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已有 4487 次阅读 2016-8-5 10:52 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦| 森林疗法, 指导手册



        森林就是医生(The Forest is the Therapist)。以森林环境作为治疗多种慢性病,协助患者康复,消除疲劳、缓解紧张情绪、舒缓精神压力、抑制病情发展,修复亚健康状态正在成为生态保健旅游产业中的发展新趋势,以美国为例,

M.阿莫斯·克利弗德M. Amos Clifford)2012年创立了天然与森林疗法指导与规划协会(The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs,ANFTGP) ,他是将日本的森林浴(Shinrin-Yoku)与他自己40余年与自然接触的野外指导、心理治疗等经验结合在一起,创建了森林疗法(Forest Therapy)框架。斯凯·玛丽亚·比滕赫伊斯(Sky Maria Buitenhuis)是2013年加入ANFTGP,参与指导与大自然森林环境的接触,达到治病发病之目的。M.阿莫斯·克利弗德和斯凯·丽亚·比滕赫伊斯合作,编撰了《治疗疗法指导手册》(M. Amos Clifford,Sky Maria Buitenhuis. Guide’s Handbook of Forest Therapy. Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs,2016. http://www.nftg.org)。此手册不仅对于森林疗法指导者有参考价值,对于参与森林疗养者同样具有参考价值。

许培扬老师的森林疗法国际研究重大成果分析报告 1970-2016”更值得一读。


The Qinling Mountains are an important traditional Chinese medicine area in China. They serve as an important medicinal plant resource. Taibai Mountain, also known as “Herbal Kingdom” and “Natural Botanical Garden of Asia”, is the highest peak of the Qinling Mountains, with the altitude of 3767.2 m. Due to the special environment, there are many unique medical plants growing in this area [5].

【5】 Ma, N.X. Taibai Mountain the Peak of Qinling Mountains; Shaanxi Science and Technology Press: Xi'an, China,1982.

Nature Improves Mood and Cognition in  Depressive Patients

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Specific Populations

Nature and Engaging Diverse Youth

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Children and Nature Deficit Disorder 2009

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Warriors Walking Off the War

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Office Workers More Relaxed When Viewing  Rose Flowers

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Going Deeper

Working with Oneness Invoking the World  Soul

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Research Articles (Mostly from Japan)

Nature Therapy and Preventative Medicine

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Differences in Response to Forest Therapy  Type A and Type B

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Salivary Cortisol and Cerebral Activity  as Indicators of Effects

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Physiological Effects of One Urban Forest

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Trends in Shinrin-Yoku Research

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Acute Effects of Walking in the Forest_  European Journal Applied Physiology 2011

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Physiological Effects of Shinrin-Yoku  Cortisol 2007


Physiological Effects of Forest  Environments on Healthy Adults

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Wood Essential Oils and Immune  Functioning

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Relationship Between Forest Coverage and  Mortality Rate

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Forest Bathing Trip and Anti-Cancer  Response in Females 2008

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Forest Therapy and Cardiovascular  Relaxation in Young Adults

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US Research and Research Syntheses

Annotated Bibliography_ Children and  Nature Network 2011

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The Restorative Environment_ Nature and  the Human Experience_ Kaplan 1992

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Green Perspectives on Public Health_ A  Narrative Review of the Physiological Effects of Outdoor Nature

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Cultural Perspectives

Large Scale UK Study Examining Group  Walks in Nature and Multiple Aspects of Well-Being

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Contact with Nature as an Upscale Health  Promotion Intervention for Populations (Australia)

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Beyond Blue to Green_ Benefits of Contact  with Nature for Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being (Australia)

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Friluftsliv -- Scandinavian Philosophy of  Outdoor Life


Friluftsliv and Trans-modern Society_  Hans Gelter (Scandinavia)


Shinrin-Yoku in Ireland_ Bardsinthewoods.com

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Physiological Benefits of Greenspace 2007  UK

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Nature Walking for Well-Being (England)

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Nature Garden Therapy and Stress Related  Illness (Denmark)

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Popular Press | Major Magazine Articles

Oprah Magazine June 2014

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Atlantic Magazine March 2013_ How Nature  Resets Our Minds and Bodies

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Your Brain on Nature_ Mother Earth News  January 2013

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Outside Magazine 2012_ Take Two Hours of  Pine Forest and Call Me in the Morning

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Architecture, Design, Economics

The Economics of Biophilia_ Bright Green  2012

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1 许培扬

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