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What are we doing in a herbarium? A talk at ISF

已有 3278 次阅读 2019-5-1 23:45 |个人分类:草木春秋|系统分类:博客资讯

A Talk at the ISF | Independent Schools Foundation (https://www.isf.edu.hk/)

Download the slides: why_plant_biodiversity.pdf

Why plant biodiversity is important and what we are doing in a herbarium? 

Here is the working flow:

  1. Collecting in the field: pay attention not to collect from small populations, fill in the field book

  2. Pressing the specimens

  3. Drying the specimens: 55℃ for 24hrs

  4. Mounting: Follow the Herbarium Handbook

  5. Printing labels: using the herblabel package

  6. Freezing: -18℃ for 14days

  7. Barcoding: Encoded in ISO128

  8. Scanning: 600dpi

  9. Filing: according to the APG III classification system


上一篇:Computing the time of sunrise, sunset and transit (skycalc)
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