

Palaeobotany in UK 英国古植物学家David John Beerling FRS

已有 5146 次阅读 2015-2-2 03:20 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| John, David, Beerling教授

Palaeobotany in UK    

   英国古气候学家、古植物学家David John Beerling教授(FRS, 1965--)曾跟随William Gilbert Chaloner教授 (FRS, 1928--)从事博士后研究。David John Beerling教授供职于University of Sheffield

 2014430日,David John Beerling教授当选为英国皇家学会院士

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Beerling was educated at University of Wales, College of Cardiff where hewas awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Botany in 1987 followed by a PhD in 1990[9] for research into the ecology and control of Japanese Knotweeed and Himalayan Balsam

2Key Research Interests

Beerling's research group conduct research to address fundamental questions about the behaviour of biotic and physical systems on Earthover the past 540million years.[3][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] Beerling's research has been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council(NERC)[29]


D. J. Beerling’s interdisciplinary research group focuses on fundamental questions concerning how photosynthetic terrestrial ecosystems and the global environment co-evolved over the last half billion years. Their approach integrates evidence from fossils, experiments with terrestrial organisms, and rigorous theoretical models applied across spatial scales. They focus particularly on key processes and interactions important for revealing insights into the conquest of the land by plants, and the role of terrestrial ecosystems in shaping global ecology, climate and atmospheric composition.Their research findings also inform understanding of current anthropogenic climate change issues facing humanity.

(3) Career/appointments

2014 Elected Fellow of the Royal Society
2009–2014 Royal Society-Wolfson Research Merit Award holder
2002– Appointed to a Personal Chair, University of Sheffield
2008–2009 Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting Environmental Scholar (YaleUniversity)
2001–2003 Philip Leverhulme Prize holder
1994–2002 Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of Sheffield
1990–1993 Post-doctoral research associate. (×2, NERC, EU)
1990 PhD (botany), University of Wales, College of Cardiff

1987 Honours Botany, University of Wales, College of Cardiff


Beerling is the author of Vegetationand the terrestrial carbon cycle: the first 400 million years,[30]The Emerald Planet: How plants changedEarth's history[31] and was series consultant for the BBC television series Howto Grow a Planet.[32]


Beerling, D.J. (2007) TheEmerald Planet. How plants changed Earth´s history. OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford.
Beerling, D.J.& Woodward, F.I. (2001) Vegetationand the terrestrial carbon cycle. Modelling the first 400 million years.Cambridge University Press.

RecentEdited Volumes

Beerling, D.J. (editor) (2012) Atmospheric CO2 and the evolution ofphotosynthetic eukaryotes: from enzymes to ecosystems [thematic issue]. Philosophical Transactionsof the Royal Society, B367, 477-629.

Beerling, D.J. (editor) (2009) Coevolution of photosyntheticorganisms and the environment [special Issue]. Geobiology, 7, 97-264.

Beerling, D.J., Hewitt, C.N., Pyle, J.A. & Raven, J.A. (editors)(2007) Trace gas biogeochemistry and global change [discussion meeting]. Philosophical Transactionsof the Royal Society, A365, 1627-1954.

SelectedRecent Scientific Papers (since 2008)

Franks, P.J., Royer, D.L., Beerling, D.J., Van de Water,P.K., Cantrill, D.C., Barbour, M.M. & Berry, J.A. (2014) New constraints onatmospheric CO2 for the Phanerozoic. Geophysical Research Letters,41, 4685-4694

Doughty, C.E., Taylor, L.L., Girardin, C.A.J., Malhi,Y. & Beerling, D.J.(2014) Montane forest root growth and soil organic layer depth as potentialfactors stabilizing Cenozoic global change. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 983-990

Quirk, J., Andrews, M.Y., Leake, J.R., Banwart, S.A.& Beerling, D.J.(2014) Ectomycorrhizal fungi and past high CO2 atmospheres enhancemineral weathering through increased below-ground carbon-energy fluxes. Biology Letters, 10 (7),doi:10.1098/rsbl.2014.0375

Warszawski, L. etal. (2013) A multi-model analysis of ecosystem shifts underclimate change. EnvironmentalResearch Letters, 8,044018.
[Commentary on Warszawski
et al.(2013): Environmental ResearchLetters, 8,041004, 2013]

Chater, C., Gray, J.E. & Beerling, D.J. (2013) Earlyevolutionary acquisition of stomatal control and development gene signallingnetworks. Current Opinion inPlant Biology, 16,638-646.

Quirk, J., McDowell, N.G., Leake, J.R., Hudson, P.J.& Beerling, D.J.(2013) Increased susceptibility to drought-induced mortality in Sequoia sempervirens(Cupressaceae) trees under Cenozoic atmospheric carbon dioxide starvation. American Journal of Botany, 100, 582-591.

Hansen, J. etal. (2013) Assessing "dangerous climate change":required reduction of carbon emissions to protect young people, futuregenerations and nature. PLoS ONE,8, e81648.
[Commentary on Hansen
et al.(2013): The Guardian,Dec. 3, 2013; ScientificAmerican, Dec. 4, 2013]

Previdi, M. etal. (2013) Climate sensitivity in the Anthropocene. Quartely Journal of the Royal MetorologicalSociety, 139,1121-1131.
[Commentary on Previdi
et al.(2013): The Guardian,Sept. 18, 2013]

Palaeosense Project Members (2012) Making sense ofpalaeoclimate sensitivity. Nature,491, 683-691.

Quirk, J., Beerling,D.J., Banwart, S.A., Kakonyi, G., Romero-Gonzalez, M.E. &Leake, J.R. (2012) Evolution of trees and mycorrhizal fungi intensifiessilicate mineral weathering. BiologyLetters, 8,1006-1011.

DeConto, R.M., Galeotti, S. Pagani, M., Tracy, D.,Schaefer, K., Zhang, T., Pollard, D. & Beerling, D.J. (2012) Past extreme warming eventslinked to massive carbon release from thawing permafrost. Nature,484, 87-91.

Field, K.J., Cameron, D.C., Leake, J.R., Tille, S.,Bidartondo, M. & Beerling,D.J. (2012) Contrasting arbuscular mycorrhizal efficiencyresponses of vascular and non-vascular land plants to a simulated PalaeozoicCO2 decline. NatureCommunications, 3,835, 10.1038/ncomms1831.

Chater, C., Kamisugi, Y., Movahedi, M., Fleming, A.,Cuming, A.C., Gray, J.E. & Beerling,D.J. (2011) Regulatory mechanism controlling stomatal behaviourconserved across 400 million years of land plant evolution. Current Biology,21, 1025-1029
[Commentary on Chater
etal. (2011): CurrentBiology, 21,R540-R542, 2011].

Franks, P.J., Leitch, I.J., Ruszala, E.M.,Hetherington, A.M. & Beerling,D.J. (2012) Physiological framework for adaptation of stomatato CO2 from glacial to future concentrations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society,B367, 537-546.

Beerling, D.J., Fox, A., Stevenson, D.S. & Valdes, P.J. (2011)Enhanced chemistry-climate feedbacks during past greenhouse climates. Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Science, USA, 108,9770-9775.

Boardman, C.P., Gauci, V., Watson, J.S., Blake, S.& Beerling, D.J.(2011) Contrasting wetland CH4 emission responses to simulated glacialatmospheric CO2 in temperate bogs and fens. New Phytologist, 192, 898-911.
[Commentary on Boardman
etal. (2011): NewPhytologist, 192,798-792, 2011]

Singarayer, J.S., Valdes, P.J., Friedlingstein, P.,Nelson, S. & Beerling, D.J.(2011) Late-Holocene methane rise caused by orbitally controlled increase intropical sources. Nature,470, 82-85.
[Commentary on Singarayer
etal. (2011): Nature,470, 49-50, 2011]

Beerling, D.J. & Royer, D.L. (2011) Convergent Cenozoic CO2history. Nature Geoscience,4, 418-420.

Humphreys, C.P., Franks, P.J., Rees, M., Bidartondo,M.I., Leake, J.R. & Beerling,D.J. (2010) Mutualistic mycorrhiza-like symbiosis in the mostancient group of land plants. Nature Communications, 1, 103 doi:10.1033/ncomms1105.

Berry, J.A., Beerling,D.J. & Franks, P.J. (2010) Stomata: key players in theEarth system, past and present. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 13, 233-240.

Beerling, D.J. & Franks, P.J. (2010) The hidden cost oftranspiration [Invited News & Views]. Nature, 464, 495-496.

Pagani, M., Caldeira, K., Berner, R.A., & Beerling, D.J. (2009) The roleof terrestrial vegetation in limiting atmospheric CO2 decline over the past 24million years. Nature,460, 85-88.
[Commentary on Pagani
etal. (2009): Nature,460, 40-41, 2009]

Franks, P.J. & Beerling, D.J. (2009) Maximum leaf conductancedriven by atmospheric CO2 effects on stomatal size and density over geologictime. Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Science, USA, 106, 10343-10347.


Seward umbrella of world palaeobotany

2014-11-21 00:13


Storyof Palaeobotany Series (special issue for British palaeobotany)





Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.293)[The 294TH  issue in total]


英国皇家学会新科院士、古气候学家、古植物学家David John Beerling教授

British palaeoclimatologist and palaeobotanist, David JohnBeerling (FRS)

2015-2-2 03:20

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