隐居80多年的美国富婆Huguette M. Clark (1906--2011)
Huguette Marcelle Clark (1906--2011), an heiress and philanthropist
Huguette Marcelle Clark's father:
William Andrews Clark, Sr. (1839--1925) was an American politician and entrepreneur, involved with mining, banking, and railroads
Huguette Clark, the reclusive copper heiress, dies at 104 - NBC News
May 24, 2011 - With her mansions empty, she lived in N.Y. hospital rooms for decades; .
By Bill Dedman
Investigative reporter
NBC News
updated 5/24/2011 4:46:26 PM ET
NEW YORK — Huguette M. Clark, the mysterious copper heiress who became the subject of public fascination and police investigation after a century of life as a recluse, died Tuesday morning at age 104, registered under a fake name at a hospital in New York City. Her empty mansions, and a criminal investigation into the handling of her fortune, were the subject of a series of reports last year on msnbc.com.
Huguette Clark: New York's billionaire recluse dies, aged 104 | US ...
https://www.theguardian.com › US News › New York
May 25, 2011 - For 80 years her life was set in aspic, preserved as if in a time warp in an ever-shrinking social world that ended with her death this week aged
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Aug 3, 2010 - 美国104岁亿万富婆宁住普通病房任其豪宅空置. ... 年轻时她过着挥金如土的奢华生活,然而为情所伤后性情大变,从此淡出社交界过起隐居生活全美最神秘富婆隱居80年後去世
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