

荷兰杰出地质古生物学家Wilhelmus J. Jongmans (1878--1957)

已有 3424 次阅读 2016-8-13 23:28 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| The, Epic, Palaeobotany-483, Dutch, Josephus

The Epic of Palaeobotany-483

Dutch palaeobotanist--Wilhelmus Josephus Jongmans(1878--1957)

荷兰杰出地质古生物学家Wilhelmus Josephus Jongmans (1878--1957)

SPS-483-Willem Jongmans-REV7.pdf

  位于西欧的荷兰是传奇画家梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh, 1853—1890)的祖国。现代荷兰是一个小国,其国土面积仅有41500多平方公里。对于自然历史研究来说,荷兰似乎没有明显的地域优势和资源优势。然而,该国曾涌现了一批杰出科学家,如:享有很高声誉的地层古生物学家、古植物学家Wilhelmus Josephus Jongmans (1878--1957)

Fig.1. Map of the Netherlands

       1900年,Wilhelmus J.Jongmans到德国慕尼黑大学(University of Munich)跟随著名植物学家Karl Immanuel Eberhard Ritter von Goebel FRS (1855--1932)学习,主要研究苔藓植物,1906年获得博士学位。

       不久,深受荷兰地质学家William Anton Joseph Maria van Waterschoot van der Gracht (1873--1943)的影响Wilhelmus J. Jongmans的学术兴趣由现代植物学转向石炭纪地层学及古植物学。

1908年,Wilhelmus J. Jongmans赴爱丁堡跟随Robert Kidston FRS (1852--1924)学习研究化石植物。

      1919年起,Wilhelmus J. Jongmans开始供职于荷兰东南部的Heerlen地质调查局。1921—1946年担任该调查局局长。

      1932—1950年,Wilhelmus J. Jongmans兼任Groningen大学的古植物学教授(Professor of palaeobotany at the University of Groningen)

       Wilhelmus J. Jongmans一生聚焦石炭纪地层及植物化石研究,发表了大量论著,包括芦木类植物化石专著。1927年,他和德国同行Walther Gothan(1879—1954)及比利时同行 Armand Renier (1876--1951)合作,在Heerlen组织召开了“第一届国际石炭纪地层学大会”(International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy)。第二届和第三届分别于1935年和1951年均由Wilhelmus J. JongmansHeerlen成功召开。[注:后来会议名称改称“国际石炭纪地层学和地质学大会( International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology)]

      1994年,在荷兰Heerlen & Kerkrade举行的第四届欧洲古植物学和古孢粉学大会期间(The 4th European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference, Heerlen-Kerkrade),欧洲同行设立了“Jongmans奖章”(Jongmans Medal),一方面是纪念杰出的古植物学家Wilhelmus J. Jongmans,另一方面是奖励那些在古植物学和古孢粉学领域做出卓越贡献的欧洲科学家。

      关于Wilhelmus J. Jongmans的学术生平和成就,请参阅Robert H. Wagner HWJ van Amerom1995年共同发表的传记。


Brief chronology of Dutch palaeobotanist--Wilhelmus Josephus Jongmans (1878--1957)

--1878: Born in Leiden on 13 August 1878;

--1898: Studied pharmacy at the University of Leiden for 2 years;

--1900: Began to Study systematic botany with Karl Immanuel Eberhard Ritter von Goebel FRS(1855--1932) at the University of Munich;

--1906: Completed a doctoral thesis, entitled “Ueber Brutkörper bildende Laubmoose”;

--1906--1919: Curator of National Herbarium of the collection of fossil plants from Z.Limburg in Leiden;

--1908: Went to Edinburgh and worked with Scottish palaeobotanist Robert Kidston FRS(1852--1924);

--1909: Married Agnes Pauline Josefa Humann;

--1919: Worked for Geological Survey in Heerlen;

--1921: Director of Geological Bureau of Mining Area (GB) in Heerlen;

--1921—1946: Served as director of the Geological Bureau in Heerlen;

--1927: Organized the first International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy in Heerlen;

--1932—1950: Professor of palaeobotany at the University of Groningen;

--1935: Organized the second International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy in Heerlen;

--1951: Organized the third International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy in Heerlen;

--1957: Died in Heerlen on 13 October 1957.


Qigao Sun (孙启高):


Story of Paleobotany Series (No.483) [The 484th issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-483

Dutch palaeobotanist--Wilhelmus Josephus Jongmans(1878--1957)

荷兰杰出地质古生物学家Wilhelmus Josephus Jongmans (1878--1957)

August 13, 2016


The Netherlands

Heerlen, southeast Netherland

Vincent Willem van Gogh (梵高, 1853--1890)

Wilhelmus Josephus Jongmans (1878--1957)

Karl Immanuel Eberhard Ritter von Goebel FRS (1855--1932), a German botanist

W.A.J.M. van Waterschoot van der Gracht (1873--1943),a geologist of the Netherland

Robert H. Wagner, HWJ van Amerom: Wilhelmus Josephus Jongsman (1878-1957): paleobotanist, Carboniferous Stratigrapher and floral biogeographer  In: Paul C. Lyons, Elsie Darrah Morey, Robert H. Wagner: Historical Perspective of early twentieth century in Paleobotany North America. Geological Society of America Memoir. Volume 185, 1995, pp 75-90, doi: 10.1130 / MEM185p75


上一篇:斯洛伐克杰出地质古生物学家Dionys Stur院士 (1827--1893)
下一篇:比利时地层古生物学家Armand Renier院士 (1876--1951)
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