email address: yueqzq@hku.hku
香港大学土木工程系, 中国香港
论文全文见《地学前缘》 2013, 20(6) 15-20 DOI: ISSN: 1005-2321 CN: 11-3370/P
Cause and mechanism of highly compressed and dense methane gas mass forWenchuan Earthquake and associated rock-avalanches and surface co-seismicruptures
Yue Zhong-qi Quentin
Department of CivilEngineering, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, HongKong, China
email address: yueqzq@hku.hk
This paper presents and shows that Wenchuan Earthquake of May 12, 2008 was caused by the rapid migration and expansion of a large amount of highly pressurized anddense methane gas mass in crustal rock masses. The dense gas mass was trappedin deep crustal rock masses. Because of increase in its pressure and mass, thedense gas mass suddenly ruptured the crustal rocks at deep Longmenshan faults with high compressions. A part of the dense gas mass escaped the trap andrapidly migrated from deep crustal rock to shallow crustal rocks along thefaults, contacts and beddings and expanded the crustal rock masses. The expanding power of the dense gas that migrated into some isolated hard rockslopes caused the rock avalanche-rock debris flows at mountains. The expanding power of the dense gas that migrated into some isolated soil river beds and slopes caused the co-seismic ruptures at ground surfaces.
Full paper @ EarthScience Frontiers, 2013, 20(6): 015 - 020
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