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已有 5005 次阅读 2013-4-26 15:49 |个人分类:科技期刊研究|系统分类:博客资讯| 期刊, Chinese, China, 排名, 莱顿大学



       莱顿大学排名过程中,将某些期刊虽然也是Web of Science数据库收录但是却被排除在统计期刊源之外。被称其为“特殊类型的期刊”。如果它满足至少有下列两个条件中的一条,即可认定为特殊类型期刊。

杂志并非以英文出版或者以英文发表论文但是作者都集中在一个或几个国家,表明该杂志不具备很强的国际性。杂志只有少量的引用科学网(Web of Science)数据库中的其他期刊,依据引文交流量表明该杂志与科学网(Web of Science)数据库中的其他期刊连接很弱。许多人文学科期刊就属于这种情况,但是也有些专业期刊和通俗期刊也属于这种情况。莱顿排名提供了在计算各项指标的过程中,不包括在特殊类型期刊发表的论文。MNCS PP(top 10%)指标明显变得更准确,因为其排除了在特殊类型的期刊上发表的论文。被认定的特殊类型的期刊列表可以从此(here)获得。下面是部分涉及中国、China或者Chinese的一些期刊:

agricultural sciences in china

applied mathematics-a journal of chinese universities series b

chemical journal of chinese universities-chinese
       chemical research in chinese universities

china communications
china foundry
china ocean engineering
china petroleum processing & petrochemical technology
china-an international journal
chinese astronomy and astrophysics
chinese chemical letters
chinese education and society
chinese geographical science
chinese journal of aeronautics
chinese journal of analytical chemistry
chinese journal of cancer research
chinese journal of catalysis
chinese journal of chemical physics
chinese journal of chemistry
chinese journal of electronics
chinese journal of geophysics-chinese edition
chinese journal of inorganic chemistry
chinese journal of integrative medicine
chinese journal of international law
chinese journal of mechanical engineering
chinese journal of natural medicines
chinese journal of oceanology and limnology
chinese journal of organic chemistry
chinese journal of physiology
chinese journal of polymer science
chinese journal of structural chemistry
chinese law and government
chinese optics letters
chinese physics
chinese physics b
chinese physics c
chinese physics letters
chinese science bulletin
chinese sociology and anthropology
chinese studies in history

contemporary chinese thought

frontiers of computer science in china
      frontiers of mathematics in china

high energy physics and nuclear physics-chinese edition

journal of central south university
journal of central south university of technology
journal of china university of geosciences
journal of chinese linguistics
journal of chinese philosophy

journal of ocean university of china

journal of the chinese chemical society
journal of the chinese institute of chemical engineers
journal of the chinese institute of engineers
journal of the chinese medical association
journal of the chinese society of mechanical engineers

journal of traditional chinese medicine
journal of university of science and technology beijing

late imperial china

logos & pneuma-chinese journal of theology

modern chinese literature and culture

science china-chemistry
science china-earth sciences
science china-information sciences
science china-life sciences
science china-mathematics
science china-physics mechanics & astronomy
science china-technological sciences
science in china series a-mathematics
science in china series b-chemistry
science in china series d-earth sciences
science in china series e-engineering & materials science
science in china series e-technological sciences
science in china series f-information sciences
science in china series g-physics mechanics & astronomy

transactions of nonferrous metals society of china


上一篇:荷兰Leiden大学排名top 100,中国入选4所,南开53,湖南大学55
收藏 IP: 61.134.23.*| 热度|

1 武夷山

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