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Atoms Coordinates of AlFe3

已有 4827 次阅读 2008-10-16 22:03 |个人分类:视频专栏:《魔方和数学建模》| Atom, Coordinates

Atoms Coordinates x,y,z of AlFe3


"All data of bond length and atoms coordinates use lattice constant unit, i.e. a=1 "

"Origin at (0,0,0) and Reference atom at (0,0,0)"

"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",1

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",1

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"


"The bond length =",0


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",8

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",8

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"









"The bond length =",.433012701892219


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",6

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",6

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"







"The bond length =",.5


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",12

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",12

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"













"The bond length =",.707106781186548


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",24

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",24

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"

























"The bond length =",.82915619758885


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",8

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",8

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"









"The bond length =",.866025403784439


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",6

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",6

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"







"The bond length =",1


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",24

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",24

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"

























"The bond length =",1.08972473588517


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",24

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",24

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"

























"The bond length =",1.11803398874989


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",24

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",24

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"

























"The bond length =",1.22474487139159


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",8

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",8

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"









"The bond length =",1.29903810567666


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",12

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",12

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"













"The bond length =",1.4142135623731


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",24

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",24

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"

























"The bond length =",1.5


"The atom at (0,0,0) bonds with as follows atoms of",8

"The point group CN (coordination number) =",8

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"









"The bond length =",1.73205080756888


"The unit cell involves atoms of ",35


"Al at 4a Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",1

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"



"Fe at 8c Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",1

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"



"Fe at 4b Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",3

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"





"Al at 4a Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",3

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"





"Fe at 8c Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",3

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"





"Fe at 4b Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",1

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"



"Al at 4a Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",3

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"





"Fe at 8c Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",3

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"





"Fe at 4b Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",6

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"








"Al at 4a Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",3

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"





"Fe at 8c Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",1

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"



"Al at 4a Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",3

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"





"Fe at 4b Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",3

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"





"Al at 4a Positions","The unit cell involves atom of",1

"Atom coordinates x,y,z:"



"**: Above atoms coordinates sorted by point group"


"There are ",13,"kinds of bonds (interatomic distances) in unit cell"

"The unit cell involves",35,"atoms, and they make",595,"bonds"


"atom No",1,"----","atom No",2

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.25,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",3

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",0,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",4

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",0,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",5

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,0,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",6

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",0,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",7

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",8

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",12

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",9

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.25,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",10

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",11

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",9

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.25,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",10

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",16

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",9

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.25,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",11

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",17

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",10

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",11

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",18

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",12

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",13

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",12

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",14

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",12

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",15

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",16

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",27,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

1,.5,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",28,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.75,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",28,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.75,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",28,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.75,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",28,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.75,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.4330127



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",12

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",4

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",0,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",21

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",23

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",13

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",19

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",21

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",20

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",22

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",23

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",24

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",6

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",0,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",12

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",8

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",22

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",24

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",5

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,0,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",14

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",16

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",7

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.5,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",8

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.5,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",9

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.25,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",15

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",10

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",16

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",11

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",12

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",3

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",0,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",19

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",20

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",27,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,.5,.5,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",27,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",6

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",0,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",7

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",29,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,1,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",30,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,1,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",31,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,1,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",32,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,1,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",33,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,1,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",34,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,1,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.5



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",26

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",10

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",11

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",7

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.5,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",8

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.5,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",16

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",13

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",14

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",11

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",5

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,0,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",25

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",26

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",8

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.5,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",4

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",0,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",12

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",5

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,0,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",13

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",15

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",7

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",25

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",26

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",8

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",27,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,.5,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",27,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",6

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",0,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",12

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",27,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",14

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",15

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",25

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",12

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",32,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,1,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",32,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,1,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",33,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,.5,1,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",26

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.7071068



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",9

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.25,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",16

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",10

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",18

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",11

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",10

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",11

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",9

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.25,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",9

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.25,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",16

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",16

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",17

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",11

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",9

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.25,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",17

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",18

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",11

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.75,.25,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",16

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",17

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",16

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",18

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",16

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",17

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",18

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",28,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.75,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",28,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.75,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",28,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.75,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",13

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",10

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",14

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",15

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",10

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.25,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8291562



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",12

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",16

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",7

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",19

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",27,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,.5,.5,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",24

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",20

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",6

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",0,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",23

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",8

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,.5,0,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",21

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",13

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",14

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",12,"----","atom No",15

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,.5,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",22

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",.8660254



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",26

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",13

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",29,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,1,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",30,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,1,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",31,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,1,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",14

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",15

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",25

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",17

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",13

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",14

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",14

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",15

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",13

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",15

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",16,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.75,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",16

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",18

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",16

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",17

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",18

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",17,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.75,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",28

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",18,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.75,.75,.25,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.089725



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",13

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",22

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",14

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",21

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",22

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",20

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",21

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",22

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",23

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",23

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",24

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",24

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",14

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",19

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",21

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",20

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",23

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",15

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",13

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",27

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",26

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",15

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",29,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,1,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",29,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,1,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",30,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,1,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",19

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",30,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,1,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",19

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",31,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,1,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",31,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,1,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",25

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",24

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",20

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.118034



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",20

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",25,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,1,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",25

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",26,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,.5,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",26

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",15

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",27,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,.5,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",6,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",25

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",26

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",26

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.5,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",21

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",27

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,.5,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",7,"----","atom No",14

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,.5,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",19

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",8,"----","atom No",13

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,.5,0,"  ",0,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",25

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.5,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.224745



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",17

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.75,.25,.75,

"The bond length =",1.299038



"atom No",9,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.75,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.299038



"atom No",2,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.25,.25,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.299038



"atom No",11,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.75,.25,.25,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.299038



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",28

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.75,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.299038



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",18

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.75,.75,.25,

"The bond length =",1.299038



"atom No",10,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 8c Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.25,.75,.25,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.299038



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",16

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 8c Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.25,.75,.75,

"The bond length =",1.299038



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",15

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",15

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,0,0,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",30,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,1,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",34

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",32

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",22

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",33

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",14

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",0,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",23

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",24

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",29,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,1,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",29,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,1,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.414214



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",19

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",0,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",20

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",0,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",23

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,0,.5,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",20,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,.5,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",35

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",34

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,1,.5,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",22

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",.5,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",24,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,.5,0,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",4,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,0,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",22,"----","atom No",30

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,1,0,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",19,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,.5,1,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",24

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,.5,0,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",5,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,0,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",3,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,.5,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",32

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",.5,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",33

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,.5,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",21

"Al at 4a Positions-----Fe at 4b Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",.5,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",21,"----","atom No",31

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

.5,0,1,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",23,"----","atom No",29

"Fe at 4b Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,.5,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.5



"atom No",13,"----","atom No",31

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,1,"  ",1,1,0,

"The bond length =",1.732051



"atom No",1,"----","atom No",35

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,0,0,"  ",1,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.732051



"atom No",14,"----","atom No",30

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

0,1,0,"  ",1,0,1,

"The bond length =",1.732051



"atom No",15,"----","atom No",29

"Al at 4a Positions-----Al at 4a Positions"

1,0,0,"  ",0,1,1,

"The bond length =",1.732051



"The coordination number of every atom in the unit cell"


"bond No",1,"   the bond length =",.4330127

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",5

0,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",6

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",7

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",8

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",9

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",10

.25,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",11

.25,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",12

.25,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",13

.25,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",14

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",15

.5,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",16

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",17

.5,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",18

.5,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",19

.5,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",20

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",21

.5,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",22

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",23

.75,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",24

.75,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",25

.75,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",26

.75,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",27

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",28

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",29

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",30

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",31

1,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",32

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",33

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",34

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",35

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"bond No",2,"   the bond length =",.5

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",5

0,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",6

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",7

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",8

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",9

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",10

.25,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",11

.25,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",12

.25,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",13

.25,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",14

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",15

.5,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",16

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",17

.5,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",18

.5,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",19

.5,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",20

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",21

.5,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",22

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",23

.75,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",24

.75,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",25

.75,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",26

.75,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",27

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",28

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",29

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",30

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",31

1,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",32

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",33

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",34

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",35

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"bond No",3,"   the bond length =",.7071068

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",5

0,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",6

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",7

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",8

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",9

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",10

.25,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",11

.25,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",12

.25,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",13

.25,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",14

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",15

.5,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",16

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",17

.5,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",18

.5,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",19

.5,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",20

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",21

.5,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",22

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",23

.75,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",24

.75,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",25

.75,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",26

.75,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",27

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",28

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",29

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",30

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",31

1,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",32

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",33

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",34

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",5

"atom No",35

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"bond No",4,"   the bond length =",.8291562

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",5

0,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",6

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",7

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",8

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",9

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",10

.25,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",11

.25,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",12

.25,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",13

.25,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",14

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",15

.5,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",16

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",17

.5,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",18

.5,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",19

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",20

.5,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",21

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",22

.75,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",23

.75,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",24

.75,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",25

.75,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",12

"atom No",26

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",27

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",28

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",29

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",30

1,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",31

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",32

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",33

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",34

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"bond No",5,"   the bond length =",.8660254

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",5

0,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",6

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",7

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",8

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",9

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",10

.25,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",11

.25,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",12

.25,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",13

.25,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",14

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",15

.5,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",16

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",17

.5,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",18

.5,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",8

"atom No",19

.5,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",20

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",21

.5,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",22

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",23

.75,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",24

.75,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",25

.75,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",26

.75,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",27

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",28

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",29

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",30

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",31

1,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",32

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",33

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",34

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",35

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"bond No",6,"   the bond length =",1

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",5

0,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",6

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",7

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",8

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",9

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",10

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",11

.5,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",12

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",13

.5,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",14

.5,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",15

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",16

.5,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",17

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",18

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",19

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",20

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",21

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",22

1,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",23

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",24

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",25

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",26

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"bond No",7,"   the bond length =",1.089725

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",5

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",6

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",7

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",8

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",9

.25,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",10

.25,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",11

.25,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",12

.25,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",13

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",14

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",15

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",16

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",17

.75,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",18

.75,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",19

.75,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",20

.75,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",21

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",22

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",23

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",24

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",25

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",26

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",27

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",28

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"bond No",8,"   the bond length =",1.118034

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",5

0,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",6

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",7

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",8

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",9

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",10

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",11

.5,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",12

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",13

.5,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",14

.5,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",15

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",16

.5,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",17

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",18

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",19

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",20

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",21

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",22

1,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",23

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",24

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",25

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"atom No",26

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",6

"bond No",9,"   the bond length =",1.224745

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",5

0,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",6

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",7

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",8

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",9

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",10

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",11

.5,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",12

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",13

.5,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",14

.5,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",15

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",16

.5,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",17

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",18

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",19

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",20

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",21

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",22

1,.5,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",23

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",24

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",25

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",4

"atom No",26

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"bond No",10,"   the bond length =",1.299038

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",2

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",3

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",4

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",5

.25,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",6

.25,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",7

.25,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",8

.25,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",9

.75,.25,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",10

.75,.25,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",11

.75,.75,.25,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",12

.75,.75,.75,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",13

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",14

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",15

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",16

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"bond No",11,"   the bond length =",1.414214

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",5

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",6

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",7

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",8

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",9

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",10

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",11

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",12

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",13

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",14

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",15

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",16

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",17

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",18

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",19

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",20

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"bond No",12,"   the bond length =",1.5

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",2

0,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",3

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",4

0,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",5

0,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",6

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",7

0,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",8

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",9

.5,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",10

.5,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",11

.5,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",12

.5,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",13

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",14

1,0,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",15

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",16

1,.5,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",17

1,.5,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",18

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"atom No",19

1,1,.5,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",2

"atom No",20

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",3

"bond No",13,"   the bond length =",1.732051

"atom No",1

0,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",2

0,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",3

0,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",4

0,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",5

1,0,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",6

1,0,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",7

1,1,0,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1

"atom No",8

1,1,1,"           ","   its CN in the unit cell =",1


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