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现代规范逻辑的创始者 - 冯·赖特 精选

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现代规范逻辑的创始者 - 冯·赖特 



    冯·赖特(Georg Henrik von Wright, 14 June 1916 – 16 June 2003) 是芬兰逻辑学家哲学家,现代规范(道义)逻辑(Deontic Logic)的创始者[1-3]。

   冯·赖特在剑桥大学做研究生时期(1939年)曾师从于哲学家维特根斯坦(Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein, 1889-1951);于1941年在哲学家心理学家凯拉(Eino Sakari Kaila, 1890-1958)的指导下获得赫尔辛基大学博士学位(博士论文题目为“The Logical Problem of Induction”)。1948年,年仅31岁的冯·赖特被邀请接替维特根斯坦成为剑桥大学的哲学教授,三年后的1951年(维特根斯坦去世后),他又回到了以前在赫尔辛基大学的教授职位。






    规范(道义)逻辑(Deontic Logic)是关于规范行为的逻辑学,它研究规范(道义)性概念,以及与其密切相关的评价概念、规范、规范体系、规范推理等,是哲学逻辑的一个重要分枝[6-12]。


    1951年,冯·赖特发表了论文“Deontic Logic”[1],首次将“Deontic”一词用作表达“规范(道义)”,并且提出了第一个规范(道义)逻辑系统,后被通称为“标准规范(道义)逻辑(standard deontic logic, SDL)”[1-3,6-12]。世界公认,是冯·赖特的工作开创了“规范(道义)逻辑学”这个领域[6-12]。


   “道义逻辑学通常被解释为义务、许可和禁止的逻辑学,但这太狭隘了。... 另一方面,我们可以说道义逻辑是符号逻辑的一个分支,它涉及规范表达式的逻辑:系统地研究这些表达式对什么从什么得出的贡献。这样更好,因为它看起来不太排他,但它可以说太宽泛了,因为道义逻辑传统上并不关心每种规范表达式的贡献。(Deontic logic is often glossed as the logic of obligation, permission, and prohibition, but this is too narrow. ... On the other hand, we might say that deontic logic is that branch of symbolic logic concerned with the logic of normative expressions: a systematic study of the contribution these expressions make to what follows from what. This is better in that it does not appear to be too exclusive, but it is arguably too broad, since deontic logic is not traditionally concerned with the contribution of every sort of normative expression.)”[10]

   一个比较宽泛的对规范(道义)性概念的列举包括[10,11]:“允许的(被许可了的)(permissible(permitted))”,“不允许的(禁止的、被禁止了的)(impermissible(forbidden, prohibited))”,“义务的(责任、被要求了的)(obligatory(duty, required))”,“可省略的(非义务的)(omissible(non-obligatory))”,“可选的(optional)”,“非可选的(non-optional)”,“必须的(must)”,“应该的(ought)”,“非义务的(超出要求的)(supererogatory(beyond the call))”,“无关紧要的(indifferent)”,“重要的(significant)”,“最起码能做的(the least one can do)”,“比最好的更好(better than best)”,“比好的更好(better than good)”,“比差的更好(better than bad)”,“要求(claim)”,“自由(liberty)”,“权力(power)”,“豁免权(immunity)”,“责任(responsibility)”,“责备(blame)”,“赞扬(praise)”,“代理(agency)”,“行动(action)”。


    冯·赖特对相关逻辑(Relevant/Relevance Logic)也曾有过重要贡献。“阿克曼提出的用一个初始内涵逻辑联结词来表达条件句概念/蕴涵关系的的思想,之后又被 von Wright,Geach,Smiley 三位逻辑学家分别归纳和陈述,现在被称为“The von-Wright-Geach-Smiley criterion for entailment”,简称“WGS criterion”,是关于条件句表达的重要标准。”[13-15]




    冯·赖特于1954年以瑞典语撰写了一篇维特根斯坦的个人传略,发表在芬兰哲学学会年鉴上,其英译版“维特根斯坦:个人传略(Ludwig Wittgenstein, A Biographical Sketch)”[16]于1955年发表在“哲学评论(The Philosophical Review)”上并且被编入他本人及美国哲学家马尔康姆(Norman Adrian Malcolm, 1911-1990)回忆纪念维特根斯坦的两本书中[16],成为维特根斯坦研究的具有权威性的重要历史文献(因为按照冯·赖特所说,“我读到的关于维特根斯坦的大多数传记文章,都与维特根斯坦的情况不相符合”[16])。





[1] G. H. von Wright, “Deontic Logic,” Mind, Vol. 60, No. 237, pp. 1-15, 1951.

[2] G. H. von Wright, “Norm and Action: A Logical Enquiry,” Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1963.  

[3] G. H. von Wright, “An Essay in Deontic Logic and the General Theory of Action: With a Bibliography of Deontic and Imperative Logic,” North-Holland, 1968.

[4]R. Vilkko, “Commemorating the centennial of the birth of Georg Henrik von Wright,”  The National Library of Finland Bulletin, 2016.

[5] G. H. von Wright, “Elämäni niin kuin sen muistan,” ((Mitt liv som jag minns det, 2001.) Suomentanut Iiro Kuuranne) Helsingissä: Otava, 2002.

[6] R. Hilpinen and P. McNamara, “Deontic Logic: A Historical Survey and Introduction,” in D. Gabbay et al. (Eds.), “Handbook of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems,” pp. 3-136,College Publications, 2013.

[7] L. Aqvist, “Deontic Logic,” in D. M. Gabbay and F. Guenthner (Eds.), “Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Second Edition” Vol. 8, pp. 147-264,Kluwer Academic, 2002.

[8] J. Carmo and A. J. I. Jones, “Deontic Logic and Contrary-to-Duties,” in D. M. Gabbay and F. Guenthner (Eds.), “Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Second Edition” Vol. 8, pp. 265-343,Kluwer Academic, 2002.

[9] R. Hilpinen, “Deontic Logic,” in L. Goble (Ed.), “The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic,” pp. 159-182,Blackwell, 2002.

[10] P. McNamara, “Deontic Logic,” in D. M. Gabbay and G. Woods (Eds.), “Handbook of the History of Logic,” Vol. 7, pp. 197-287,Elsevier, 2006.

[11] P. McNamara and F. Van De Putte, “Deontic Logic,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Center for the Study of Language andInformation (CSLI), Stanford University, 2006-2021.

[12] J. Broersen, D. Gabbay, A. Herzig, E. Lorini, J. J. Meyer, X. Parent, and L. van der Torre, “Deontic Logic,” in S. Ossowski (ed.), “Agreement Technologies, Law, Governance and Technology Series 8,”pp. 171-179, 2013.

[13] A. R. Anderson and N. D. Belnap Jr., “Entailment:The Logic of Relevance and Necessity,” Vol. I, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1975.

[14] A. R. Anderson, N. D. Belnap Jr., and J. M. Dunn, “Entailment: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity,” Vol. II, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1992.

[15] 程京德,“相关逻辑(2) – 创建”,微信公众号“数理逻辑与哲学逻辑”,科学网博客,2024年6月9日。

[16] G. H. von Wright, “Ludwig Wittgenstein, A Biographical Sketch,” The Philosophical Review, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 527-545, 1955;  also in G. H. von Wright, “Wittgenstein,” University of Minnesota Press, 1982;  also in N. Malcoim, “Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir by Norman Malcolm, with a Biographical Sketch by G. H. von Wright, Second edition,” Clarendon Press, 2001; 中译:李步楼,贺绍甲 译《回忆维特根斯坦》,商务印书馆,2012.

[17] P. Kaipainen, “Ludwig Wittgenstein and Georg Henrik von Wright: An Unexpected Friendship,” Life Writing, 2023.

[18] 程京德,“哲学逻辑(n) – 规范逻辑学(Deontic Logic)”,微信公众号“数理逻辑与哲学逻辑”,科学网博客,to appear。




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