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已有 6992 次阅读 2018-10-13 22:37 |个人分类:潘学峰诗选|系统分类:诗词雅集

Love is the sole drive of life


If you think of the reasons why you are still alive 
And what makes you live so eagerly, bravely and gracefully
You would say without delay that love, it is Love
That made all of these happen to you, as being really
A "you" so real  viewed and so peacefully due

I value the love assigned to me, and also the love assigned to you
I am happy to know that you loved so real, and you accepted so true
I am also extremely pleased that love assigned to each hand
At every moment of time  are so vivid, so real and so equal


Copyright © Xuefeng Pan | Year Posted 2018


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