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世界最酷的女科学家 (Pardis Sabeti, Cool Super Scientist on 精选

已有 11663 次阅读 2009-5-1 23:57 |个人分类:科学家|系统分类:人物纪事| 天才, 世界, 最酷, Pardis, Sabeti

世界最酷的女科学家 (Pardis Sabeti, Cool Super Scientist on Earth)

by Baoyu


很久以来就想与众位博友分享一些我心目中的科学家偶像,从07年就开始关注的伊朗裔美籍遗传学家Pardis Sabeti是我最欣赏的一位,就作为系列博文的开篇吧:



    软摇滚乐队Thousand Days的组建者和主唱,






    麻省学士,牛津硕士,哈佛博士(其导师Eric Lander也是天才级人物,以后的诺奖热门人选),


    人类单倍体计划HapMap Project主要参与者,


    现在领衔项目包括$2 million的盖茨-梅琳达基金项目,





Pardis Sabeti语录:

      "Even though I am gregarious, I interact more with [scientific] papers than with people. Deep down, I am just a math geek."

      "My mother crated a summer camp in our house, where she would teach the children and make us do book reports. And my sister, who is 2 years older than me, would teach me and my cousin what she had learned in school."

      And the sleep thing? When Science spoke to Sabeti she was managing "only 2 hours of sleep each night, most of them inside a crumpled blue sleeping bag she keeps under a desk . . ."



With support from the MIT Council for the Arts and a women-in-science program sponsored by L’Oreal, Dr. Sabeti is planning a series of music videos featuring Boston-based science luminaries such as Dr. Lander and artificial intelligence expert Marvin Minsky.The videos, which Dr. Sabeti would like to distribute online, will use pop culture to show that science is cool. Her hope is that young viewers will want to learn more about the people in the videos.


Selected Publications

Sabeti, P. C., D. E. Reich, et al. (2002). "Detecting recent positive selection in the human genome from haplotype structure." Nature 419(6909): 832-7.

The International Haplotype Map Consortium (2005). "A haplotype map of the human genome." Nature 437(7063): 1299-320.

Sabeti, P. C., S. F. Schaffner, et al. (2006). "Positive natural selection in the human lineage." Science 312(5780): 1614-20.

Volkman, S. K., P. C. Sabeti, et al. (2007). "A genome-wide map of diversity in Plasmodium falciparum." Nat Genet 39(1): 113-9.

The International Haplotype Map Consortium (2007). "A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs." Nature 449(7164): 851-61.

Sabeti, P. C., P. Varilly, et al. (2007). "Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations." Nature 449(7164): 913-8.

Other publications cited

Botchkarev, V. A. and M. Y. Fessing (2005). "Edar signaling in the control of hair follicle development." J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc 10(3): 247-51.

Colosimo, P. F., K. E. Hosemann, et al. (2005). "Widespread parallel evolution in sticklebacks by repeated fixation of Ectodysplasin alleles." Science 307(5717): 1928-33.

WHO (2000). "World Health Organization Lassa fever fact sheet No. 179. ." WHO Geneva.

McCormick, J. B. and S. P. Fisher-Hoch (2002). "Lassa fever." Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 262: 75-109



FAS Center of Harvard Uni.: Pardis Sabeti




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