复(2016-1-27 09:51):其实也不一定的,手术前的估计 比如,1)不手术,可肯 8个月内死亡; 2)手术成功 可以活到自然寿命 (?), 但手术有7% 发生严重并发症的可能性乃至死亡。
大的心脏手术,一定比率 的死亡率 如 7% 可能 是 在 大家 接受的范围内。
但如果一个医生的 某一 手术 死亡率 高于 阈值 一般 会暂时停止 该手术的许可证。 西方的医院一般有 监控 手段。以前我 在 英国时 常常 有报道的 如 1. 一个医生的漏诊率高于阈值 2. 一个医生的手术并发症率高于阈值, 3. 一个科室的手术并发症率大大低于阈值 等等。 多有监控的。
删除 回复 [3]蔡小宁 2016-1-26 20:44
博主回复(2016-1-26 20:49):美帝的人口只有我们的1/4,加上他们医师水平与中国的一样,那是30 万×4 ?
---不过 据说中国 的医生 经验丰富,水平比美帝的要好不少。
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