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已有 8258 次阅读 2012-6-25 16:34 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯| 上海药物所, 生物分析青年科学家奖, 提名候选者

    2012年生物分析青年科学家奖(Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award 2012)提名工作目前正在进行,《生物分析》(Bioanalysis)近期将陆续刊登被提名和推荐的参选者,既有推荐者的推荐信,也有被推荐者就个人研究背景、意义、应用前景等问题的回答。但是并非每一位被推荐者最终都能够成为获奖者,最后到底花落谁家,年末经过专家评审之后才有分晓。最终公布的获奖者将会得到1000美元奖金,同时邀请参加颁奖仪式,往返机票有沃特斯(Waters)提供。
    据《生物分析》(Bioanalysis,2012,4(9):997–998.)杂志2012年5月报道,中国科学院上海药物研究所邓泮(PAN DENG音译)荣获2012年生物分析青年科学家奖提名。
    邓泮2001年考入沈阳药科大学药学院本、硕、博连读基地班,本科毕业实习以及硕士研究生学习一直在钟大放教授的实验室完成。2008年从沈阳药科大学获得硕士学位后,同年考入中国科学院上海药物研究所的博士研究生,2011年获得博士学位后,继续留在钟大放、陈笑艳课题组进行工作。她的研究项目包括开发LC–MS/MS方法进行小型和大型分子的定量化分析,支持药物的药代动力学研究。开发敏感LC–MS/MS方法测量各种化合物,尤其是极性化合物方面积累了一些经验,并发表了若干篇研究论文和评论性文章。作为她博士学位论文项目的一部分,她还利用UPLC-Q/TOF MS来研究药物代谢。她在药物代谢方面的研究导致发现了新的代谢产物,揭开了几个新药物候选者代谢途径的面纱。她目前正在将她的研究扩展到药物毒性领域。详细报道请浏览:
   在《生物分析》杂志2012年5月同期报道的2012年生物分析青年科学家奖提名的还有美国Integrated BioTherapeuticsSathyadevi Venkataramani博士,以及《生物分析》(
Bioanalysis,June 2012, Vol. 4, No. 11, Pages 1283-1294 , DOI 10.4155/bio.12.95)报道的
埃及扎加齐克大学药学院分析化学系(Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University)的Omnia Ismaiel,她目前在美国PPD(Pharmaceutical Product Development)色谱科学室作博士后研究。
还有新西兰奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland)的Raphael Bastos Mareschi Aggio博士。
美国Integrated BioTherapeuticsSathyadevi Venkataramani博士

It is with great pleasure that I am writing to recommend Sathyadevi Venkataramani who works as a Scientist in Integrated BioTherapeutics (IBT). Sathya did her graduate research work at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) where she focused on using various bioanalytical tools to characterize the stability of repeat proteins that are emerging as excellent alternatives to antibody therapy. She successfully published her research findings in journals including Protein Science, Biochemistry and Current Microbiology. As a postdoctoral associate at Stanford University (CA, USA) and as a Scientist in Solus Biosystems (CA, USA), she thoroughly investigated the applications of spectroscopy and chromatography for characterizing the stability of monoclonal antibodies and other therapeutic proteins. Being the first author in all her publications and corresponding author of her last few highlights her highly competent skills (both writing and oral), enthusiasm, research motivation, hard work, scientific capabilities, innovative thinking and the terrific passion in implementing those. I am very impressed that she is serving as an ad-hoc peer reviewer for journals such as Molecular Biology Reports, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists PharmSciTech, Research and Reports in Biochemistry and as a Faculty of Biochemistry for Webmed Central. Currently she is leading the protein chemistry group in Integrated BioTherapeutics, Inc. (IBT) and is already in possession of a couple of manuscripts and patents from IBT. Her expertise and unquenchable enthusiasm in the bioanalysis field have tremendously helped to improve the quality and quantity of proteins in IBT. It is a very commendable idea of Bioanalysis to appreciate and recognize the young rising stars of the scientific world and I am very excited and honored to recommend Sathya among those for the year 2012.

埃及扎加齐克大学药学院分析化学系(Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University)的Omnia Ismaiel.

Omnia Ismaiel began working with PPD in 2008 as a postdoctoral fellow and became a full-time research scientist in early 2011. She has extensively studied matrix effects in LC–ESI-MS/MS bioanalysis, evaluating a broad spectrum of matrix lipid compound classes and their relative ion suppression interference effects. Over the past 2 years, Omnia’s research has focused on solid-phase microextraction and 2D UPLC separation techniques for analyzing peptides by LC–MS/MS. As part of this work, she assisted engineers from Waters Corporation in designing and testing a prototype Acquity UPLC® instrument with 2D technology that is now on the market. More recently, Omnia has contributed major work to our program on developing advanced LC–MS/MS assays for multiple β-amyloid biomarker peptides in CSF, intended to aid in the diagnosis and development of drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease. This work is now reaching a major milestone of formal method validations for three assays, one of which involves close collaboration with the international Global Biomarker Standardization Consortium of the Alzheimer’s Association. This work has been very challenging, but also exciting and rewarding for Omnia. She is a highly productive research scientist and very deserving of recognition as a prominent young bioanalytical investigator and nominee of the Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award.

新西兰奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland)的Raphael Bastos Mareschi Aggio博士。
Raphael Aggio is about to complete his PhD studies in the next few months and already has seven published works in the field of metabolomics. Raphael has been my best PhD student so far, he is hard working and dedicated with a very creative mind. Raphael is one of those few hybrid professionals capable of working in two or more fields very comfortably (e.g., biology, chemistry, mathematics and informatics). Owing to his exceptional performance as a young investigator and PhD student, and the success of his brilliantly created, very powerful bioinformatics tools for assisting the analysis and interpretation of metabolomics data – the impact of this in the field of metabolomics evident by the numerous contacts received from different research groups around the world enquiring about the methods – I highly recommend Raphael for the Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award.


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