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已有 5757 次阅读 2009-6-21 08:29 |个人分类:科研资源|系统分类:科研笔记| 源代码分析

Doxygen source and binary releases

Latest release

The latest version of doxygen is 1.5.3 (release date 27 July 2007).

The source distribution
doxygen-1.5.3.src.tar.gz (3.4M) ( ftp | http )
A binary distribution for Linux i386
doxygen-1.5.3.linux.bin.tar.gz (2.3M) ( ftp | http )
Compiled using Fedora Core 6 with kernel 2.6.19 and gcc-4.1.2. This archive includes the HTML version of the manual, but not the GUI frontend.
A binary distribution for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
doxygen-1.5.3-setup.exe (6.6M) ( ftp | http )
This is a self-installing archive including the HTML and compressed HTML versions of the manual and the GUI frontend.

If you are allergic to installers and GUIs or haven't sufficient bandwidth you can also download the binaries in a zip (2.1M) ( ftp | http )

A universal binary distribution for Mac OS X
Doxygen-1.5.3.dmg (16.7M) ( ftp | http )
This is a self-contained disk image, which contains the GUI frontend and dot. All binaries are universal.

See the change log to find out what has changed. If you want to be informed about new releases fill in your email address in the form at the top of this page.

The documentation for release 1.5.3

A hyperlinked PDF version of the documentation
doxygen_manual-1.5.3.pdf.zip (0.6M)
A compressed HTML (a.k.a. Windows 98 help) version of the documentation
doxygen_manual-1.5.3.chm.zip (0.7M)


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