Christian Leopold von Buch男爵 (冯• 布赫,1774--1853)
19世纪上半叶德国卓越的地质古生物学家Christian Leopold von Buch男爵 (冯• 布赫, 1774--1853)于1774年出生于富裕的贵族家庭。
Christian Leopold von Buch和著名地理学家Alexander von Humboldt (洪堡, 1769--1859)是同学及好友,他们都是德国现代地质学奠基人、水成论学派(Neptunist school of geology)宗师-- Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749 --1817)的学生。青年时代的冯• 布赫一直追随着他的老师Abraham Gottlob Werner,笃信水成论。
1796年,冯• 布赫谋到一份公职,担任矿业检查官。不久,他辞掉该工作,致力于科学研究。正是殷实的家庭经济条件为冯• 布赫的任性创造了有利条件。
1798年,冯• 布赫到意大利进行科学考察,开始怀疑和动摇对水成论的信念。从此,冯• 布赫开展了半个多世纪的不间断的野外地质调查,为他的科学研究奠定了基础。
冯• 布赫的研究领域很广,涉及到火山学、古生物学和地层学等。1839年,冯• 布赫建立了侏罗系(Jurassic System)。
冯• 布赫的代表性论著有:
Mineralogische Beschreibung der Karlsbader Gegend (1792)
Beobachtungen über denKreuzstein (Leipzig, 1794)
Versuch einermineralogischen Beschreibung von Landeck (Breslau, 1797)
Considérations sur le granite (1799)
Mémoire sur la formation de la leucite(1801)
GeognostischeBeobachtungen auf Reisen durch Deutschland und Italien, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1802–1809)
Reise nach Norwegen undLappland (Berlin, 1810)
PhysikalischeBeschreibung der Canarischen Inseln (Berlin, 1825)
Geological Map of Germany (42 sheets) (Berlin, 1832)
“Ueber Granit und Gneiss,” in Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Berlin,1844)
1818年,冯• 布赫当选为德国科学院院士(German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina);1825年当选为瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士;1828年当选为英国皇家学会外籍院士;1849年当选为美国人文与科学院外籍名誉院士。
1853年,冯• 布赫在柏林逝世,享年79岁。
Brief chronology of German naturalist, geologist and geographer--Baron Christian Leopold von Buch (1774--1853)
--1774: Born in Stolpe of Angermünde,Germany; and he was a member of an ancient and noble Prussian family;
--1789: Studied mineralogy and chemistry for a semester in Berlin for the requirement of admission to the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg [ the Bergakademie, the school of mining at Freiberg];
--1790—1793: Studied at the mining school of Freiberg under the guidance of German geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749 --1817), who was the father of German geology and leader of the Neptunist school of geology (the theory of the origin of rocks);
--1791: [Alexander von Humboldt (洪堡, 1769--1859), who was born in a prominent Pomeranian family, studied geology under Abraham Gottlob Werner at Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, and Humboldt and Christian Leopold von Buch were fellow students and became lifelong friends;]
--1792: Published Mineralogische Beschreibung der Karlsbader Gegend;
--1794: Published Beobachtungen über den Kreuzstein (Leipzig, 1794);
-- Buch Conducted trainings in law and government (and incidentally mineralogy) at the universities of Halle and Göttingen for one year;
--1796: Buch began civil service as an inspector of mines, and was commissioned to make a geological survey of Silesia;
--1797: Published Versuch einer mineralogischen Beschreibung von Landeck (Breslau, 1797);
--1798:Buch made geological excursions into Italy;
--1799:Buch saw Vesuvius forthe first time and published Considérations sur le granite (1799);
--1801:Published Mémoire sur la formation de laleucite(1801);
--1802: Buch made geologicalfield trips to the Auvergne volcanoes in the southern France;
--1802—1809:Published Geognostische Beobachtungen auf Reisen durch Deutschland und Italien, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1802–1809);
--1805: Buch witnessed the actual eruption of Vesuvius together with Alexandervon Humboldt and Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778--1850);
--1806: Buch began to make explorations to Scandinavian regions;
--1810: Published Reise nach Norwegen und Lappland (Berlin, 1810);
--1815: Buch made field trips to Canary Islands together with Christen Smith (1785--1816), a Norwegian botanist;
--1818: Elected to the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina;
--1825: Elected to the foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy ofSciences;
--1825: Published Physikalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln (Berlin, 1825);
--1828: Elected to the foreign member of the Royal Society of London;
--1842: Received the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society of London;
--1844: Published “Ueber Granit und Gneiss,” in Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Berlin,1844);
--1849: Elected to the foreign honorary member (FHM) of American Academy of Arts and Sciences;
--1853: Buch died in Berlin age of 79.
Qigao Sun (孙启高):
Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.501) [The 502nd issue in total]
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《德国古植物学之伞》Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (25)
German geologist and palaeontologist Baron Christian Leopold von Buch(1774--1853)
任性且卓越:德国贵族地质古生物家Baron Christian Leopold von Buch (1774--1853)
October 9, 2016
German naturalist Christian Leopold von Buch (1774--1853)
Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749 --1817), who was the father of German geology and leader of the Neptunist School of geology
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2016-9-7 05:33
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