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已有 5385 次阅读 2014-1-27 21:35 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:海外观察| 西红柿, 花青素, 基因改造



Professor Cathie Martin


The new tomatoes could improve the nutritional value of everyday foods

(CC By 2.0)  By introducing a gene from the snapdragon, genetic engineers have imbued the tomato with the healing cancer-fighting power of compounds nature placed in less popular (and more expensive) fruits, such as blackberries and cranberries. Note: This photograph illustrates the concept of a purple tomato.

Purple GMO Tomatoes 'Healthier' Than Nature, Coming Soon To Grocery Shelves In Canada, UK

   通过基因改造可以使西红柿的颜色发生改变,提高营养价值,如英国约翰英内斯研究中心的卡西·马丁(Cathie Martin教授等人,他们先从金鱼草中提取基因植入一批西红柿,将它们培植成能自动制造花青素的新型紫西红柿。紫色西红柿可以还有在蓝莓(blueberries)和蔓越橘(cranberries)中含有的花青素类物质anthocyanins),花青素有消炎和抗癌作用,并能预防II型糖尿病。关于基因改造西红柿的相关信息(主要来自《GO Compass网站)摘录如下,供大家参考。

Cathie Martin, Metabolic Biology - John Innes Centre

Cathie Martin Profile


Genetically  Modified Tomatoes

...  and Vegetables Tomatoes The tomato has been a symbol for  genetically modified food for many years. In 1994, genetically modified tomatoes  hit the market in the US as the first commercially ...



Purple  GM tomatoes could fight cancer and increase lifespan

...  GM tomatoes could fight cancer and increase lifespan (October 30, 2008)  A genetically modified purple tomato has been created, that in a  pilot test significantly extended the lifespan of ...



Delayed  Maturity

...  goal for fruits and vegetables Many fruits like tomatoes, melons, and  bananas are usually harvested before ripening. The firmness of unripe fruit  facilitates mechanical harvesting and ...
 (Glossary entry)




...  bananas are parthenocarpic. Genetic engineering has been used to create  seedless varieties of tomato, strawberry, raspberry, and ...
 (Glossary entry)



Portugal  - Field Trials with GMOs

...  PlantsGMO field trials have been conducted on the following crops in  Portugal: maize 18 potato 4 tomato 2 tasmanian blue gum 1 Novel  traitsGMO field trials in Portugal were set up to examine: ...



Spain  - Field Trials with GMOs

...  plants that have undergone the most field tests: maize 218 cotton 51 beet 30  rice 26 potato 18 tomato 16 Novel traitsGMO field trials in Spain  were set up to examine:mainly insect resistance and ...



Italy  - Field Trials with GMOs

...  of other GMOs 16 Total 295 PlantsThe plants that have undergone the most  field tests: maize 98 tomato 48 beet 42 marigold 17 chicory 16 eggplant  10 Novel traitsGMO field trials in Italy were set ...



Plants  with Altered Composition

...  an allergy). Higher levels of beneficial antioxidant compounds (e. g.  lycopene, flavinols found in tomato) to prevent cardiovascular diseases  and certain forms of cancer. Fruits with longer ...



Greece  - Field Trials with GMOs

...  been conducted on the following crops in Greece: cotton 10 1997-1999 maize 6  1997-1999 beet 2 1999 tomato 1 1997 Novel traitsGMO field trials in  Greece were set up mainly to examine herbicide ...



Summary  of GMO Field Trials in the EU by Year, Crop, Trait

...  have undergone the greatest number of field trials: maize 772 rapeseed 379  beet 304 potato 277 tomato 75 cotton 62 chicory 48 tobacco 59 rice  35 wheat 34 Novel traits conferred by genetic ...



Do  GMOs mean more allergies?

...  assessed prior to its approval. Rather than containing a new protein, the  transgenic „FlavrSavr“ tomato has a deactivated gene. Concerns  about allergenicity are irrelevant. (The tomato is no ...



Labelling  in Restaurants and Canteens

...  consumer in such a facility also must be labelled. For example: If a  cafeteria operator buys GM tomatoes and offers them unprocessed as raw  food, labelling is mandatory. However, if these GM ...



Field  trials and commercial cultivation in Spain

...  plum, poplar, potato, soybean, squash, strawberry, sugar beet, sunflower,  sweet orange, tobacco, tomato and wheat (Source: JRC). A database  of all field trials registered in the EU can be accessed ...



Field  trials and commercial cultivation in the Netherlands

...  included tests on GM potato, sugar beet, rutabaga, cabbage, carrot, maize,  rapeseed, chicory, tomato, chrysanthemum, sunflower, carnation, violet,  and apple. After 2000, however, the number of ...



GMO  Labelling: These Products Must Be Labelled

...  labelled with regard to applications in genetic engineering. Labelling:GM  sweetcornLabelling: GM tomatoes Food which is a genetically modified  organism (GMO) or which consists of GMOs. GMOs can be ...



Germany:  GM labelling rules are generally obeyed

...  products were also randomly tested for traces of unapproved GMOs. In the case  of papaya, squash, tomatoand potato products the findings were negative,  i. e. no traces of unauthorised GMOs were ...



China  plans to invest in GM crops R&D and consumer education

...  cotton was the first to become commercialised back in 1997, followed by  petunia the same year, and tomato and sweet pepper in 1998. The  government then moved cautiously, granting only two further ...



Evaluation  the Safety of GM Food: A Major Undertaking

...  authorities. In recent years, biotech companies have tested their transgenic  products (maize, soy, tomato) before introducing them to the market on  several different animals over the course of up to ...



Global  GM Planting 2009

...  M, C Argentina 21. 3 S, M, C India 8. 4 C Canada 8. 2 R, M, S, SB China 3. 7  C, poplar, papayas, tomato, sweet pepper, petunia Paraguay 2. 2 S South  Arfica 2. 1 M, S, C Uruguay 0. 8 S, M Bolivia ...



Labelling  of GM Foods: Frequently Asked Questions

...  organism (GMO), it must be labelled – make no doubt about it. For example: If  genetically modified tomatoes (Flavr Savrtomato) or genetically modified  corn on the cob make it to our product ...



Genetically  Modified Fruits and Vegetables in the EU

...  and vegetables are still quite a long way from commercial use in the EU.  Genetically modified tomatoes: Nowhere to be foundMany consumers think  genetically modified tomatoes are lurking in ...



Overview:  Foods, Genetic Engineering, and Labelling

...  mean genetic engineering doesn't play a role in the production of the food we  eat each day. Tomatoes, Potatoes, Apples . . . Genetically modified  fruits and vegetables GM products on the ...



Stress  resistance

...  induced drought, these traits are considered crucial ways of securing the  world's food supply. Tomatoes have been genetically engineered enabling  them to grow in salty water. These tomatoes take ...



Chinese  GMO expedited by high food prices

...  of Chinese cotton fields, genetically modified strains are grown. Likewise,  GM petunias, tomatoes, sweet peppers, papayas and poplars have been  approved and display a variety of advantages ...



Cuba:  Going for green gene technology

...  have also been working intensively on developing genetically modified  soybeans, potatoes and tomatoes. By doing more agricultural research,  Cuba hopes to free itself of agricultural imports. ...



Regional  differences in gene technology policy lead to problems

...  be market-ready by 2015. In the case of other domesticated plants such as  wheat, apples, rice or tomatoes, the development of new varieties with  modified product quality or agronomic traits is ...



Biotech  in fruit and vegetables: a lot of research, few approval

...  more elaborate and demanding in the pastyears. Approvals for GM fruits and  vegetables – such as tomatoes – mostly liemore than ten years in the  past and new applications have not been submitted. ...




... most common and  best known is beta-carotene, a yellow vegetable dye found in carrots, peppers  and tomatoes. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in humans and is  therefore also called provitamin ...
 (Glossary entry)




...  foods like yeast extract. Biogenous amines are also found in foods like  chocolate, avocado, and tomatoes. Salicylic acid blocks fermentation and  rotting in various fruits and is also present in ...
 (Glossary entry)




...  information (protoplast fusion). Oftentimes, cells of different species can  be fused, e. g. tomatoes and potatoes. However, it is rarely possible to  regenerate entire plants from such ...
 (Glossary entry)



Somaclonal  Variation

...  often accompanied by undesirable mutations. Varieties developed by somaclonal  variation exist for tomatoes, potatoes, sugar cane and others.  Somaclonal variation can potentially occur when plants ...
 (Glossary entry)



Agrobacterium  tumefaciens

...  used and reliable method. It works especially well for dicotelydenous plants  like potatoes, tomatoes, and tobacco. Agrobacteria are less suitable for  introducing foreign genes to crops like ...
 (Glossary entry)


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