don't say you will give up.(千万别说你要放弃)
i know you are in difficulty.(我知道你的处境非常不易)
it's not easy for you to stand ......(坚持下去的确是个难题)
you are not to be beaten down.(可是你不能被打倒,那样轻易)
you will stand by a river,like a willow ,like a wheat.
don't say you will give up.(别说你要放弃)
don't say those words.(别说放弃两个字)
dont't say.(别说放弃)
you can never care about what others' said.(说了你就永远不会如意)
if you care,you will never be satisfied.(介意别人的言语,你就永远不会如意)
you will never be(你会从此失意)
you will never (会失意)
you will(失意)
walk along your road,enjoy others' talking about.(走你的路,让别人说去)
walk along ,please walk along.(走你的路,继续)
come on.(请继续)
on the way,just your way.(走吧,属于自己的路)
your curve way.(哪怕是曲折崎岖的路)